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What can I say/do about my Polish neighbours in the UK?

pawian  226 | 27817
27 Nov 2021   #61
Most Poles live in flats.

Nope, you are lying. Shame on you. :(:(:(

Read the article from this year,Ilu-Polakow-mieszka-w-domach-jednorodzinnych-a-ilu-w-blokach.html

Stat for flat vs detached house

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Miloslaw  22 | 5206
27 Nov 2021   #62
Nope, you are lying. Shame on you. :

No, you are lying.
I have to say that I did not expect that
pawian  226 | 27817
27 Nov 2021   #63

No. I provided hard proofs while you are telling tall stories. As usual. Don`t worry, we are used to it. :):):)
8 May 2023   #64
COUNCIL Lol, waste of time complaining to that lot.

I've had an issue with poles that is still ongoing due to noise, damaging cars and burning rubbish out their back garden which in turn fills my home with fumes, the council were very keen until they realised the neighbours were poles then all the council could say was, "its intermittent so can't do anything about it"

Police are the same, everyone is scared to offend and my neighbours certainly know how to play the victim card.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
8 May 2023   #65
I've had an issue with poles that is still ongoing

You are a very stupid person.
Go and talk to them, enjoy a drink together and maybe share some food.
Once you get to be friendly with them, raise your concerns.
I guarantee that they will be sympathetic and will comply.
Your negative attitude is the problem.

Home / UK, Ireland / What can I say/do about my Polish neighbours in the UK?
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