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How can I found job for Hebrew speakers in Poland?

Paulina  17 | 4537
15 Sep 2023   #31
So where in Poland, specifically?

At the University of Warsaw and at the Adam Mickiewicz University in PoznaƄ, for example.

I was interested

It is interesting, especially considering that the guy who's the co-creator of "Fauda" and portrays the main character basically plays himself in a way. He served in the Duvdevan Unit (and his father served in Shayetet 13 and Shin Bet). After his military service he moved to the United States and worked as Arnold Schwarzenegger's bodyguard. After he came back to Israel he enrolled into a drama school.

When he was 19 a Palestinian Arab stabbed his girlfriend to death with a 15-inch knife in Jerusalem.

but the version I found the dialogue in Arabic wasn't translated...

That's weird, because there's a lot of dialogue in Arabic there... I've watched one season on Netflix and there definitely were subtitles for Arabic.
mafketis  38 | 11199
15 Sep 2023   #32
Why not recited, performed, or delivered?

I might say 'conducted'... agree that 'said' is a weird choice....
Alien  25 | 6401
15 Sep 2023   #33
except when we don't like them.

But in such a case, we do not look for a job in this country.
Atch  22 | 4299
16 Sep 2023   #34
Why not recited, performed, or delivered?

I know you're trying to be a smart arse (don't try, you're not clever enough) but it's an interesting question (rhetorical though it's intended to be). It's the kind of discussion we might have had during those long years of daily religion classes in the convent school. 'Sister, why do we use 'to say Mass?' Then, the nun, instead of giving us some pat answer, would ask us to put forward our hypotheses and we'd have a great old chinwag about it.

The really correct term is not 'say' but 'offer'. Mass is a sacrament (basically it's window dressing around the Eucharist, that's the sacrament part) and it's therefore offered. The part of the Mass where the Eucharist is done is actually called the Offertory. If you can go to Mass in Ireland, the priest will always use the term 'offer' when he's reading out the list of forthcoming special Masses. For example: 'Mass will be offered for the fifth anniversary of Mary Murphy on Wednesday 10th March.' or 'Today's Mass is offered for peace in Ukraine'.

But as to the use of said, here's my take. Mass is a form of communal prayer. The congregation participates in it so it's not delivered. It's prayers lead by the priest. But because it's more than just saying prayers and involves readings, a sermon, singing and the offering of the Eucharist, it's not recited either. Performed could be nearer to the mark , because it is more akin to a rite or series of rites than an actual prayer. The Mass is a ritual performed by a priest and congregation together. But of course Mass does not require a congregation. A priest can offer Mass including Communion entirely on his own.
Alien  25 | 6401
16 Sep 2023   #35
Mass is offered f

But what about a Mass that is not for anyone's intention? Is such a Mass also "offered"?
Atch  22 | 4299
16 Sep 2023   #36
Yes it is. But in ordinary speech people use the term 'say Mass' interchangeably with 'offer'. Something I find weird about Mass in Poland is that the bit 'Let us offer each other the sign of peace', they just nod to each other and don't shake hands, well in Warsaw anyway. Maybe it's different in other parts of Poland. In Ireland we always shake hands and we might exchange a few words. Some people will say 'Peace be with you' or if they know each other in a small community they'll say something more personal. Like 'bog off you gobshite' :-))
Alien  25 | 6401
16 Sep 2023   #37
shake hands,

Shaking hands was normal at mass in Germany. Now, unfortunately, after corona, we don't shake hands even at work. Every now and then I refuse an outstretched hand and say "corona".
mafketis  38 | 11199
16 Sep 2023   #38
don't shake hands, well in Warsaw anyway. Maybe it's different in other parts of Poland

I've been to masses in different parts of Poland (for various reasons, I'm not a Catholic or even Christian) and the norm is nodding with maybe a (very) faint smile. If one person offers their hand others will take it but it's not common.

The first time I was in a Catholic church in the US (I'd gone to meet a person after the mass and arrived while it was still going on) a perfect stranger turned to me to shake hands and said 'peace be with you' (or something similar) and I had noooo idea what was going on.....
Lenka  5 | 3543
16 Sep 2023   #39
and the norm is nodding with maybe a (very) faint smile

When I was still attending church most people shook hands. But I attended mass almost only in Silesia
mafketis  38 | 11199
16 Sep 2023   #40
most people shook hands

I was once in a country church near Sandomierz (where people were singing spontaneously before the service began) and it was just head nods....

in Silesia

German influence?
Alien  25 | 6401
16 Sep 2023   #41
But I attended mass almost only in Silesia

People have been shaking hands in Silesia since the 1990s, it probably came from Germany.
Atch  22 | 4299
17 Sep 2023   #42
I had noooo idea what was going on.....

Were you not listening to the priest? 'I leave you peace, my peace I give you, look not on our sins but on the faith of your Church and grant us peace in our day.' blah, blah, 'The peace of the Lord be with you always' Congregation responds 'And also with you' Priest says: 'Let us offer each other the sign of peace'.

Now if I could only remember when I'm supposed to stand, sit or kneel, without watching the row in front, I'd be away in a hack, as the old saying goes :)

I've noticed when attending funerals in Poland, that there aren't many regular Mass goers, even in the older age group because they all look terribly confused about what to do with themselves at the different points in the Mass. In Ireland the priest very kindly spares them such embarrassment by saying 'Now let us kneel and etc. etc. or 'Let us now stand and recite the Apostles' Creed.' Irish priests copped on years ago that a lot of people had forgotten what to do during mass but Polish priests prefer to shame those infidels :))
mafketis  38 | 11199
17 Sep 2023   #43
Were you not listening to the priest?

Not really I was kind of just outside the door waiting for it to end... but it may have been around a holiday (the church was very packed) and it was another person (paying attention) by the door that briskly shook my hand before I could do anything about it (beyond muttering something intelligent like... 'okay...')

As a non-believer when I attend mass as a guest I generally keep my head level with the rest of the people. I stand up when they do (but don't cross myself or say anything) and I sit when they do (and don't kneel I just remain sitting).

I follow the same basic rule when I've been in churches in Malta (where I don't understand anything the priest is saying).
Lyzko  45 | 9751
18 Sep 2023   #44
Correct, Alien!
Germans are known to be great pumpers. A mere casual wave while passing friends or colleagues on the street as is common in the States, even if one isn't in any hurry, still may be looked upon by middle-aged or older people in Germany as just a bit too casual, too "American" LOL
Alien  25 | 6401
18 Sep 2023   #45
Don't be angry, but I don't know which post of mine you just replied to?
Lyzko  45 | 9751
19 Sep 2023   #46
I'm not angry in the least. Ck. out post #41.

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