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Polack/American Polonia/Plastic Pole "culture"

Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #301
Don’t confuse nationality with ethnicity.

What is your ethnicity there woodchuck? Don't tell me you're black because I'm not having this conversation.

Btw I'm proving my point with my ignorance, lol truly bud, no one really gives a sh1t, they call you as they see you, simple
Barney  19 | 1763
3 Nov 2010   #302
What is your ethnicity there woodchuck? Don't tell me you're black because I'm not having this conversation.

I don't carry Kennel papers.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #303
Is there a section for ethnicity in an American passport?
pgtx  29 | 3094
3 Nov 2010   #304
In an American passport is there a section for ethnicity?

yes, and political views: D/R...
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #305
I'd say some would love that, I can think of one anyway ;p
(don't mention the "lib" word or he'll be out)
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Nov 2010   #306
There is place of birth in the US passport. That's it.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #307
That's what i thought, well guessed, same as European.

Why are Americans so fond of ethnicity? A new culture looking for something older, possibly deeper? I do not mean to insult anyone here, America is a relativity new country, that's all.

And delphiandomine, if or when you have kids, will they be plastic Scots? :)
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
3 Nov 2010   #308
If Boehner's influence on politics is seen as a German American influence on America, I wouldn't mind seeing more German American influence asserted in the US.

Well...I'm sure he is a patriotic Ami...nobody expects from German-Amis to put the old Fatherland first, they never did.
(Contrary to modern immigrants into Europe)

Actually I think German-Amis are exceptionally asset to their new countries..mostly...


Boehner was born to a German Catholic family in Cincinnati; he was second among 12 children....

Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #309
Is there a section for ethnicity in an American passport?

Yes but they're confusing it with a country of origin...

i think on census the choices are white, Hispanic, Black, Asian and other... where you can ask them to write whatever you want. Like I'm a plastic pole or black and white or 2/3 Asian and 1/6 Native Indian and 0.17% of Gypsy, is that 1?
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Nov 2010   #310
And delphiandomine, if or when you have kids, will they be plastic Scots? :)

Oh jeez..if they go around acting superior because of being half Scottish, they'll be beaten until they learn ;) I'd hope that they would follow Miroslav Klose's lead and simply call themselves European :P

Why are Americans so fond of ethnicity? A new culture looking for something older, possibly deeper? I do not mean to insult anyone here, America is a relativity new country, that's all.

It's a form of snobbery, I think. It's ridiculous when you look at American history - it's got a rich, deep history - they really, really do not need to call themselves anything but American.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11967
3 Nov 2010   #311
It's a form of snobbery, I think. It's ridiculous when you look at American history - it's got a rich, deep history - they really, really do not need to call themselves anything but American.

Well...I don't believe that.
It's more about Americans for example are actually supported finding their "roots"...the same with the native Americans...movies are made about it, etc.

To know where one hails from is necessary...

It's like the old history saying that one needs to know the history or is doomed to repeat it. Knowing ones own family heritage is equally important.

People who dismiss this mostly don't have any or it's to muddled and messed up.
1jola  14 | 1875
3 Nov 2010   #312
Why are Americans so fond of ethnicity?

Everyone wants to belong. It gets tedious if they start listing their multiple pedigrees though.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #313
I don't carry Kennel papers.

wtf is kennel papers? i couldn't even find that on the net, are you mad at me there buddy? no need to stress, ok?

A new culture looking for something older, possibly deeper?

Everyone is confused about their ethnicity, We look at Europeans where it seems to be important to know. Usually after a shot conversation people just conclude that they're just Americans. I'm doing my research here, with you guys.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #314
they'll be beaten until they learn ;)

So you intend on bringing them up the traditional Scottish way, good for you ;)

I'd hope that they would follow Miroslav Klose's lead and simply call themselves European :P

Can't we be both?
I see myself as from Dublin, Ireland, Europe, Northern hemisphere etc...
I mean if I met someone in an Airport and asked where he was from and he said Europe, I'd think he was being a smart arse, know what I mean? ;)

It's a form of snobbery, I think.

Considering many know about their Irish ancestry and how we fled famines and arrived in America desperately poor and in many cases hated like rodents, I am not sure if snobbery is the right term. Although it depends on what type of snobbery. e.g. Irish are better than Hungarians but worse than Czechs. (totally made up but maybe there is snobbery that I am unaware of?)

Everyone is confused about their ethnicity, We look at Europeans where it seems important to know where you from.

Country or ethnicity?
Barney  19 | 1763
3 Nov 2010   #315
Where did I say Americans were racist?

Are you just looking for a fight because you misunderstood a word?

John Wayne said he disliked hyphenated Americans......Now go argue with The Duke.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #316
Go ahead and talk to your buddy Mr. woodchuck up there, cause he thinks Europians don't care about it.

You guys need to be more consistent with those answers. My research paper is getting all messed up. I know! let's square this away,

Who is European and cares about their ethnicity and who doesn't here?

Don't be shy speak up.

Where did I say Americans were racist?

