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Poles in the UK, you know were the door is

Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #31
Wrocław, the point is they were trying to show the Poles the door but it backfired :) :) Didn't you hear about it?

Poles don't get in the way of the English doing their thing so why the call for the door?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
6 Jun 2011   #32
Didn't you hear about it?

seanus, my post wasn't directed at you.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 Jun 2011   #33
What culture are Poles supposed to be trampling on in England anyway?

Yes, I agree with you Englanddoes have a very stagnant culture. They are in decline. They pretty much live on the past. with all Wealth pretty much from the past.

Poland scored a 106 iq vs 100 iq for Britain.

So, It is good for Poles to come to England

Polish culture is on the rise we have no where to go but up.

But, English culture is on the down & down.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #34
Aha, ok :) :)

You know, I do see the frustration of Joe Public in GB who cannot get a job because of the mass influx of immigrants. However, life is competitive and people have to earn, often by fair means or foul. What I don't like is when they are put out of a job by underhand means. They should file a lawsuit for unfair dismissal then.

Don't blame the Pole, blame the system!
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
6 Jun 2011   #35
get back on topic, please.

Out of all of the posts my post was one of the most on topic about Poles Joseph Conrad & Jack Szostak assimilating into England & bringing culture to England.
Crow  155 | 9700
6 Jun 2011   #36
sure. Poles are wise. They aren`t like us Serbians. We Serbs are crazy. We Serbians fu** you openly, while Poles fu** you from inside.
Seanus  15 | 19666
6 Jun 2011   #37
The Poles have certainly got being 'sprytny' down to a fine tee :) Still, they use it to further their own objectives and it wouldn't interfere with the lives of the British. Many Brits are thankful for the hard work of the Poles. The door is there for some of their lazier own people.
Marek11111  9 | 807
6 Jun 2011   #38
look I found the biggest leeches in UK ... .... .... ..... .... and they are the name is Saxe-Coburg-Gotha

it is pity that they are allowed to suck so much while others go hungry
isthatu2  4 | 2692
6 Jun 2011   #39
Scots also had some links.

Where do you come up with all this complete bullsh!t???

Some Scottish Historians say Scythians started Scots & All Historians say that Celts started Scotland.

Only the dumb as fcuk ones maybe....

Poles & Scots are very similar.

clearly not,as I am nothing like you,oh,wait,you are a Yank anyway,what would you know?

Anti White nation of England.


I despise British food which is simply awful. Once I bought a few products during a British campaign in Liedl.

WTF :):) What a plank, that place is a cheap dump of over processed mostly german food!!!!its where you go if your unemployment benifit doesnt strech to Netto,or,alternativly,where shed loads of Poles went for their daily dose of bland fatty foods :)

Brits go in there with a feeling they are on holiday as there is nothing British about the place :)
If you are over again i'll take you out myself for a slap up British meal, do you prefer Tandoori or Vindaloo? ;)

assimilating into England & bringing culture to England.

two fcukin polish guys,one who wrote a few short stories and one who,what,you try to say invented TV? lols..,you think that out weighs Milton and Sheakspeare ,Dickens,bronte's, Byron,Shelley etc etc etc, ??? LMFHAO ,wow, you have just taken plastic polish arrogence to stratospheric levels,my congratulations,you loon....

it is pity that they are allowed to suck so much while others go hungry

Who is going hungry you fooking lunatic?
Ogorki  - | 114
7 Jun 2011   #40
Don't get me wrong I know Polish people are among the hardest working people but if your going to move into a country try integrate and appreciate it's culture a bit.

...the ripples of trauma have been passed down the generations - and young people feel obliged to remember.
ask any none bias historian if you are too thick to know what I'm on about.

...the brits abroad :) now theres a topic.

Go to Krakow and tell them you are a stag party from UK. LOL

Brits go there with zero respect for anything. Their arrogance is spectacular.

