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Netflix's The Witcher TV series

Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #1
The creators of Netflix's "The Witcher" TV series based on a saga written by Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski seem to be just sinking and digging themselves deeper and deeper... lol

It looks like that according to our very own Tomek Bagiński Americans are too dumb and unsophisticated for the real "The Witcher" and that's why they did all the changes and deviated from the books so much:

Better yet, hire creatives who don't have disdain for their audiences and the source material they're seeking to adapt. It isn't that hard.

This. ☝️

I'd like to apologise all Americans for this Bagiński idiot. We are suffering inside too when we're reading what he's saying, trust me lol 😭

amiga500  5 | 1539
7 Aug 2023   #2
We are suffering inside too when we're reading what he's saying, trust me lol 😭

How is he wrong? The show has been bastardised and is nothing like the books which delved deeply into Slavic mythology. The show is another Game of Thrones rip-off.

You must be one of those low iq poles if you enjoy this show. Thankfully there are the three computer games that are faithful tol the source material.

Anyway we already had the discussion that netflix is the mcdonalds of television.
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #3
How is he wrong?


The show has been bastardised and is nothing like the books which delved deeply into Slavic mythology.

I know that...

You must be one of those low iq poles if you enjoy this show.

Aaand... how did you draw this conclusion exactly?? o_O
amiga500  5 | 1539
7 Aug 2023   #4
O.k mea culpa my bad, i didn't realise you were being sarcastic. ;) I hope the polish producer doesn't get fired now.
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #5
I hope the polish producer doesn't get fired now.


I see you don't understand... Tomek Bagiński, the Polish producer, is one of the people responsible for those changes, for that "bastardisation" of "The Witcher". He claims that deviating from the books was necessary. He is being heavily criticised by Poles, especially by Polish fans of "The Witcher" saga.

Didn't you read the article?
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Aug 2023   #6
sinking and digging themselves deeper and deeper... lol

into the swamp.

that's why they did all the changes and deviated from the books so much:

Yes, but being much older than you, I can tell you it has always happened to films and series which are book adaptations. :):) They do it to show they don`t depend solely on the original but are also able to create sth new on their own. These new ideas are usually shyt, but they don`t realise it.

Starting with the basic thing, the choice of actors by Netlfix evokes mixed feelings - Geralt is OK, Ciri, too. But Yennefer of a complete disaster.
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #7
I can tell you it has always happened to films and series which are book adaptations. :):)

Well, you know, there are changes and there CHANGES... :) I'm a Tolkien fan and even though they made some changes in the movie trilogy they were minor enough and they didn't mess up the plot and the characters. I loved the movie. Netflix's "The Witcher" is a different matter entirely... Also, LOTR movie was great, some even say it's a fantasy masterpiece... You can't say that about "The Witcher", unfortunately...
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Aug 2023   #8
He is being heavily criticised by Poles,

To the stocks with him! Who will throw the first rotten tomato at that bastard???

  • istockphoto13448763.jpg
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #9
But Yennefer of a complete disaster.

Yup, I agree.

Who will throw the first rotten tomato at that bastard???

Thanks to your comment I just had an epiphany why that review site Rotten Tomatoes is called like that ;D
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Aug 2023   #10
an epiphany why that review site Rotten Tomatoes is called like that

When they sentenced an offender to a punishment of the stocks, the crowd had fun abusing the perpetrator in different ways - one of them was throwing rubbish, waste and dung at him.
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #11
How did Netflix get this project funded without at least one gay guy, a lesbian, and a 100-pound blond successfully fighting off - all at the same time - six 250-pound guys...Amazing...

In 2019!
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #12
How did Netflix get this project funded without at least one gay guy

I didn't watch the whole 3rd season yet, but it looks like they're going to turn Jaskier into a bisexual...
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #13
Luckily, the viewers will be spared a spiritually uplifting story about a transgender "woman"...
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #14
My cynicism never fails to deliver ...

Let's start with this feminist "women are as strong as men" crap as exemplified by the attached picture.
No, they are not. Not even close. To prevail, they just nag men to death.

And, then the reviews...I will post only the titles:

Great story, great cast, destroyed by a crazy woman

Season 3 is garbage

Boring and Confusing

I feel like the writers were drunk writing Season 3

Waste of time

How to ruin a masterpiece? Give it to Netflix!

Writers of this show should stay on strike...

This show has made me bigoted

The last comment had this in it: ...and it's a diverse bisexual nightmare.

