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she is so beautiful......polish girl

29 Mar 2007 /  #1
i love polish girls,
the first time i met a polish girl was 1 year ago, sould be April 17th. in chinese canton-fair, she came with her father,,,she is really beautiful,big eyes,white and soft face,after met her,,,i always searching for a girl like her in internet,,,,,

she is my dreams,,,or maight be all polisg girls are my dreams,i want to be poland, hope one girl could love me,,to be my girl...
Grzegorz_ 51 | 6139  
29 Mar 2007 /  #2
i want to be poland

I'm sorry.
Michal - | 1865  
29 Mar 2007 /  #3
When you gey to know Polish girls better you will learn that they have dreadful tempers too. Not everything is gold.
olcia9 - | 5  
1 Apr 2007 /  #5
i don't agree :) i live in Poland and there aren't much polish girls with dreadful temper
RazZ 1 | 180  
1 Apr 2007 /  #6
:)my Ex girlfriend was a gangsta type. she wont take sh!t from no one and her temper was really scary. she was polish
EmerMo 1 | 8  
1 Apr 2007 /  #7
Just how 'dreadful' are these dreadful tempers...?
1 Apr 2007 /  #8
most women have dreadful temper's
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
1 Apr 2007 /  #9
geez... dont let my woman hear you say that...
daffy 22 | 1153  
1 Apr 2007 /  #10
hehe, she would then unleash the temper? :)

im lucky, my GF is a freaking saint!!!
BubbaWoo 33 | 3503  
1 Apr 2007 /  #11
mine brings me bottles of beer and bowls of ice cream - cant ask for much more really :)
serpico 3 | 19  
1 Apr 2007 /  #12
When you gey to know Polish girls better you will learn that they have dreadful tempers too

whilst this is a generalisation, there is some truth to what you say..
I met a middle aged english guy who had found a young hot sexy polish girl from the internet, and they just got married.. his hand was bandaged... the guy was crying his eyes out; his new bride has such a temper she hits him nearly every day!!... mind you if it was me, i would have accepted it, coz his bird was so beautiful she's probably worth the pain!!
1 Apr 2007 /  #13
Patrycja19 62 | 2683  
1 Apr 2007 /  #14
whilst this is a generalisation, there is some truth to what you say.

now this is science fiction at its best..............
1 Apr 2007 /  #15
my Ex girlfriend was a gangsta type. she wont take sh!t from no one and her temper was really scary.

Are you sure she wasn't Puertorican, fits the bill.
2 Apr 2007 /  #17
Are you sure she wasn't Puertorican, fits the bill.

why you mention to puertoriqueĊ„as? I can say that the Latin women have the heat and the passion that the Polish women do not have it,obviously it is not possible to generalize like you do it.

Perhaps you have a bad experience that to be provided to us with the puertorican girls.

pa pa . little friend
2 Apr 2007 /  #18
I thought you had left for good...

Like Agent Smith from The Matrix, once I gained awareness I felt compelled to stay, LOL.

the Latin women have the heat and the passion that the Polish women do not have it

Yes they have so much passion that if you betray a boricua they will cut you up especially a New York puertorican chica. They are very obssessive. They fight alot. They are loud and obnoxious. I like them though. The good traits are that they are simple, honest about their feelings, friendly, non-materialistic.
2 Apr 2007 /  #19
my last Polish gf was a bit of a b!tch....

for example- we were eating outside of this cafe, and she had her stupid little yorkie on her lap, and was feeding it some bits of food. When we were getting ready to leave, she went to clean up some of the scraps that fell on the ground. She was sitting on my left. I leaned over to get some bits of bread, and she said in a totally b!tchy tone "leave them...i'll get it." WTF?? i was merely trying to help. so i left them.

further example- we were in her car, and the dog was in the back seat and kept wanting to come to the front and she didn't want the dog to come to the front. So as she was driving... i put my left hand between the seats to prevent the dog from coming to the front. She said "don't hurt her by putting your hand there. She has to know to stay in the back seat." WTF?? how can i hurt her dog by putting my hand in front of it to create a barrier??

another further example- we were driving in her car, and the outside temp was about 12-15'c and i opened the window 10 cm or so. she shrieked at me to close the window as it was going to cause her ear pain, because it was too cold. What a princess. :)

She was messed up.
She was gorgeous.

sometimes the wrapping doesn't justify the gift.

I'm so happy that it didn't work out. To lower your standards just because someone has a great body, is beautiful, good in the sack, is not really worth it in the long run. (One night stands not included.)
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #20
you should have skinned the dog and made it into ear muffs for her
2 Apr 2007 /  #21
Why punish the dog - they are nice:)
RazZ 1 | 180  
2 Apr 2007 /  #22
animal Cruelty. animal Cruelty. i'll sue you:) :)
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #23
I love animals really.. how about Miranda's rabbit instead? sorry, Im in a daft mood today.
RazZ 1 | 180  
2 Apr 2007 /  #24
well actually rabbit do taste good. what do you say, are up up for a BBQ?
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #25
sounds good, rabbit stew and roast potatoes.. but nobody mention fox hunting else Im outta here.
2 Apr 2007 /  #26
daft mood only today? ha, ha......why take it on the rabbit?:) :) :)


dream on boy..........
RazZ 1 | 180  
2 Apr 2007 /  #27
i really can feel the taste of rabbit now. :)
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #28
that left back leg is especially tasty
RazZ 1 | 180  
2 Apr 2007 /  #29
:)my mouth is watery. im definetly going to have a rabbit for dinner.
sapphire 22 | 1241  
2 Apr 2007 /  #30
do they eat rabbits in Dubai?

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