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Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #61
Those days are quickly coming to an end.

maybe, but i think that the sentiment stays...
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
20 Sep 2010   #62
Perhaps for a generation or so, then it will vanquish just like the dinosaurs did.
valpomike  11 | 194
20 Sep 2010   #63
If the Polish do not like the USA, why are there so many now living here, and many more still working on the move? This President does not care at all for Poland, or her fine people, but we the Americans do care. The Polish come here legal, and many others just walk over, and are given everything for free.

ShortHairThug  - | 1101
20 Sep 2010   #64
why are there so many now living here, and many more still working on the move?

I know many that have returned, seems to be a new trend now and what’s more what starts as a trickle turns into a raging torrent. What use to be true at one point is not necessarily the case now, things change you know.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #65
Maybe because it was post by głupiec?

I know it's hard but try to think just for a second, if you say I'm stupid then you must be stupid too still posting here. Did I say, morons are welcome here, NO so you're free to leave and find you another toys to play with and please don't waste my time.
sledz  23 | 2247
20 Sep 2010   #66
NO so you're free to leave and find you another toys to play with and please don't waste my time.

He quit a few weeks ago, but the temptation of being the forum Troll must have got to him!

It was nice while it lasted:)
Plastic Pole52  - | 67
20 Sep 2010   #67
Maybe you are taking about visa-waver, Wendy?

Please don't bring up this issue.This is simply embarassing.It is 2010 not 80ies or even 90ies.I was hoping that only dumb "Polish politicians" think that visa waiver is somehow important to Poles.I really don't who in his right mind would come to US and stay ilegally having opition to work and live in the EU.

I have a strong feeling that some Poles believe that we owe them something.

I guess some Poles do feel this way.I don't.But the truth is that Poland or some Poles did you guys few favors.To name a few:

Pułaski saved Washington and created US cavalry.
General Kościuszko helped you fight Brits.
Colonel Kukliński gave you war plans of Warsaw Pact.(Btw this mofo was a fuking traitor).
Polish intelligence agents rescued CIA agents in Iraq in 1990 before "Desert Storm".
Poland supported you in Iraq in 2003(at the great cost).Very few countries did.
Poland supports you in Afganistan (cost Polish people $1 bilion/year)
Poland bought F 16 ($6.5bilion just for the planes).Where is the the offset?
Poland allowed you to set up missile defence base (this s h i t is to defend US not Poland).
Still I don't think you guys owe us anything but if that was up to me Poland would cut all ties with US since Poland only gets f uked in this "friendly" relation.
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #68
yeah... right minded Poles don't care about visas to the US anymore... that's in the past...
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #69
I know it's hard but try to think just for a second, if you say I'm stupid then you must be stupid too still posting here.

I have given you multiple answers to your question,I have given to your thread substance which wasn't there before, and what I get? no appreciation , only abuse and complains - typical bloody woman - you need spanking Wendy!

Another Mr smartass ironside here, lol Don't come up with anything smart so starts ridiculing. (rather typical for many Poles on PF).

he is an American born and breed !
Marek11111  9 | 807
20 Sep 2010   #70
People in United States do not care about Poland as they are ignorant about contributions of Polish people to their freedom and culture.
The United States uses and abuses Poland for their own imperial aspiration and Poland let them do it for some reason.
Polish people think that Americans care about them even know where is Poland on a map.
Poland will be better serve if Poland will create relation with Slav nations so someday we can unify for one superpower.
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #71
People in United States do not care about Poland as they are ignorant about contributions of Polish people to their freedom and culture.
The United States uses and abuses Poland for their own imperial aspiration and Poland let them do it for some reason.

i gotta agree here...
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #72
he is an American born and breed !

