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Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture"

polishmama  3 | 279
20 Dec 2010   #541
At least she is trying, and not just walking around not knowing any and yet thinking very adamently that Busia and Jaja are how you say Grandma and Grandpa and that Poles only eat Purrogeez and Kehbosah (lol)...

I have to agree w Stallion, she as a person in the media could learn better Polish, though. Unless she froze up or mind-blanked bc she is in front of the camera. Idk...
rybnik  18 | 1444
29 Jun 2012   #542
They talk about "Busha" as if it's a real Polish word for Grandmother

Your detractors will be upset with me for agreeing with you but I now know of what you speak. Heretofore, I found your "polak" narratives amusing albeit irreverent. Something happened to me 2 weeks ago, however, that brought your point home as sharply as a novacaine needle to a pending root canal.

I was at a very big flea market in South Jersey. I had stopped at this outdoor deli stand. As I was peering through the refrigerator glass looking at this stuff that resembled spoiled herring in sour cream , I called to my wife asking her "what is that"? Before my esposa could proffer her opinion, this man standing next to me said, in an incredulous tone "pear-row-gies"! To which I said, not even stopping to breathe, "Dude, I've never ever in my life seen pierogies which looked like that"!!! (I was shocked at how quickly and vehement my response was, I'm usually the "let it go" type of guy). Buba's response to me was equally intense "Are you Polish"? "Where have you been living"? "China"? I immediately felt my face go hot; my lips trembling. I was ready to tell him a thing or two about where I've lived; about how I'm more Polish than he; and what a fake he is AND THEN SOME. Before I could do just that my wife grabbed me by the arm and led me to the adjacent ice cream stand for a much-needed cooling-off period. (Chocolate-peanut butter is my Valium). lol

Bubba was a polak.

Is it only me that finds the American "Polonia" attitude towards Poland irritating

not now
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
29 Jun 2012   #543
Why do people let them selves get so annoyed with Americans? If these "Plastic Poles" were from some other country, this thread wouldn't exist.
29 Jun 2012   #544
You can't put culture on a scale. It's annoying, though, all the fat guys with anachronistic mustaches waving red and white flags while stuffing their jowly faces with pączki; and the only time they've left the states is on a Carnival cruise.
pawian  226 | 27817
13 Sep 2019   #545
It is interesting to see the difference between Am Polonia and real Poles in this forum. Many Polonia guys are biased, intolerant, aggressive, narrow-minded, racist and discriminatory while MOST Poles here are tolerant, relaxed, open-minded, humanistic. unprejudiced.

I wonder why it is so.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
13 Sep 2019   #546
I have to say that is not my experience of Poles.
Most Poles I know are fairly intolerant,uptight, not as open minded as West Europeans, not particularly humanistic and quite prejudiced.
Having said that, I wouldn't change a thing.
Poles are just fine as they are.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Sep 2019   #547
I wonder why it is so.

Nothing easier.

It is so because I came to America when America was America only to watch America leave me to start morphing into a socialist crap I left in the communist Poland some fifty years ago with one huge disadvantage Poland did not suffer from then: millions of lesser foreigners flooding in to replace the aborted American babies and thus creating grounds for a single-party soft dictatorship.

Brilliantly explained in one sentence.
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Sep 2019   #548
because I came to America when America was America only to watch America leave me to start morphing into a socialist crap

So, you are so called patient zero. All that bad luck you have brought on those people. Shame on you.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Sep 2019   #549
I know you are trying to make me feel important and I appreciate it. The truth is that 90% of Americans are idiots all on their own.
14 Sep 2019   #550
Most Poles I know are fairly intolerant,uptight, not as open minded as West Europeans, not particularly humanistic and quite prejudiced.

If you read back, he is talking about about the difference between real Poles and Pole-Ams on this forum, not generally. His observation is correct too.

I don't see the above mentioned traits in posters such as Ziemowit, Pawian, Lenka, or Kaprys for example.

I wonder why it is so

Maybe the Poles here are happier with their lives in general. The Pole-Ams come across as angry, aggressive and discontent with their lot. Not to mention being out of touch with how Poland actually is. Understandable given that some of them have never even set foot in the country.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Sep 2019   #551
If you read back, he is talking about about the difference between real Poles and Pole-Ams on this forum, not generally

I stand corrected :-)
But that means this forum does not truly reflect reality.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2019   #552
The Polish participation here doesn`t reflect reality coz:
one needs an access to the internet which isn`t so obvious in Eastern countryside Poland.
one needs to use decent English which narrows down the group even further
one needs to like taking part in traditional forums which is getting less and less popular after Facebook took over.