Memo to all: Never watch American anything. It's always woke garbage.

  • witch.jpg
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #15
as exemplified by the attached picture.

You didn't read "The Witcher" saga, did you lol

To prevail, they just nag men to death.

Well, in "The Witcher" books they kill them with spells and swords, etc. :D

Relax, Novichok, it's just a fantasy story ;D
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #16
You didn't read "The Witcher" saga, did you lol

Of course, not, so I am not commenting about the books.
I don't read fiction of any kind.

Relax, Novichok, it's just a fantasy story ;D

I didn't know THAT!!!
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #17
Of course, not, so I am not commenting about the books.

But in the books Ciri is fighting with a sword. So what were they supposed to make her fight with in the TV series? With a broom? lol
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #18
AR-15. Just as likely...It's a fantasy, isn't it?
How about poison? Women are good at it.
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #19
@Novichok, you can't use poison if someone is coming at you with a sword lol

AR-15. Just as likely...It's a fantasy, isn't it?

"The Witcher" is a type of fantasy story with the world based on stuff from Middle Ages, Renaissance, etc. AR-15 wouldn't fit in such a world. Swords do.
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #20
you can't use poison if someone is coming at you with a sword lol

Simple. A chick smiles and offers sex. The guy drops the sword and his pants. Then, when his mouth is wide open from heavy breathing, a pinch of arsenic...Case closed.

There...My script is better ...
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #21
A chick smiles and offers sex.

You're both disgusting and an idiot. Ciri wasn't an ordinary girl. Everyone and their mother was after her. She had to know how to defend herself.

It's like you, let us say, sending you granddaughter to krav maga classes.

Anyway, Ciri was one of very few females that I recall fighting with a sword in "The Witcher" books, I think. Another was, for example, Renfri, but she wasn't an ordinary woman either:

There...My script is better ...

No, it isn't.
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #22
No, it isn't.

My version would be more popular.
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #23
@Novichok, more popular among people like Strzelec35 maybe. Ciri in the books was 16 years old, you sick f*ck.
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #24
Ciri in the books was 16 years old,

16-year-old girls can barely help moms in the kitchen or carry a school backpack without complaining.
That sword would be too heavy to swing for the average 25-year-old guy. Unless it's made out of styrofoam.
Styrofoam or not, that fight should last 3 seconds.
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #25
That sword would be too heavy to swing for the average 25-year-old guy.

Ciri's sword was a gwyhyr made by gnomes. It's blade was very light :):
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #26
that fight should last 3 seconds.

Well, Ciri was trained by witchers in Kaer Morhen, you know. That could give her some advantage in comparison to an average teenage girl, I suppose :)
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #27
Stories like this one are anti-women.

Women are smart enough to know that they are simply not capable to fight men with swords. "Women can do everything men can" only leads to frustration and feeling of inadequacy.

Their strength is being able to manipulate men because men are stupid, trusting, and heroic. A terrible combination...See volunteers in Ukraine...
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #28
@Novichok, how are stories like this anti-women? lol This is a fantasy story where there are all kinds of creatures that don't exist in the real world and where people do magic. Are those stories anti-men, because men can't do magic in the real world? Men are smart enough to know that they are simply not capable of making magic lol

Women are smart enough to know that they are simply not capable to fight men with swords.

Noone fights with swords these days anymore lol These days we have guns. Guns are quite an equaliser - even kids can use them. And women can use guns as well as men. So get over yourself and stop worrying so much about fantasy stories that are supposed to be entertaining. If you were to write novels they would be terribly boring and... very short, I imagine lol
Novichok  4 | 8680
7 Aug 2023   #29
Noone fights with swords these days anymore

It's worse. Women use kitchen knives on their sleeping husbands. Easy kill...This at least makes sense...

Novichok, how are stories like this anti-women?

Any story that is designed to make you feel more potent than realistically possible is bad. On the men's side, it's these idiotic movies showing the hero jumping from roof to roof or going against the traffic at 100 kph, in Paris, at noon, and nobody dies...
OP Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Aug 2023   #30
Any story that is designed to make you feel more potent than realistically possible is bad.

But women fighting with swords against men isn't something that never happened in the history of mankind :):

And already ancient Greeks were creating stories and myths about warrior women - the Amazons:

Those stories were based in reality (a quote from the article):

"Around 450 BC Herodotus and other writers described Scythian women fighting on horses next to men"

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