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Are Poles workaholics?

jon357 73 | 22653
30 Jan 2024 #61
Is that what what said?
mafketis 37 | 10789
30 Jan 2024 #62
Is what what what said?
OP Alien 22 | 5225
30 Jan 2024 #65
Maybe it's about reactors for a future nuclear power plant.
jon357 73 | 22653
30 Jan 2024 #66
future nuclear

As I understand it, they've been ordered from Westinghouse.

I'm pretty sure that Westinghouse aren't Aussie.
Bobko 25 | 2077
30 Jan 2024 #67
they've been ordered from Westinghouse.

Ukraine's Minister of Energy proudly announced last week, that starting THIS YEAR, they will begin construction of what will be Europe's largest nuclear power plant - in partnership with Westinghouse. This will be an expansion of the Khmelnitsky NPP, which currently has two working blocs.

Currently, the largest nuclear power plant in Europe is the Zaporozhye NPP, but unfortunately that is now outside of Ukrainian control.

I'm amazed at the audacity of this Ukrainian minister. God bless him, and good luck.
johnny reb 47 | 7286
30 Jan 2024 #68
Is that what what said?

Is what this said, jon.
Australian exports of machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers to Poland was $8.3 million during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on International trade.
Australian exports of machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers to Poland - data, historical chart and statistics was last updated on January of this year. (2024)

Oh.... what?

You are a product of inbreeding from Georgia U.S.A. Maf.
jon357 73 | 22653
30 Jan 2024 #69
nuclear reactors

You'll need to be more specific.

What reactors? Sold by whom? For what?
jon357 73 | 22653
30 Jan 2024 #70
Too late to edit.

"Machinery, Nuclear reactors, Boilers" is a very broad statistical category.

Did you think they were exporting everything contained in that category?
jon357 73 | 22653
31 Jan 2024 #72
So tell us more about your claims, like some specifics. Or stop trolling about serious things.
johnny reb 47 | 7286
31 Jan 2024 #73
Are you saying that your claims are contrary to what the Comtrade data base said ?
And who are you to tell me what to do ?
Who elected you class president ?
jon357 73 | 22653
31 Jan 2024 #74
your claims

Get a grip on yourself.

contrary to what the Comtrade data base said ?

It didn't say that. If you think otherwise, provide some details. We would all be interested.

Who elected you class president ?

The QAnon Shaman with the furry hat and the bone through his nose.
mafketis 37 | 10789
31 Jan 2024 #75
a product of inbreeding from Georgia U.S.A

I've _never_ been so insulted!!!!!!

from...... Georgia?????

I am not a dirt eating redneck!
johnny reb 47 | 7286
31 Jan 2024 #76
It didn't say that.

I know, I did.

Australian exports of machinery, nuclear reactors, boilers to Poland was $8.3 million during 2022, according to the United Nations COMTRADE database on International trade.

Argue with them, I am just quoting them.

I am not a dirt eating redneck!

Are now claiming that you have never lived in Georgia ?
jon357 73 | 22653
31 Jan 2024 #77
I am just quoting them

You're quoting a statistical category.

In the category "bird feathers, arctic animal hides, bone" does that mean that they also export seal skins and narwhal tusks?

Quit your trolling; it's only half funny.
OP Alien 22 | 5225
31 Jan 2024 #78
from...... Georgia?????

I am not a dirt eating redneck!

Is Georgia such a crappy place?
jon357 73 | 22653
31 Jan 2024 #79
I've only heard nice things about Tbilisi.
johnny reb 47 | 7286
31 Jan 2024 #80
You're quoting a statistical category.

And your point is ?
Just answer my question jon and you will answer your dilemma at the same time.

Is Georgia such a crappy place?

It's a lot like Poland.
Torq 7 | 1152
31 Jan 2024 #81
It's a lot like Poland.

Georgia is indeed a lot like Poland. A country of brave people, also suffering from difficult neighbourhood.

jon357 73 | 22653
31 Jan 2024 #82

I remember hearing about a republican woman in I think Florida. When it came on the radio that russia had invaded Georgia, she called a phone-in show to ask if the governor had sent out the Georgia National Guard....

And your point is ?

That Poland doesn't import nuclear reactors from Australia.

Quit trolling. That or learn to do it better.
johnny reb 47 | 7286
31 Jan 2024 #83
That Poland doesn't import nuclear reactors from Australia.

Well why didn't you just say that in the first place, jon.
jon357 73 | 22653
31 Jan 2024 #84
Because the resulting dialogue is amusing.

Anyway, are Poles workaholic?

Some of them, though workaholism is a very bad thing.
Bobko 25 | 2077
31 Jan 2024 #85
I think the very premise of this thread is a joke.

Who ever thought that Poles can be workaholics? Are any Slavs workaholics?

Slavs are capable of titanic feats of labor, in a short spurt, after which much time is needed for rest and reflection.
OP Alien 22 | 5225
31 Jan 2024 #86
after which much time is needed for rest and reflection.

Because they get depressed. But how not to fall into depression, on the one hand there are russians, on the other hand there are Germans.
Bobko 25 | 2077
31 Jan 2024 #87
But how not to fall into depression

To drink, or to fight. Two choices only.

Problem: after drinking or fighting, the depression comes back with twice the force.

The solution? Do not let those veins and capillaries contract.
johnny reb 47 | 7286
31 Jan 2024 #88
Because the resulting dialogue is amusing.

You are known to do that to take a thread off-topic intentionally jon.
OP Alien 22 | 5225
31 Jan 2024 #89
To drink, or to fight

Or alternately.
jon357 73 | 22653
1 Feb 2024 #90
You are known to do that to take a thread off-topic

What's this thread about? I'm

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