trener zolwia 1 | 939
1 Sep 2010 #61
Its up to you really.
Chill out man.
Right.I find the overriding tone of this thread offensive. It seems the OP expectsracism from whites. Never mind that the overwhelming response here is that he should not have any problem in P-Land.
Going in with such an expectation, such a chip on one's shoulder, and the associated hypersensitivity, it can be virtually guaranteed that he will find a problem, no matter how trivial, that can then be used as further "evidence" of white racism.
Further, some possible scenarios mentioned here are in fact not "racism" at all but merely PC hypersensitivity on display. Again, if one goes in looking for something they're bound to find it.
All of this only serves to play into the dishonest narrative of the black and black-apologist Libs who forever see white racists behind every tree. While forgetting that white teachers face even more racial problems, real threats and very realviolence in the classroom and streets of any black area of every major US city from racist blacks, without having to go looking for it. But this doesn't fit the black/ Lib one-sided scolding narrative about race...