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Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

Pinching Pete  - | 554
20 Sep 2010   #31
your help against Germans wasn't really needed.

Maybe not but it ended hostilities sooner and all of Western Europe would have been under Stalin's boot had it not been for us. It's unlikely the British could have kept him away forever.

Pete ( I can't believe I'm arguing with this bum)
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #32
Maybe not but it ended hostilities sooner and all of Western Europe would have been under Stalin's boot had it not been for us. It's unlikely the British could have kept him away forever.

Well, OK ! Could you explain to me now - how your action in western Europe had been charitable,and not logical move driven by self-interest and self-preservation ?


stop thinking about my bum! Its gross !yuck !!!!!!

I-S (be watchful in Boston )
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
20 Sep 2010   #33
Lets turn this into a relevant thread. ie. Europeans and Americans, friends or enemies?
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #34
ie. Europeans and Americans,

impossible, there no Europeans in the sense you mean it!
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
20 Sep 2010   #35
What would be the proper term for citizens of the EU then? Eupeans?
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
20 Sep 2010   #36
In spite of different origins Americans are a homogeneous lot. "Europe on the other hand is not monolithic. Different countries, different language, different architecture, different cuisine, different medical system, different way of thinking, everything different.
Plastic Pole52  - | 67
20 Sep 2010   #37
Like we abandoned the English? The French? Even enemies weren't abandoned.. The German? Japanese?

Then where have you been in 1939 when England and France declared war on Germany?You should know that US was supplying both sides of conflict up to 1941.I know that in 1939 US army was a joke with no tanks and air force was flying biplanes but your powerfull navy could help a lot.

No.. not really. Lot of our people died for France and England. What did we have to gain? We would have made money anyway as Europe strangled itself.

No,they died for US not for France or England.And you still made a killing since everything delivered to Great Britain and Soviet Union was paid for in gold.Couple years ago the Britsh made last payment for supplies delivered during WW2.

Absolutely. The Pacific war was our case but Europe, not really.

Yea right.GERMANY DECLARED WAR ON THE US not US on Germany.If they didn't do it you would be still on the sideline since there was no public support in the US to enter the war.

Besides after finishing in Europe,Germans 3 times stronger and with technologies you had no clue about (e.g jet and rocket engines)would attack US anyway.So don't tell me you did England and France any favor.

Europeans, you need to remember that in American schools they don't teach them history,they teach them how America saved the world.Therefore any discussion regarding WW2 with 90% of Americans is pointless since they don't know the facts but propaganda.
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #38
What would be the proper term for citizens of the EU then? Eupeans?

Afterthought - you meant no sense after all, no sense at all.

In spite of different origins Americans are a homogeneous lot. "Europe on the other hand is not monolithic. Different countries, different language, different architecture, different cuisine, different medical system, different way of thinking, everything different.

Once again - bingo! bulls eye ! arriba tequila coyotes !
beckski  12 | 1609
20 Sep 2010   #39
Here in Poland we don't consider Polish-Americans Americans but Poles (Polonia).
Thus we Poles can be brothers only.

I appreciate Beta's open-mindedness. One small request please. I think I prefer being considered a sister, instead of a brother :D
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
20 Sep 2010   #40
Afterthought - you meant no sense after all, no sense at all.

Oh wow.
Maybe it was Rothschild who wrote, "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who makes its laws."

Am I making sense yet or are you still in denial?
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
20 Sep 2010   #41
The deficit is the least of our problems as the American dollar is international currency. If we need more money we just print it. To have inflation YOU HAVE TO HAVE DEMAND. NO JOBS NO DEMAND. It's that simple. Look, we've unloaded all of our manufacturing jobs to China, for slave labor. We've handed over our service jobs to India for slave wages. We encourage illegal immigration to lower wages even further. And on top of this we have a ginormous military and wage wars across the globe. All compliments of the Bush administrations (daddy and sonny boy).

You want a balance budget? Put this free market bs to bed. Import duties on Chinese imports, import duties on imported oil, use ethanol and bring our troops home. Anything else is BeeeeSSSSS. It's really quite basic.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #42
Then where have you been in 1939 when England and France declared war on Germany?

We were not obligated to help Poland or anyone else. England and France signed agreement with you, we didn't.

No,they died for US

Wrong again. We came to help and we didn't even have to do it.

Yea right.GERMANY DECLARED WAR ON THE US not US on Germany.

