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Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

guesswho  4 | 1272
19 Sep 2010   #1
Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we rather friends or enemies?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
19 Sep 2010   #2
This thread is probably going to go in a depressing direction. My hope is US and Poland can be great friends. Many forum members may disagree.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
19 Sep 2010   #3
Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we rather friends or enemies?

Poland and the U.S. are definitely friends.

The CIA recently had Black sites here in Poland.

observing this forum unfortunately it doesn't look like it.

This forum is not always a full reflection of Poland. What specifically makes you think that it doesn't look that way?
beckski  12 | 1609
19 Sep 2010   #4
Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

I'd like to think we're friends. Although at times, I've seen many derogatory posts, aimed at Polish-Americans :(
George8600  10 | 630
19 Sep 2010   #5
are we rather friends or enemies?

How about neutral/neither?

I mean there was that one missile defense base with 3 US soldiers on Polish sould which was forgotten about....
Seanus  15 | 19666
20 Sep 2010   #6
Screwing up the national anthem shouldn't put any blemishes on the friendship ;)
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #7
I don't think it was done on purpose. Probably some technical issues. I don't know how it is in NYC or Chicago but around here, we don't have any Poles and also no one is even talking about them.

I believe that our people here are very friendly and would treat you nicely, no matter where you come from. OK, maybe there's a tiny problem with Mexicans but other than that I don't see or hear anything negative about Poles.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
20 Sep 2010   #8
This is just another silly topic.

Of course the US and Poland are friends even though there have been ups and downs in relations.
20 Sep 2010   #9
I still think it's a ultra-pointless thread.


Jij ook man, hou je taai en veel sterkte en geluk met alles!
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #10
I don't think it was done on purpose.

Is that question about the nations or we talk individuals here?
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #11
Of course the US and Poland are friends even though there have been ups and downs in relations

I already posted that it's obvious that Poland and the US are friends, as for example both being NATO members etc but on this forum it shows that there are many differences between Poles and Americans (at least on PF) that lead to many fights.

Is that question about the nations or we talk individuals here?

Answer above.
Zed  - | 195
20 Sep 2010   #12
Totally irrelevant.
FredChopin  - | 61
20 Sep 2010   #13
Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we friends or enemies?

Friends, to the extent that it is convenient to America.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #14
Don't you think that convenience is a word that works for both sides? But thanks for a sensible response anyway.
FredChopin  - | 61
20 Sep 2010   #15
Don't you think that convenience is a word that works for both sides?

But which country would I expect to be more loyal to the friendship? Poland. The US has a habit of making "friends" and then abandoning them when the test comes. Sometimes, they don't pick their friends well, either.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #16
Well, if we are talking about real friendship, it should be unconditional but with politics, unfortunitely it doesn't work that way. Not that I like it but it's just the way it is. I'd like to mention that "abandoning" friends like you say, is not really our habit. Just look back in time and you'll find many examples for it, just about allover the world. To be quite honest with you, I personally don't like to call it friendship when it comes to international relations between countries because it happens all the time that people see a political friend the same way as they see a person and expect the same things from both types of friendship. It's simply not the same.
FredChopin  - | 61
20 Sep 2010   #17
if we are talking about real friendship, it should be unconditional

Absolutely true.

but with politics, unfortunitely it doesn't work that way

There's the rub. Whether it is driven by party politics, or a result of some "optics", common sense or that unconditional aspect can go out the window. Also, pressure from special interest groups can change a relationship.

Who would you propose would be the top recipient of the "unconditional" friendship award go to?
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #18
In politics ......... no one at all.
Other than that, to anyone who approves to be a real friend.

Like I've mentioned above, I don't believe in real friendship when it comes to international relations between countries.
FredChopin  - | 61
20 Sep 2010   #19
So let's hypothesize...

If guesswho were POTUS, with the above stated clearly for the world to see... How many nations would trust the US? There would always be that nagging fear for partners (whether in the realm of commerce, military, political pressure against other nations etc...) that they could never rely on them for reciprocity, or in a time of need, so why go the extra mile?
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #20
I already posted that it's obvious that Poland and the US are friends, as for example both being NATO members etc but on this forum it shows that there are many differences between Poles and Americans (at least on PF) that lead to many fights.

there many differences between individuals from the same village - so what?>
Its up to individuals !
20 Sep 2010   #21
Here in Poland we don't consider Polish-Americans Americans but Poles (Polonia).
Thus we Poles can be brothers only.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #22
So let's hypothesize...

to be honest with you, I hate to do it, lol
I just wish we all quit calling it friendship when it comes to international relations and it will be way less disappointments. What I mean is, that if I don't see a country as my "personal" friend I also don't expect that much. Let's see us as allies. It sounds better to me unless we're talking about people. In this case I obviously call it friendship and expect much more.

BTW. "that they could never rely on them for reciprocity, or in a time of need"

To this one I have to say that you guys can definitely expect our help in case of war. I'm absolutely convinced about it.

there many differences between individuals from the same village - so what?>
Its up to individuals !

I agree but in this case it's about this forum and I'd like to narrow it down to this situation.
Chicago Pollock  7 | 503
20 Sep 2010   #23

Poles and Americans, what do you think, are we rather friends or enemies?

When we have common interests, we're friends. When interests collide, not so much.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
20 Sep 2010   #24
The US has a habit of making "friends" and then abandoning them when the test comes.

Like we abandoned the English? The French? Even enemies weren't abandoned.. The German? Japanese?
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #25

When we have common interests, we're friends. When interests collide, not so much.

in the clear now?
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #26
When we have common interests, we're friends

Sorry, I totally disagree with that one. People might have common interests and still not be friends at all.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
20 Sep 2010   #27
in the clear now?

No.. not really. Lot of our people died for France and England. What did we have to gain? We would have made money anyway as Europe strangled itself.
OP guesswho  4 | 1272
20 Sep 2010   #28
Absolutely. The Pacific war was our case but Europe, not really.
Pinching Pete  - | 554
20 Sep 2010   #29
Not really is right.. Try telling these b.astards that. Everything we've done just has to have had some ulterior motive.
Ironside  51 | 13083
20 Sep 2010   #30
What did we have to gain?

France and England.

just check, 6june 1944 front line of Soviet Army and then front line of Allies forces in Europe - your help against Germans wasn't really needed.

Try telling these b.astards that.

ungrateful bastr.s (helpful Ironside)or ungraceful

Everything we've done just has to have had some ulterior motive.

Sure not , your government is known for its charitable attitude and actions.

by the way, USA during WWII done for Poland exactly - null, zilch, nada, zero !

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