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Planning a move to Wroclaw (a company offers me a Gross salary of 4000 Polish Zloty)

9 Sep 2011   #1
Hello all,

I need your assistance.
My company is offering me an opportunity to relocate and work in Wroclaw. They are offering me a Gross salary of 4000 Polish Zloty. I am married with a new born child.

I would like to find out about the living cost in the city.
Will this salary be enough to find a one-bed apartment in a decent area, pay all bills and save some every month?
Does anyone know how much is 4000 in net (after paying tax)?

I hope someone from the forum can help me with this.

Thanks in advance.
jwojcie  2 | 762
9 Sep 2011   #2
If this is normal "umowa o pracę" deal then 4000 PLN gross ~ 2850 net PLN, here is tax calculator:

It is not enough for a familly without local support net and state sponsored rent of a flat.
Renting of a 2 room flat will cost you up to 2000 alone...

Here is thread with cost of living: Wroclaw life (cost of living, rent, food, transport)
wednesday  1 | 9
9 Sep 2011   #3

I think it would be tight. You would be looking at a minimum of 2,000 zl a month for a 1 bedroom flat in an average area, with fees. In a better area you need to look at 2,500 zl a month. If you look to the suburbs you may find cheaper properties. Commuting is fast, easy and very cheap. Make sure you find an apartment near a tram line.

Apartments in Poland can be quite small too, 30 to 40 square meters.

I live with my partner and we have a fairly normal life style here and we go through 2,000 zl a month on food, shopping and ‘going out’ We don’t drink or smoke. But that’s just us. Our rent and fee’s are around 2,100 zl for a modern one bedroom flat in a ‘quite’ nice area.

Don’t be fooled into thinking the cost of living here is cheap, because it’s not. It’s not expensive, but it’s certainly not cheap.

Poland is a fantastic place to live; the people I have met have been very warm and welcoming. Wrocław is a beautiful city, I’m sure you will have an amazing time there. I am sure it’s a great place to raise a child. ‘Private’ health care is excellent, the best I have ever come across, so I am sure you will have no problems in that department, many doctors and nurses speak good English too.

Good luck with the move.
OP bk456
9 Sep 2011   #4
So I take it that with that salary bracket its around 30% tax.
Looks like housing takes the major components from the salary once again, as with any other european city.
Do we have good english schools/international schools around?

Thanks in advance.

umowa o pracę

What is umowa o pracę?

we go through 2,000 zl a month on food

Is that 2,000 zl just on food or inclusive of rent?
wednesday  1 | 9
9 Sep 2011   #5
Umowa o pracę is a 'normal contract' when you start work.

We spend 2,100 on rent and utility bills PLUS around 2,000 zl on food, clothes and eating out/cinema.
PWEI  3 | 612
9 Sep 2011   #6
Do we have good english schools/international schools around?

No. And most certainly none that you will be able to afford on 4,000zl per month gross.
OP bk456
9 Sep 2011   #7
Umowa o pracę is a 'normal contract' when you start work.

We spend 2,100 on rent and utility bills PLUS around 2,000 zl on food, clothes and eating out/cinema.

Wow .. thats a lot to spend.
I am definitely find a lot of help from this forum.
Thanks everyone. I will wait to hear other comments too.
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
9 Sep 2011   #8
My company is offering me an opportunity to relocate and work in Wroclaw. They are offering me a Gross salary of 4000 Polish Zloty.

You would need close to the double in terms of Gross salary/before tax to support a family of 3 ( if your wife is not working).

Not enough. 2000 PLN would be for housing only. Food would be around 800 zl if you don't go hollywood on meat but your child nappies/diapers will be costly.

Where is your company from ? Can't they do some research about cost of living before offering you to relocate?
OP bk456
9 Sep 2011   #9
Just visited: ansport-52390/

It says:
Average monthly rent for a 2 room apartment in a medium-class zone:
1600-2000 Zloty (PLN)

Average monthly rent for one room in a medium-class zone:
450-600 Zloty (PLN)
PWEI  3 | 612
9 Sep 2011   #10
Average monthly rent for a 2 room apartment in a medium-class zone:
1600-2000 Zloty (PLN)

Plus gas, electricity, cable TV and telephone. Makes about 1900 minimum.
jwojcie  2 | 762
9 Sep 2011   #11
To make things clear 4000 gross is somewhat quite regular money for a young proffesional in Wroclaw in many fields, also it is considered even good pay for not so young in others. Thing is that normally wifes works to, there is a familly support - grandmas, grandpas etc for baby-sitting, very cheap rents in city flats for many, free schools and bunch of other free stuff you will not be able to get as a foreigner.