Known fact but we still didn't have to come over and help since the distance between Europe and America would allow us to concentrate on a defense war. It would cost us way less money and as far as the Germans, even though their weapons might but their logistics wouldn't work out yet. We have many examples from a much newer history where very powerful countries had logistics problems when the war scene was far away from home.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
20 Sep 2010   #43
Chicago Pollock
You're preaching to the choir brother. You may want to drop the partisanship and investigate Clinton a little further though. He signed NAFTA into law, CRA, (which caused the mortgage crisis) and never met a Chinese contributor he didn't like. But yeah, I'm with ya.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
20 Sep 2010   #44
I'm no fan of Clinton. No fan of Obama but I'm no fan of the GOP either. Heck i'm an ex card carrying Repub.

Speaking of Obama, the idiot wants to put illegal aliens in the milirtary. Now how stupid is that? Paid foreign mercenaries on our soil. Just like the Hessians in the Revolutionary War.
Tymoteusz  2 | 346
20 Sep 2010   #45
He's just doing his masters bidding. Just like the rest did.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #46
Lets turn this into a relevant thread. ie. Europeans and Americans, friends or enemies?

As you can see, it's relevant whatsoever. The reactions show how the "friendship" works between Americans and at least some Poles here.

I have a strong feeling that some Poles believe that we owe them something.
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #47
this topic is load of crap
B usyBody
20 Sep 2010   #48
Of Course Poland and U.S.A. are friendly terms for years.

We do have famous Polish Politician living in U.S.A. Maybe that is why Polish people want to move to U.S.A. to become someone higher positions. Good Luck!
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #49
Of Course Poland and U.S.A. are friendly terms for years.

I agree with you, we are on friendly terms as countries. My question was more about the situation between the people, especially on PF and it doesn't look so friendly here at all.

Just look above, Mr. ironside, has nothing to say but comments "this topic is load of crap".
If he thought for a minute, he would realize that it will be a load of crap as long as he will keep making his childish comments here.
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #50
Just look above, Mr. ironside, has nothing to say but comments "this topic is load of crap".

just press the report button Wendy !
As for the topic - you need to be precise what do you mean ?
Politics - there no friends in the political world!
Individuals - don't see why not - Poles and Americans are similar somewhat !
PF members - well, as much as you can get friendly on the Internet !

I have a strong feeling that some Poles believe that we owe them something.

No, its other way around - some of you thinks that Poles should be grateful to you ! Hilarious !
Maybe you are taking about visa-waver, Wendy?
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #51
by the way, USA during WWII done for Poland exactly - null, zilch, nada, zero !

Why did we have to do anything for you to begin with?
Just like i said above, you guys believe that we owe you something.
I don't think so.
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #52
Why did we have to do anything for you to begin with?

You don't have to do anything for us and you never did!

I don't think so.

Well, I concur, Wendy!Do nothing for us and don't expect nothing !
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #53
well, Americans don't give a sh!t about Poles and Poles adore to kiss American a55es...
i don't think it's a win win situation...
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #54
Poles adore to kiss American a55es...

some Poles ......and if happen that one Pole doesn't they accuse him of hate!
and some Poles that he is disruptive and likes to fight !
joepilsudski  26 | 1387
20 Sep 2010   #55
Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we rather friends or enemies?

Why post questions thought of by głupiec?
pgtx  29 | 3094
20 Sep 2010   #56
some Poles ......and if happen that one Pole doesn't they accuse him of hate!

ah cmon... just look at the political US-PL relationship...

some Poles

i don't have the time to analyze every citizen...
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #57
Why post questions thought of by głupiec?

Another Mr smartass ironside here, lol Don't come up with anything smart so starts ridiculing. (rather typical for many Poles on PF).

just look at the political US-PL relationship...

As long as you see it as politics, you'll be much less disappointed.
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #58
Why post questions thought of by głupiec?

Maybe because it was post by głupiec?
sar  1 | 13
20 Sep 2010   #59
I beg to differ. US had high interest in Europe for exports.
The US is self indulgent and self-serving. Poland should run as far as it can from the EU and the US (West), not to say it should go to the Eastern block, either. Rather stand independent and strong on its moral fabric.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
20 Sep 2010   #60
Poles adore to kiss American a55es...

Those days are quickly coming to an end. Final destination for your average Pole are EU countries where they build new lives, set up families etc. which in time will bring a far greater sentiment and loyalty to European nations then US. The less migration to US the less sentiment for that continent, as for rebel politicians; well let’s just say they are quickly thought a proper pecking order within EU structures, soon you will see less of those rash decisions favoring US policies.

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