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Are Poles workaholics?

OP Alien 22 | 5228
19 Apr 2024 #121
Till 6.10 pm.

If I work on Fridays, I'm home at 5 p.m.
pawian 221 | 24284
19 Apr 2024 #122
I'm home at 5 p.m

Good. Being home at 5 am would be a torture.:):):)
OP Alien 22 | 5228
19 Apr 2024 #123
5 am would be a torture.:):):)

Too early? You'd be just in time for Teleexpress.
pawian 221 | 24284
20 Apr 2024 #124
5 am

I said AM. :):):)
OP Alien 22 | 5228
20 Apr 2024 #125
I fell into the trap that probably all English learners fall into. Of course, I was thinking about 5 p.m. Sorry.
Robin1988 10 | 82
8 May 2024 #126
Poles although never colonized like the west, they are deep rooted traders and business people, they work smart in general
OP Alien 22 | 5228
8 May 2024 #127
they are deep rooted traders and business people,

I don't know if this is entirely true. There are nations that are more enterprising.

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