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Will U.S. Citizens Need A Visa To Visit Poland Starting In 2021

johnny reb  49 | 7930
13 Mar 2019   #1
Most western liberal democracies are slamming Trump for demanding a wall be built on the U.S. southern border to prevent illegal immigrants from entering the US, Europe is about to erect a metaphorical wall targeting legal US travelers, because starting in 2021, U.S. citizens will need a visa to visit most European countries.

How many terrorists have come to the E.U. from the United States of America to make a legal U.S. tourists a threat ?
This is going to knock the hell out of tourism $$$$ in the E.U.
I hope this does not include Poland as happy as they would be for a little revenge.
I know for me, it wouldn't be worth the time, effort and expense to obtain one for any allie country in the E.U.

Well except for Poland that is.
Ironside  50 | 12946
13 Mar 2019   #2
I hope this does not include Poland

I think it should include Poland.
Ziemowit  14 | 3936
13 Mar 2019   #3
This visa business between Europe and the US is pretty complicated. I once said on the forum, Poland should impose visas on the USians visiting Poland because the US requires visas from Polish citizens crossing the American border. Atch replied to that it was impossible since Poland was obliged to allow American citizens to enter visa-free as this regulation was inscribed into the accession treaty between the EU and Poland.

Thus, according to the above, Poland is not entitled to act on her own regarding the movement of people between Poland and the US.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7930
13 Mar 2019   #4
I agree with you Iron as the road should run both ways.
The creation of a European Travel Information and Authorization System, or ETIAS, that will require "pre-travel screening for security and migration risks of travelers benefiting from visa free access to the Schengen area".

"Migration risk" ? Give me a break.
I now see that Poland is included in these E.U. countries called a Schengen area but Ireland and the U.K. are not.
More freedom of travel being taken away (restriction of travel to foreign countries) without the frogs in the warm boiling water even realizing it.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Mar 2019   #5
The US has exactly the same system.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7930
13 Mar 2019   #6
Yeah but the Americans don't generally over stay their visa's and disappear into the system.
BIG differenece.
PolAmKrakow  2 | 874
15 Mar 2019   #7
This is an EU money making opportunity. Nothing more. The whole process will almost be instant on line clearance and it will cost 7 to 10 USD. That's a nice chunk of change in the EU coffers.
mafketis  38 | 11149
15 Mar 2019   #8
This is an EU money making opportunity. Nothing more.

My guess is that it's a job creation program. Programs to give employment to otherwise unemployed people fill out every nook and cranny of European bureaucracy and institutions. My institution was involved in one project (creating a large information website) and it was only at the end of almost two years of involvement did I realize it was essentially a job creation as most of the other 'partners' were young educated people who make a living from that type of project (often doing two or three at the same time).
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Apr 2019   #9
I hope this does not include Poland as happy as they would be for a little revenge.

The site clearly explains that visa runs to ukraine etc are still legal for US citizens.
OP johnny reb  49 | 7930
29 Jan 2021   #10
Could someone update me on visa requirements for a U.S. Citizen to enter Poland as a tourists.

Home / USA, Canada / Will U.S. Citizens Need A Visa To Visit Poland Starting In 2021

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