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NFZ and contributions and a FINE!? Working as a teacher in Poland.

Pushbike  2 | 58
7 May 2012   #1
I've been working here as a teacher for 18 months with umowa o dzielo and a private health insurance policy. I decided I wanted to make NFZ contributions but have told I'll have to pay a fine. I had no idea about this. Is it true?
Looker  - | 1129
12 Nov 2014   #2
Interesting. What kind of fine? They had to give some reasons for this. You shouldn't have to pay any fine during the insurance policy exchange process (as far I know). Although everything is possible when you deal with ZUS..
Monitor  13 | 1810
12 Nov 2014   #3
Yes. It's like that in Germany too. The way to go around it is to get employed for some time. Employers don't pay fine. After being insured as employee you can get insure privately for free.
Bikerjenko  2 | 28
17 Apr 2015   #4
I pay my own health insurance and did not have to pay a fine, I started paying when my NHS cover finished, if you were previously working in the UK you would have been covered by the NHS for a period in Poland.

The period varies depending on your N.I. payments in the UK
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Jan 2021   #5
Is it true?

Yes, it's true. You must pay for periods where you haven't been covered by health insurance if you choose to voluntarily join the NFZ system.
rtfm  1 | 62
14 Jan 2021   #6
That's interesting. What constitutes not being covered though? I have a policy for emergencies which covers my statutory minimum health insurance requirements while my nfz/s1 saga drags on seemingly indefinitely but I don't get routine health care with it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
14 Jan 2021   #7
What constitutes not being covered though?

Basically, you need to prove to the NFZ that you've been covered under a public or (fully comprehensive private) health insurance system. Your minimum policy isn't enough - it needs to be something equal to what the NFZ offers.
rtfm  1 | 62
14 Jan 2021   #8
ok thanks. I look forward to my fine then lol. Shame you can't just bribe your way through red tape any more.

I'm resisting making jokes about what the NFZ offers though :-)
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
14 Jan 2021   #9
way through red tape .

Get employed in Poland for one month then apply to pay voluntary contributions to NFZ then there is no penalty

I am sure you could find someone to help you with that.
rtfm  1 | 62
14 Jan 2021   #10
I like that idea only I already have a full time job in the UK for which I'm working remotely here in Poland. I can imagine a world of extra fines if I get caught doing dodgy pretend jobs for discount healthcare.

It is somewhat funny though that I am stopped from making voluntary payments by the nfz and then eventually when I can register I will be fined for not paying for the services I wasn't able to use.
Strzelec35  19 | 830
14 Jan 2021   #11
or you can just declare unemployment wnd lie to the unemployment office and theyll give you free health insurance.

"Shame you can't just bribe your way through red tape any more."

are you sur about that? hoShame you can't just bribe your way through red tape any more.mwould you know they wont tak bribes unless you try? if thy will in serbia ukraine and belarus hy wouldnt they in wuch a backward country as poland?
Strzelec35  19 | 830
27 Jan 2022   #12

Lekarz pierwszego kontaktu (POZ) vs lekarz rodzinny. Any difference?

anyone know the difference between these two? Which do I look for if I need someone just to see check ups or want medication or something and either want to do it via medicover or nfz (for free)? vs privately you can just go to anyone right? Also does medicover have its own hospitals or is everyone forced to use the state ones in poland and wait 6 hours and sor and such?

Home / Work / NFZ and contributions and a FINE!? Working as a teacher in Poland.
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