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Why Poles will never belong in England

12 Aug 2011   #211
I was simply indicating that civilization in Europe moved northward, from south to north and not the other way round-:)
12 Aug 2011   #212
Yes,but Im sure if Poles did riot they would do it far better than us...............

The police would also do it better from their part too.
Once I saw such riots few years ago and the police in action.
modafinil  - | 416
12 Aug 2011   #213
Yes,but Im sure if Poles did riot they would do it far better than us..............

No they woudn't. They would have one maybe two great and brilliant rioting individuals .Afterwards, for decades and for centuries, they would continually bring them up as proof that Poles are the greatest rioters equal to, if not better, than British ones.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Aug 2011   #214
They would have one maybe two great and brilliant rioting individuals .Afterwards, for decades and for centuries, they would continually bring them up

I've admired Kosciusko as one of the greatest freedom fighters of all time. His name should be brought up centuries from now.

As to rioting, Poles seem to have done quite well with Solidarnosc. ]

Poles are the greatest rioters equal to, if not better, than British ones.

If Britain wasn't an island, it would have been swallowed up long ago. Location, location, location........
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Aug 2011   #215
The only real reason that they may not fit in is trying to insist on their culture being elevated beyond that which is should be afforded. Otherwise, what's the problem?
jarnowa  4 | 499
13 Aug 2011   #216
well, jarnowa uses it because he is our resident realist.


Tell me Wroclaw, why do you think that ethnic background has nothing to do with these riots?

You really think the main reason is poverty?
Then why don't we hear about Polish looters? They aren't poor?
I'm sure that British welfare benefits are much higher than Polish benefits, so i don't think that the average unemployed* benefit-pulling, golden chains-wearing looter from Tottenham is poorer than the average Polish immigrant.

*isn't it strange? many rioters blame the government because of "no jobs" and at the same time thousands of Polish immigrants easily find jobs in the UK, even if they are unskilled and hardly speak English.
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Aug 2011   #217
Resident realist? I can't see where he said that.

Jarnowa, hasn't it crossed your mind that immigrants took those jobs? Just a thought!
convex  20 | 3928
13 Aug 2011   #218
Tell me Wroclaw, why do you think that ethnic background has nothing to do with these riots?

Again, you see what you want to see.
jarnowa  4 | 499
13 Aug 2011   #219
Yes, many white criminals too, but don't forget that we're talking about the UK, the most politically correct country of Europe.
I'm 100% sure that that the p.c. UK press is actively trying to manipulate the public opinion as much as possible by counter-balancing pictures of coloured looters with at least as many pictures of white looters so as to try to make people believe that ethnic background has nothing to do with the riots.

But knowing how and where it started, how it spread and knowing that many seek to blame "discrimination" as one of the causes of their anger, it's easy to see the root cause of these riots: coloured losers who hate anyone who is white and has more money.

The white looters are mainly low-lives who joined the party but didn't start it.

Enlighten me if you have arguments that show me that i'm wrong.

Jarnowa, hasn't it crossed your mind that immigrants took those jobs? Just a thought!

Seanus, hasn't it crossed your mind that it's all about mentality and having the right values?
If an unskilled poor English speaking Polish guy can find a job soon after arriving in the UK, why can't an English-speaking black born and raised in the most immigrant-friendly country of Europe find a job? (of course i'm not suggesting all blacks are like that, just too many).
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Aug 2011   #220
Some get help getting into employment. Employers hire Poles because they work for less. There is still a colour bias in the UK in some sectors. Shall I go on?
Wroclaw  44 | 5359
13 Aug 2011   #221
You really think the main reason is poverty?

i don't remember saying the riots had anything to do with poverty.

nor do i remember saying ethnic background had anything to do with it.

and especially i didn't use the word 'realist'

next time u misquote i'll bin the whole post.
jarnowa  4 | 499
13 Aug 2011   #222
i don't remember saying the riots had anything to do with poverty.

So let me ask your p.o.v. in this, these riots are just a lower-class against middle/upper class thing, no anti-white sentiments involved whatsoever?

No riots in Scottish cities, no Polish looters despite many of them living in much worse conditions than the Tottenham youth, how do you explain all this?

and especially i didn't use the word 'realist'

Despite all my efforts to show you to proof otherwise, you keep on calling me a racist.
So instead of being annoyed you should be glad i'm not striking back at you! ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Aug 2011   #223
Jarnowa, it's really hard to prove either way.
jarnowa  4 | 499
13 Aug 2011   #224
Sorry, forgot to answer you Seanus.

Some get help getting into employment.

True, but even more social workers do the same for specific ethnic minorites. Besides, Poles don't enjoy "affirmative action" like some ethnic groups.

Employers hire Poles because they work for less.

Ok, the employers are to blame. Now i understand. ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Aug 2011   #225
It's called redressing the imbalance, jarnowa.

Some employers don't play by the rules. What kind of society does that create?
Wroclaw Boy
13 Aug 2011   #226
these riots are just a lower-class against middle/upper class thing,

You could say that. That coloured chick that was busted by her mum for being a thug, the same one that was an Olympic show girl, man she was fit.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Aug 2011   #227
No riots in Scottish cities,

the Scottish and the Welsh are treated a WHOLE lot better than the English, its a fact. No prescription charges, no unnaffordable uni fees, no, these are reserved for the English. And if we say anything we are told we are "racist"
Seanus  15 | 19666
13 Aug 2011   #228
Ah, the Union of the Parliaments ;)
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
13 Aug 2011   #229
the Scottish and the Welsh are treated a WHOLE lot better than the English, its a fact.