The inhabitants of this location probably don`t fulfill the above requirements:

  • 1391_g.jpg
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Sep 2019   #553
Not to mention being out of touch with how Poland actually is.

We emigrate not to stay in touch. If I wanted to stay in touch, I would have stayed. That train out of Warsaw in 1966 was not moving fast enough.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Sep 2019   #554
The inhabitants of this location probably don`t fulfill the above requirements

Yes, point taken.
Ironside  51 | 13109
14 Sep 2019   #555
Most Poles I know are fairly intolerant,uptight, not as open minded as West Europeans, not particularly humanistic and quite prejudiced.

Hey I wound appreciate if you elaborate a tad bit more and explained in detail what you have in mind.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
14 Sep 2019   #556
Most Poles I know are fairly intolerant,uptight, not as open minded as West Europeans, not particularly humanistic and quite prejudiced.

Your list would suggest that the persons with such characteristics are bad people.
What if a guy is intolerant of corruption, uptight about debasing society's traditional moral values, not open minded to normalizing perversions, and prejudiced to the foreigners looking for welfare. Is he a bad person?
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
14 Sep 2019   #557
They are TOWARDS YOU. Seems u r unlikeable person ppl disslike loloolo
14 Sep 2019   #558
But that means this forum does not truly reflect reality.

Perish the thought!

If I wanted to stay in touch, I would have stayed.

Yet you joined a Polish forum.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Sep 2019   #559
I am truly stuck in the middle here.
Why are Poles and Brits so antagonistic towards Yanks?
And why are Yanks so antagonistic towards Poles and Brits?
I love Poles, Brits and Yanks and this all seems pretty stupid to me.
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2019   #560

It is being discussed in Plastic Poles thread, Am Poles are intolerant, biased etc etc. Real Poles here are the opposite.

In love relationships the opposites are initially attracted to each other but sooner or later they become a reason for divorce.
Joker  2 | 2458
14 Sep 2019   #561
I posted in DDs Polack/Am thread and was immediately sent to random.

Doesn't this seem biased? Can't our opinions be expressed on this forum anymore?

Let's us know and you can have an European forum all to yourselves.

I'm upset with the crap moderation and not you guys/girls
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Sep 2019   #562
Am Poles are intolerant, biased etc etc. Real Poles here are the opposite

Just not true I'm afraid.
Only true on this forum.
Real Poles, in real life are just as intolerant, biased and bigoted as AM Poles.
Get used to it.
Because it ain't gonna change anytime soon.....
pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2019   #563
Am Poles are intolerant, biased etc etc

I forgot to add: a oni biją Murzynów - they also beat blacks. :)

Real Poles, in real life are just as intolerant, biased and bigoted as AM Poles.

Yes. But we need them all so we have to live with it. And only hope one day they will become more humane.
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Sep 2019   #564
Won't happen in our lifetimes and do you know what?
I'm quite glad about that.
Poles are fine as they are, they don't need changing. ......
Miloslaw  22 | 5229
14 Sep 2019   #565
Hey I wound appreciate if you elaborate a tad bit more and explained in detail what you have in mind

Poles tend to be consevative and intolerant of foreigners and foreign culture.
I don't have a problem with that.
Do you?

Your list would suggest that the persons with such characteristics are bad people.

Not at all.
Quite the opposite.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
15 Sep 2019   #566
Yet you joined a Polish forum.

The fact that I left Poland with a smile 50 years ago doesn't mean I am not curious what's happening there now. Some who survived visit Auschwitz.
pawian  226 | 27817
18 Oct 2020   #567
so many Polish people here on the forum be they Polams , Born in Poland or elsewhere all agree that you are a commie ?

hahaha who do you mean? Those fekked up marijuana stoned Polams? Kidding. Or that loser fascist Iron??? hahahaha he is an expat so he doesn`t count - after 30 years abroad, he ceased to be a Pole.

They are fekking Polacks, not Polish people.

Find one true Pole who was born in Poland and still lives here, then. Ha!!!
21 Oct 2020   #568
Define "true Pole"

Well, obviously not you.

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