Are you just looking for a fight because you misunderstood a word?

do you live in front of your computer monitor? i edited that and hour ago. It was a wrong thing to say so i deleted it. Wth is your problem dude? lol

That's cool dude you linked an old movie, I'm proud of you. I don't feel watching it now though.
Can you like write what it is all about and e-mail it to me. I'll read it later i promise.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #317
By ethnicity do you mean nationality? we need to get our terminology right first.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #318
Just shoot whatever
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Nov 2010   #319
But there's a big difference. Ethnically, Poles are a mess, but nationality wise, they're clearly Polish.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #320
yeah, are you wearing your kilt and daggers now? Cause if you don't then you're just like the rest of them plastic Scottish people. Pardon my ignorance but i can't distinguish Englishman form a Scot if they're not wearing their kilt... and some bagpipes would help as well.
Barney  19 | 1763
3 Nov 2010   #321
Go ahead and talk to your buddy Mr. woodchuck up there, cause he thinks Europians don't care about it.

What I said was "ethnicity is not as important to Europeans as it is to Americans"

Now what you said was either extremely stupid or a stupid lie.

It’s not my concern that you don’t seem to care what you post, nor is it my concern that you are incapable of carrying a thought from one moment to the next, I just find it strange, after all there are no other thoughts to get in its way.
OP delphiandomine  86 | 17823
3 Nov 2010   #322
I suppose that's why we use the term "dumb Polack".
PennBoy  76 | 2429
3 Nov 2010   #323
Homeland Security estimated that out of some 20 million illegals in the U.s, 18.5 million are Mexican, now i wonder how many of the remainder 1.5 million are non Hispanic and how many are non white, and finally how many are white?? maybe half a million, how many illegal Poles are there?? i'm guessing few, i see very few new faces from Poland in my neighborhood, Poles don't come here in large numbers no more they go to Western Europe. Can make more or less the same money, be there legally like human beings, not watching out for the authorities, and board a plane for 50 euros go home for the weekend to Poland.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #324
I think of ethnicity more in terms of DNA and I don't think there is a Polish DNA strand, unlike what people from America pay money to find.

And DNA ethnic linage is really just mutations, I wouldn't be all that keen on a girl who told me her chromosome was mutated :)
PennBoy  76 | 2429
3 Nov 2010   #325
Ethnically, Poles are a mess, but nationality wise, they're clearly Polish.

Really? i have no problem distinguishing a Pole from a non Pole, there is something as looking Polish

I suppose that's why we use the term "dumb Polack".

Woah!! he didn't say anything for you to use language like that, and if you think we're dumb or Polacks why are you in Poland??? say that to someone on the street
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #326
I just find it strange after all there are no other thoughts to get in its way.

You're totally too uptight about the whole thing.
Honestly, I've lived in both places, i travel on business and observe. It's just my opinion.

I really don't care about the subject of ethnicity too much. I was enjoying my conversation with this Scottish dude who lives in in Poland and thinks that he hates Plastic Poles from the US.

i post whatever i like, i donated some money and they tolerate me. I may donate some more in the future. I think you should contribute too, because this is a pretty cool site. I have this feeling that you're on the mission or something.

Ok, Give me some stats on how people perceive ethnicity in Europe v.s. the US.
let's settle this.
SeanBM  34 | 5781
3 Nov 2010   #327
Really? i have no problem distinguishing a Pole from a non Pole, there is something as looking Polish

Polish? How about this fella? And her? Can you tell if someone is half Polish? what about a quarter? what about a Polish Lithuanian?
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #328
I suppose that's why we use the term "dumb Polack".

Hey, do you live near the scotch tape factory there plastic?

you can call me dumb Polack on the forum, i don't mind. You call me that on the street I'll knock your teeth out lol


no clue about the people, they could be from any country.

I think of ethnicity more in terms of DNA and I don't think there is a Polish DNA strand, unlike what people from America pay money to find.

Finally something intelligent, you're absolutely right. They based their assumptions on a theory that people live in the same place for centuries. Majority do, but... blah blah
Barney  19 | 1763
3 Nov 2010   #329
i post whatever i like, i donated some money and they tolerate me. I may donate some more in the future. I think you should contribute too, because this is a pretty cool site. I have this feeling that you're on the mission or something.

Well, aren’t you great..........what I do with my money is my concern.

Looking for stats on perception in notoriously difficult given the nature of the subject matter. I gave my opinion, you engineered a dispute because you are too stupid to understand a few commonly used words, if English were not your first language I could understand.

My opinion is based upon travelling, reading and talking. When reading start with the idea of manifest destiny and work from there. When talking to people you can’t help but notice that Americans usually self apply a hyphen, Europeans usually talk about nation.
Havok  10 | 902
3 Nov 2010   #330
Considering many know about their Irish ancestry and how we fled famines and arrived in America desperately poor and in many cases hated like rodents, I am not sure if snobbery is the right term. Although it depends on what type of snobbery. e.g. Irish are better than Hungarians but worse than Czechs. (totally made up but maybe there is snobbery that I am unaware of?)

Very accurate observation, this is what i was trying to point out. I find the expression "plastic pole" as yet another variation of this type of snobbery.

You're worst, because you left, so you can't call yourself Polish anymore.... blah blah blah, go back to your scotch tape factory.

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