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Business ideas for Poland

dolnoslask  5 | 2805
20 Oct 2017   #31
I have both graduate and undergraduate business degrees

Are those things of any real use? when it comes to making money nowadays.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
20 Oct 2017   #32
Depends what field. Finance, accounting, logistics, management, international biz yes.
Things like hr PR marketing not as much but you can still land a 70-100k job as a marketing manager or hr coordinator etc. Out of all us millionaires MBA is the second most commonly held degree after engineering (which is used more in an entrepreneurial capacity). Most MBAs make 6 figs in US at corporations. Average starting salary from top schools like Northwestern, the ivies, penm state, u of chicago, etc have starting salaries of 120 130k 150k plus with Stanford leading the pack at over 150k. You can google various schools with keyworss like say 'princeton mba starting salary' and therell be a few mean salaries listed all fairly close to each other. Low to mid 100k are pretty common for consulting and management jobs which about 1/4 to 1/3 of MBAs go into upon graduating. People who go into finance can easily make 200k plus. The record for MBA starting salary last year was 800k (source:, personal experience)


I'm at the tail end of my MBA which is a 1 1/2 -2 year program depending how many classes you take. So yes I don't have my MBA just yet as I have a few classes to finish up.
10 Jan 2018   #33
What do you think about vending machine business? Something like penny press machines?
jon357  72 | 23516
10 Jan 2018   #34
They have them, and they make very little revenue.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
10 Jan 2018   #35
Are those things of any real use? when it comes to making money nowadays

Money makes money nowadays. If you don't have it you can't make it, unless you are the exception to the rule. Education and connections can help to make the first jump, but mind the gap as its getting bigger all the time.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Jan 2018   #36

No one really uses those penny press machines except a few kids whos parents grudgingly give them a few groszy to basically waste. A vending machine business would be okay in parks zoos amusement parks maybe in a train station but they already tend to exist. I could be wrong and perhaps theres some market research on this topic but i havent really seen vending machines used by poles with the type of frequency that they are in us canada or even asia. It tends to usually a last resort for poles for food and drink if no other options are available.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
10 Jan 2018   #37
Poles are quite thrifty with their money. I was speaking to an airline exec recently and he said extras always sells badly on Polish flights. Poles will spend but won't overpay. Any business relying on unatural spending in Poland is going to fail.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Jan 2018   #38
Fact. I was honestly surprised though that an armani outlet failed in wroclaw and it carried the lower priced armani exchange too. Real estate and construction are booming in pl now. Thats where id put my money imo if i were gonna start a business. A lot of optical stores do well too from what ive observed.
cms  9 | 1253
10 Jan 2018   #39
The average Pole spends 100 zloty a month on clothes or shoes - im not sure you could even get a pair of socks for that price in Armani.

The number of high earners outside Warsaw is not enough to sustain designer shops yet - people who have that kind of wealth are not flainting it either at the moment
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
10 Jan 2018   #40
Yea but stores like peek and cloppenburg are just as expensive if not more so....

although ive noticed in polish malls you'll have tons of people but very few of them are holding shopping bags. salamander gets decent business too and their shoes aren't cheap. Although most people appear to just window shop and they'll go through the entire mall and buy just like one quality thing for 100-200 z's... especially shoes I noticed theres more shoe stores than anything else in the malls. Its like the ladies almost assume that people are there just to window shop and then when someone buys like a pair of Versace glasses for like 1k z's they're almost like surprised someone actually bought something. Once you've picked something out they're super helpful but till then they tend to treat customers somewhere between ignoring them and allowing them to look through the store before they actually walk up and ask if they can help you.
spiritus  69 | 643
11 Jan 2018   #41
The number of high earners outside Warsaw is not enough to sustain designer shops yet

I don't have any stats but Gdynia seems to be doing ok with designer shops
Dougpol1  29 | 2497
11 Jan 2018   #42
And we both know why. Russians.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
11 Jan 2018   #43
Are there a lot of Russians in the tricities?
Taxpaying voter
11 Jan 2018   #44
Which foreign country is closest to the Tri-city?

Keep to the topic everyone, please
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
12 Jan 2018   #45
Any business relying on unatural spending in Poland is going to fail.

100% agree. People are very thrifty with their money. They'll examine a million options before they buy some durable good like a washing machine.

There has been a lot of Asian (Chinese, Korean, Indian, Japanese) goods coming into PL that are selling like hot cakes. I've started an import/export business recently and it's starting to pick up. I'm hoping by the time I move to PL and make that my primary home there will be enough orders and repeat business to make this my main job.
18 Feb 2018   #46

Please give me some successful business ideas a foreigner can establish in Poland

I am a foreigner, living in Poland. I want to start a profitable business in Poland. If anyone can suggest me the best business ideas i can start here. my budget is around 35,0000 Zloty. Please fell free to suggest me.