The arrogance of this thread is also spectacular. How dare anyone slag off britain. We are perfect angels and don't deserve such behaviour. LOL
Meowmeow  5 | 57
7 Jun 2011   #41
well you know what people who don't like U.K move out to somewhere you find more acceptable. So brits get drunk abroad big deal. i am talking about long term living....everytime brits have to be insulted like they are bad people. I think u.k should leave the e.u send everyone back to the countries they come from and that will give them a real reason to hate the u.k.

Why not move to iraq or Afghanistan or sudan or china I am sure they will be nicer than the brits....
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 Jun 2011   #42
Where do you come up with all this complete bullsh!t???

Declaration of Albroath (1320), it declared that the Scots were Scythians, an ancient Western Asian people.

This could explain why Scots have the most B blood type in Western Europe
& Why Scots have the highest R1a haplogroup in the British Isle

Scythians were depicted as blonde. They looked like Russians.

I was talking about how Joseph Conrad assimilated to England & Contributed to England.

That is all.

Joseph Conrad is a good example of the Asset Polish people are to England & How Polish people do assimilate quite well.

Are you that dumb?

But, Since you turned this into a pissing contest.

Some other great writers had Polish roots like Nikola Gogol, Dostoevsky & Charles Bukowski.
Meowmeow  5 | 57
7 Jun 2011   #43
Who cares??? Genetics this and that, you're like Data from Star Trek. As long as a group of people are nice, that's all that matter.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 Jun 2011   #44
Scots are clearly superior to the English.

I have done research you obviously have notl.

Everything I said here is true.

It is similar. Paul Nipkow was a Polish Kashubian who lived in Lebork Polish Germany & Invented Television

John Logie Baird was a Scot who moved to England & took Paul Nipkow's invention & made it work & influenced him to invent his televison

You talk like a complete monkey.
Meowmeow  5 | 57
7 Jun 2011   #45
This is stupid... superior???? Sound like something the Nazi speaking about the Aryan race. we all have the same body bits, no one has evolved to be anything other than human yet. Scientists even say there isn't even enough genetic difference for there to be different races, true but hard for some to believe who like to think white people are Gods chosen people. Jesus was good as an arab/jew genetic background, he wasn't white, does that make him less superior to you?
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 Jun 2011   #46
Some other great writers had Polish roots like Nikola Gogol, Dostoevsky & Charles Bukowski.

Gogol did have Polish ancestors but Nikolai Gogol hated Poles fanatically, see his novella Taras Bulba. Fyodor Dostoevsky was also a fanatical Russian nationalist who also maligned Poles in his stories, and his father's ancestors were Lithuanians not Poles. Charles Bukowski was a German-American.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
7 Jun 2011   #47
Yes, but Nikolai Gogol was still Polish.

I have heard Russian sources even say Dostoevsky is half Polish.

Charles Bukowski had a Polish American father. Obviously. BUKOWSKI

But, Germans always lie about who is Polish.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
7 Jun 2011   #48
Charles Bukowski had a Polish American father

Charles Bukowski's father was a German-American and his mother was a German whom his father met during World War One. There are millions of Germans that bear Slavic surnames. Charles Bukowski drove a Volkswagon Beetle with an Iron Cross hanging from the rear-view mirror.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Jun 2011   #49
Charles Bukowski had a Polish American father. Obviously. BUKOWSKI

Aw. Our little bedroom brownshirt fails to understand that in Europe, people can often bear surnames of a different origin to their ethnicity.

I know several people with German names, despite having clear Polish lineage.

But, Germans always lie about who is Polish.

Says the person who isn't even pure Polish, but rather some halfbreed child descended from WW2 traitors.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
7 Jun 2011   #50
Are we keeping you up? how you finding the hispanic immigration?
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
7 Jun 2011   #51
how you finding the hispanic immigration?