To sum things up: your employer probably will tell you that "but this is a salary Poles get in Wroclaw branch!", yet you are not a Pole and some shortcuts are closed for you.
OP bk456
9 Sep 2011   #12
free schools and bunch of other free stuff you want be able to get as a foreigner.

What sort of free stuff are we talking about here?
You mentioned about cheap city apartment rents? What is that?
jwojcie  2 | 762
9 Sep 2011   #13
What sort of free stuff are we talking about here?

In general various social benefits. I have no idea to which you will be entitled to as a foreigner who pay taxes here, but what I do know is that there are famillies who have less than 4K gross and have to much to get support.

Free stuff like for example kindergartens. If you pay taxes in PL maybe even as a foreigner you could apply for a place for your child there, but because there is not enough of places you will have to wait in line...

You mentioned about cheap city apartment rents? What is that?

The city has some amount of flats which can be given for a very low rent on social basis. But don't bother with that. People waits for years to get that - and usually those are not pretty places.
OP bk456
9 Sep 2011   #14
LwowskaKrakow  28 | 431
9 Sep 2011   #15
In general various social benefits. I have no idea to which you will be entitled to as a foreigner who pay taxes here,

None. Especially for a foreigner upon his arrival. Council houses/Housing projects are reserved for poor people who have spent years in Poland not to mention he would have to apply in Polish, bring tons of personal documents and tax forms and spend hours and hours trying to get the right form.

I don't know who posted 600 zl per month for a flat in Wroclaw, maybe for a student 's bedroom but not suitable for a couple with a baby.

So you should either renegociate the offer with your employer( ask details about Medical Coverage too since a newborn needs a few medical consultations) or just reject it because it is too low.
teflcat  5 | 1024
9 Sep 2011   #16
My company is offering me an opportunity to relocate and work in Wroclaw. They are offering me a Gross salary of 4000 Polish Zloty. I am married with a new born child.

You'd struggle on 4K gross. Your company seems not to have any realistic idea of what people need to live on here in Poland. Sure, there are families who live on less, but who wants to live in poverty? If I were you, I'd ask for 6k minimum or no go. Even on that income you'd hardly have a lavish lifestyle. Poland is not a cheap country anymore.
emha  - | 90
9 Sep 2011   #17
Poland is not a cheap country anymore.

and what country is? Maybe bk456 comes from such country.
3 Aug 2015   #18
What would be the salary for Subject Matter expert in IBM IT Service Desk in Wroclaw? Any idea guys? I have to negotiate about my salary expectations. Any suggestions would be much appreciated.
29 May 2017   #19

Expat may be moving to Wroclaw - Gross salary of 4000 pln. Is it enough?

I am a fresh graduate who recently interviewed for a junior position in Poland, and I am at the moment in the last phase of the hiring process. I was asked about my salary expectations (a question I didn't expect at the first phase), and I told 4000zl without much hesitation. I had as a reference that 4000-4500 pln might be a good starting point for a junior position.

However, I would like to ask you in order to get a deeper insight.
jon357  72 | 23654
29 May 2017   #20
That isn't very much gross. Net it would be around the median salary which isn't great either. For someone young, it's livable on, especially in a shared flat and with a very modest lifestyle - don't expect to save much though.

What sort of job is it and which city?
29 May 2017   #21

Wroclaw, as stated in the title.
Alien  26 | 6543
19 Sep 2022   #22
How much gross could you get as accountant today?
jon357  72 | 23654
19 Sep 2022   #23

Sounds more like a book keeper (księgowa) than an accountant at that salary.

Home / Work / Planning a move to Wroclaw (a company offers me a Gross salary of 4000 Polish Zloty)

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