An American, born and raised here and an America hater at the same time? No way Jose. I know many people, never met anyone like that yet and most likely never will. You don't know Americans if you believe it. Yes, we might crack on this or that but we'll never hate our country, that's a fact.
nunczka  8 | 457
20 Sep 2010   #73
Darn few kids of the present generation could care less about Poland or any other European country. The days of European immigrants is over. Modern America suks. I would be willing to bet that half of them dont even know where Poland is. America today is the land of MTV, HIP HOP, DRUGS, DRIVE BY SHOOTINGS, CROOKED POLITICIANS, and FAT PEOPLE,and ILLEGAL ALIENS.
20 Sep 2010   #74
Darn few kids of the present generation could care less about Poland or any other European country.

Do you think they have time to care when they already have too many problems of their own?

OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #75

Unfortunitely I have to agree with some of it. Especially with MTV, HIP HOP and drugs and it's a shame that it happened that way. As far as fat people, well, look around everyone else is strongly catching up and it's almost no difference anymore. Crooked politicians are definitely everywhere and illegals most likely too.
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #76

Americans are "lucky" and got a combo...
Robert A  1 | 102
20 Sep 2010   #77
The United States uses and abuses Poland for their own imperial aspiration and Poland let them do it for some reason.

Poland is not alone in this respect.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #78
If you guys feel like being used by us then why don't you just separate from us? I personally wouldn't mind.
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #79
at some point the US needs Poland to have a better access to the East...
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #80
There are more eastern countries that offered help, for example Georgia but this is not what I was trying to say. I mean, if Poland and other countries feel used by us then why not just break up the relations with us. I do it too anytime I feel like someone is trying to get advantage of me.
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #81
I do it too anytime I feel like someone is trying to get advantage of me.

it's politics, not your personal drama... beside, the US is known for "taking care" of the business... they wanna make everybody "happy & stable" by force, so their business will keep on going... and remember that's always a two way street...
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #82
it's politics

Exactly. I'm glad you said that. From the beginning of my thread I was saying that there's no friendships in politics. We are allies, not friends. Anyone who believes in friendship between countries is fooling himself. There's a huge difference between friendship and being friendly.

I had to pull it into a personal thing just to cause your reaction the way I wanted to see it.
Sorry about that pgtx.
Have a great day.
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #83
I had to pull it into a personal thing just to cause your reaction the way I wanted to see it.
Sorry about that

no need to apologize...
beside, i meant the politics from the beginning...
Marek11111  9 | 807
21 Sep 2010   #84
It’s the politics code word for screwing nations out of their resources and using them to build your empire
A J  4 | 1075
21 Sep 2010   #85
Whatever you build on destruction will collapse on its damaged foundations. What goes up, must come down, and gravity does the rest. ;)
Marek11111  9 | 807
21 Sep 2010   #86
So United States is next then European Union
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
21 Sep 2010   #87
It’s the politics code word for screwing nations out of their resources and using them to build your empire

So tell me about the "resources" we take from you to build our "empire", lol
Plastic Pole52  - | 67
21 Sep 2010   #88

Some Americans watch MTV ,some don't,some like hip hip and some don't,I can assure you there are drugs in Poland too, "politicians in Poland are way more crooked than here,there are crimminals in every country and fat people are everywhere, here maybe 25% at the most,there are also legall aliens here.As much as I have mixed feelings about US I strongly disagree with painting all Americans with the same brush.It is simply not fair and ignorant.And true SOME Americans look down at Poles and try to put us down but on the other hand there is plenty of them who welcome us here with open arms.Just got back from Rite Aid and older women at the register hearing my accent asked where am I from.I said "I am from Poland",she said "Poland? God bless you."Also I will never forget young very nice women telling me that she is very sorry and apologizes if any American ever gave me hard time here because I am a foraigner.And I am not making up this stories.There is many great people here and painting all Americans with the same brush and bashing the whole nation because of few low life scumbags is just not right.
jonni  16 | 2475
21 Sep 2010   #89

Remove the drive-by shootings and illegal aliens, add skinheads and chronic alcohol abuse and you've got modern Poland in a nutshell.
Plastic Pole52  - | 67
21 Sep 2010   #90
Get a life pal, there are drive by shootings and illegal aliens in PL,not every Pole is a skinhead and not everyone drinks.So knock this s hit off.Will you?

Home / USA, Canada / Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

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