It's not a fact.

For a start, while Scotland has no uni fees (actually, we do - it's only the 'first attempt' per year that's free - otherwise it's nearly 2,000 pounds a year) - we also have much less in the way of student support packages for poor students. There's no system of bursaries in higher education for instance, unlike in England. Then there's the issue of university funding - it's no secret that Scottish universities are far worse funded than English ones - and our FE college system is rapidly merging to leave only a few 'super-colleges' (which isn't good, is it?).

No prescription charges? Yes, but again - the Scottish health service is pretty poor in rural areas. Many rural maternity wards were shut, leaving people to travel huge distances to give birth. Many places don't even have specialist cancer wards in small rural hospitals - again - meaning people are often far away from their families and homes.

It's also looking like there will be massive cuts in the funding towards lifeline ferry services - there's just no money for new boats, and many other boats are pushing 30 years of age. People depend on these services, yet it's totally unclear what the future holds for them.

There's two sides to every story, especially here.

(mind you - I am a huge supporter of English devolution and believe that the UK Parliament should be federal rather than the current situation with the West Lothian Question still in play)
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
13 Aug 2011   #230
e 'first attempt' per year that's free - otherwise it's nearly 2,000 pounds a year

and for the English, 9,000 quid, first attempt or not.

Scottish health service is pretty poor in rural areas.

and outside of London its pretty shyte in England too
John Novak
22 Jul 2017   #231
I am German Lithuanian and Czech Slovak saxons and normans were Germanic and French normans in England fled back to France and Anglo and saxons are Anglo celtics and saxons are of German background
RubasznyRumcajs  5 | 495
22 Jul 2017   #232
@John Novak

have you ever heard about commas? You know- that sign ","- it's a quite useful sign. So are other punctuation signs.
btw, talk about thread necromancy :S
Lyzko  44 | 9725
22 Jul 2017   #233
One of the master stylists of the English language was Joseph Conrad - a native POLE who didn't even learn English until a twenty-five-year old seaman!! His writing surely belongs to England as to no other country, just like Hardy, Dickens or Maugham:-)
Crow  155 | 9708
23 Jul 2017   #234
Why? Because Poles are normal people. That`s why.
nothanks  - | 626
23 Jul 2017   #235
I saw the film 'Dunkirk' yesterday. Loved it. Ordered a gin in the theater to be in the right mood. Love the film. Must see
Marsupial  - | 871
24 Jul 2017   #236
I heard it was crap and typical fake brit history. Haven't seen yet.
jon357  72 | 23654
24 Jul 2017   #237
His writing surely belongs to England as to no other country, just like Hardy, Dickens or Maugham:-)

He was better than Maugham, not as good as Hardy or Dickens. A remarkable writer, not least due to his use of non-linear narrative. Nevertheless, behind every great man there's a great woman, and his wife' role in proofing his literature is on,y now being fully appreciated. She was a competent writer herself, who dedicated her life (which involved a great deal of poverty before the books started to sell) in supporting him in his endeavours.
Lyzko  44 | 9725
24 Jul 2017   #238
Nice riposte.
3 Mar 2019   #239
Be proud of where you come from emigration to another country can change you Nationality after naturalisation.
But deep down .... You are what you are. Don't try to be what you cant be .......and want people to accept you for whatever..

You have to have a sense of pride of what you are...and believe it....
Sylvio  19 | 154
4 Mar 2019   #240
What you are all missing here is that all in the UK, except for an odd fish 'n chip shop are controlled by Israelis. Israel attacking Poland is about attacking the only remaining reservoir of Christian character profile. My vantage point is not antisemitic only aiming to defend myself against those who attack me. Every political movement which the Israelis had funded, organised, and influenced since 1948, had always kept the Catholic church in the cross-hairs. Oh, no. Not openly, but indirectly.There is always a go-between. In Syria its Isis, in UK its Brexit. In Western Europe its LGBT etc. The secret fundings of Russian revolution, Hitler's war campain, EU etc. etc. were all orchestrated with the money from the same source. Surely it was not Helmut Kohl, or Mitteraind or Thatcher who had a Eureka moment to create EEC and tgen EU. They were just hired to do the microphone work. If you examine the results, those initiatives ended up eliminating or diminishing chances of any Catholic nation growing into a sizable power. Israel was very quick to forgive Germany but not Poland for what?!? WW2? It will seem less absurd once you acknowledge that it was them who funded it through their US snd UK banks. All other aspects, even the Hollocaust, or trade, come second. As far as Israel is concerned any religion is good so long as it does not show Jesus Christ on the cross.Their indigenous guilt trip. BTW what rrlugion is Venezuela? The Isreali driven, EU agenda, of "blending" European nations together, so no one has a claim on, or feels responsible for any place, and then "engineering" the so called arab spring in order to march Suni muslim army in plain clothes, on Europe, are all about stifling influence of Catholic religion, smoking the Roman Catholics out of house and home, and eventually the planet. Because Poland has been 99% Catholic, has a strong church, and a patriotic electorate, the Isrealies see it, as poised for growth of power and influence and thus an obstacle to their multicultie, dumbed down, techno-gulag master plan. By comparison, with a massive muslim population and Church of England dead in the water, the UK is a pushover. The plan for us Poles in UK is to keep us busy, distracted, away from adding to conservative electorate in Poland, and earning as little as possible. The real disposable income for a working Pole in the is not much. Poles in UK will never be seen working as bank, school or corporate manager. Even if they spoke queens English. Why? Such jobs are, and always have been only for Non-Catholics. Protestants, muslims, blacks, russians,are ok. But never Catholics.

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