It's not the same situation because Poles go to UK legally while Mexicans just hop over the border or pay someone to move them over. It's dangerous because of the heat.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
8 Jun 2011   #52
Charles Bukowski's father was a German-American

Charles Bukowski's father was Polish American

Charles Bukowski was an influential 20th-century poet and author. He was born in Andernach, Germany, in 1920, to a German mother and a Polish-American father.

PolskiMoc: But, Germans always lie about who is Polish.

Says the person who isn't even pure Polish, but rather some halfbreed child descended from WW2 traitors.

My Great Grandfather sent his 3 daughters to the U.S & he stayed back as an officer in the Polish Army to fight in WW2.

So, Don't talk **** about things you don't know you retarded Western European ape.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Jun 2011   #53
Charles Bukowski was an influential 20th-century poet and author. He was born in Andernach, Germany, in 1920, to a German mother and a Polish-American father.

His father was not Polish-American. Charles Bukowski's father's parents migrated to the USA from Germany. Charles Bukowski's father was named Heinrich Karl Bukowski. Do you honestly believe a Polish family would haven given their son such names?
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
8 Jun 2011   #54
Charles Bukowski's father was Polish American.

Since Germany had Polish lands alot of Poles were citizens of Germany.

Same with Poles in Russia.

Difference is Russians admit Polish Russians.

While Germans deny that Bukowski, Nietzsche, Dirk Nowitzki & Podolski are Polish. LOL

Germans are so primitive.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Jun 2011   #55
Charles Bukowski's father was Polish American.

Listen man, I have a biography of Charles Bukowski in my library and he and his father considered themselves German-Americans. His father spoke German not Polish. There is no German conspiracy to deny his Polishness. If you had any idea regarding the lecherous nature of much of the stuff he wrote you would understand that many Germans would be glad to deny his Germaness.
PolskiMoc  4 | 323
8 Jun 2011   #56
Alot of Poles became German citizens due to the Paritions of Poland.

Theodor Kaluza & Max Skldanowsky are prime examples of Polish Germans.

So is Charles Bukowski's father.

I was born in the U.S as Matt not Matuesz. But, I am still Polish.
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Jun 2011   #57
I was born in the U.S as Matt not Matuesz. But, I am still Polish.

Charles Bukowski's father was born in Los Angeles and his parents named him Heinrich Karl Bukowski.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
8 Jun 2011   #58
I was born in the U.S as Matt not Matuesz. But, I am still Polish.

So, you don't even have a Polish name, you're a halfbreed (with German blood - in Poland, the mother determines the bloodline, not the father) - you really don't have much going for you, do you?

While Germans deny that Bukowski, Nietzsche, Dirk Nowitzki & Podolski are Polish. LOL

Podolski? I've never heard a German claim that he's anything but Polish. In fact, Klose is seen as Polish - despite the man himself declaring himself to be Silesian and European.

Difference is Russians admit Polish Russians.

Oh yes, that would be like how people born in Lwów were forced into having "Lvov, ZSSR" as their birthplace?

Face it, racist - you know nothing about Poland.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11961
8 Jun 2011   #59
So, you don't even have a Polish name, you're a halfbreed (with German blood

Rofl Rofl Rofl *cackle cackle* Really!!!! PolskiDump is self-hater???? *snicker* ROFL

While Germans deny that Bukowski, Nietzsche, Dirk Nowitzki & Podolski are Polish.

Not only Germans, themselves and the world too:

Bukowski was born Heinrich Karl Bukowski in Andernach, Germany, to Heinrich Bukowski and Katharina (née Fett).

Born in Würzburg, Germany, Nowitzki comes from a sports family: his mother Helga was a professional basketball player and his father Jörg-Werner was a handball player who represented Germany at the highest international level.[3]

Podolski is polish who preferred to play for Germany instead of Poland. Make of that what you will ;)
Des Essientes  7 | 1288
8 Jun 2011   #60
Nietzsche claimed to be Polish in his book Ecce Homo and so you are very wrong in claiming that he denied being Polish.

Home / UK, Ireland / Poles in the UK, you know were the door is

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