Thanks in advance.
Sparks11  - | 333
18 Feb 2018   #47
checking that comma may give people a better idea of how to advise you :)
O WELL  - | 150
18 Feb 2018   #48
. I want to start a profitable business

That depends what is your background and what interests you(I know money) but whats your heart in?
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Feb 2018   #49
35k zloty or 350k zloty? That's a big difference. There's not much you can do with 35k zloty. I started an import-export business which required very little investment on my part and it's doing pretty good so far. Consulting businesses are also popping up now in Poland.
O WELL  - | 150
18 Feb 2018   #50
no Dirk.there are many aportunities which I will not name here but that is possible for immigrants to achieve in Poland..Dont underestimate,I personally know some immigrants from the east in Poland and cpl Polish who declare 100k pln a month legally and with cash involved i dont know how much.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
18 Feb 2018   #51
there are many aportunities which I will not name here but that is possible for immigrants to achieve in Poland

I'm well aware but 35k zloty is nonetheless a small amount of capital. Unless you're looking to open a kiosk or rent a small space and buy some inventory.... 10k will go super quick for most businesses, 350k zloty would at least get you some real estate or at least itd be enough to get a business through a year as its grows and expands.
25 Mar 2019   #52

About my ideas to add another services to my gig economy in Poland

I am thinking of offering yelp review services. To go up to businesses and offer them a badass yelp review with even photography of their restaurant or place for like $200 bucks in English or $300 in both Polish and English here in Warsaw. Like go around with a business card or do a couple free badass ones to use as samples first. Do you think that price will fly here? I know it companies like intel pay for google or yelp reviews anyway so why not do it local and widespread?

Oh and just like english teachers who work outside the schools and sometimes within here all th money would be paid upfront in cash thus no taxes or ZUS. What do you think p9rnstar Dirk Diggler?

I am also thinking of doing translations just like translate websites from Polish to English.
lul bul  - | 48
25 Mar 2019   #53
Guaranteed will flop.Dont even waste your time.730pln for a reviews?I dont think any restaurant owner will even entertain you or even offer to meet with you.Plus its illegal manipulation.

Try Busking,washing cars or polishing shoes on a kiosk on airport like English teachers do now to make a living in Warsaw maybe you will pay your bills.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
27 Mar 2019   #54
That's a terrible idea. I can hire an indian or Chinese to write me a thousand bot reviews for a ****** product on Amazon, google, yelp or any other platform for a fraction of the price. Yelp sucks anyway it's basically a fancy extortion scheme like BBB. No one's going to pay you that in Poland when they can get it at a far cheaper price, or receive an small biz marketing suite service for that with website, hosting, SEO, etc.

You're better off sticking to something you know well. If it's graphic design, stick with that. There's plenty of people that will hire you for $30 hourly/$300 daily for projects on the various gig websites. You land a few projects like that a month and you're making good money by polish standards, plus you can subsidize it with passive income and you don't have the expenses that come with commuting or running an office.
DominicB  - | 2706
28 Mar 2019   #55
Do you think that price will fly here?

You'd be lucky to get $10, max, for that. That is, if anyone is willing to pay you anything at all.

And forget about translating unless you have some expertise in a specialty field such as medicine, science, technology, serious finance or law. The streets are crawling and the gutters are lined with unspecialized, unexperienced translators who will jump on any available work for paltry rates. You can't compete against them and feed yourself.
28 Mar 2019   #56
And forget about translating unless you have some expertise in a specialty field such as medicine, science, technology, serious finance or law.

Are you joking? Poland is a new capitalism, everything is on the line bro. There is no illegal here. Look at how agressive they do marketing. I worked for this company called InvoiceOcean briefly where the boss tried to get me to cold call people out of the blue without letting them know ahead of time on top of haggled me over answering every little spam or even bored chat people who wrote absolutely anything via the chat prompt on the site or email. Plus, I have heard even companies like IGN take money from agme developers just for better reviews. Thats the nature of being a writer or journalist these days. You have to do what you have to to make it or even get paid at all.

You must never heard the term native advertising or sponsored content. Every media does it, the difference is instead of them pocketing the money and fuking me over Id be getting the contribution and being an entrepreneur and not them.
31 Mar 2019   #57

I dont know what happened to the business ideas or work in poland thread

but I found something interesting:

even yelp itself does it. its not illegal for me nor do I care about legalities like someone on here tried patrionizing me to offer services of reviews with abdass articles in english and photography of their businesses in warsaw. i could go to fancy places and claim for 500 zloty i will give them a five star review with professional english as hardly anyone in poland can evenw rite in english despite many speaking it well. i could start such a fig or hustle dont you think Dirk?

And I am talking about an article that would take a whole day to write plus photography plus will be native advertising and sell the place to their clients. so yea, 500 zlotych is minimum.
DominicB  - | 2706
31 Mar 2019   #58

I highly doubt you would find even a single customer. 500 PLN for a Yelp review? You've got to be kidding. No one is going to pay you that much when they could get it done for much cheaper than that, or even do it themselves. Or have their kid or a nephew do it. You've priced yourself way out of the market, and/or greatly overestimate the market for services in your price range.

As for peddling your services door to door, very, very few business owners are going to even give you the opportunity to make your pitch. They don't have time for any more uninvited solicitors promising to make them rich.

Sorry, but it's just another hare-brained scheme that's going to go nowhere. The big problem is that precious few business owners are going to value your services as much as you would like. And practically none are going to think that a silly yelp review is the best way to spend 500 PLN of their advertising budget.
Crow  154 | 9556
30 Jul 2019   #59
For renowned Japan tire manufacturer Toyo Tires, EU as a whole and EU member countries became too fragile for serious investments.


Poland may soon come to the point where being EU member brings more complications then profit.
johnny reb  49 | 8058
8 Dec 2019   #60
Some Polish person could become a millionaire over night with my ideas.
One of them would be to invent a mouse flavored cat food.

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