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Why Poles will never belong in England

rychlik  41 | 372
9 Aug 2011   #181
England is burning -ehehehehehehehehehe
Avalon  4 | 1063
9 Aug 2011   #182
And the "Daily Mail" has not blamed the Poles yet. Still its early in the day!!!!
grubas  12 | 1382
9 Aug 2011   #183
England is burning -ehehehehehehehehehe

Why would you be happy about their's misfortune?I am sure there are some decent people even among Brits (even though I don't know any) and I am not happy about Brits problems even though many of them are Poles bashing scum.At least try to be indifferent.
Palivec  - | 379
9 Aug 2011   #184
Borders went back and forth for centuries. There are Poles of Saxon decent and Saxons of Polish decent.

Saxony never shared a border with Poland until 1945, and your map shows the personal union of Saxony and Poland. You may google what "personal union" means.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
9 Aug 2011   #185
Oh dear, So you haven't learned much then have you-you're not the product of Labour's education system by any chance are you?

Wow, did you get dropped on your head as a baby?
You state clearly that you consider A bunch of mercinaries who arived on these shores in the 1000s to be "englands first cavalry"....... I point out that you obviously know nothing about Rome or Romano British history and your supposed counter argument is that the Saxons came AFTER the Romans so the saxons must have been FIRST??????WTF you smoking down there buddy?

BTW, FYI cobber,nope, was educated under the Tories,in a Grammar school......also live less than 8 miles from a Romano british cavalry go on, kangaroo shagger,tell us how you know best.

Let me get this right though, you think that a half Polish king controlled England as a colony is that right?

No. A Danish King,who may have had a Polish mother,though there are no hard facts about this,his mother is named no where in actual historical material, ruled a part of what is now England as part of a wider Danish break away "empire".
hague1cmaeron  14 | 1366
9 Aug 2011   #186
BTW, FYI cobber,nope, was educated under the Tories,in a Grammar school......also live less than 8 miles from a Romano british cavalry go on, kangaroo shagger,tell us how you know best.

Somebody should put you out of your misery, When did I say that the Anglo Saxons came first-they obviously came second as I pointed out. And how can Roman cavalry be considered as England's first when England wasn't even in existence at the time? You do realise that England was named after the Angles don't you and not the Romans?

Its like arguing against somebody with a mental handicap, I am quite used to instructing foreigners about Polish history, but I must say teaching an Englishman about his own history, now that doesn't happen too often. Are you sure they didn't get the 11 plus results mixed up by any chance?
9 Aug 2011   #187
Slavs are white mixed with Far East Asians. Blame Ghengis Khan. They are not called seperately "East" Europeans for nothing, and Poland is not officially classed as a second world country for nothing. I don't care if some Poles have got blonde hair, so has my dog. Poles are Slavic, not Germanic, and they can never be English.

You mistaken us with russians. It's because you learn/hear that Mongols occupied eastern europe, and you falsely credit us as "eastern europe".

Second world country because Iron Curtain, that exist no more.

Again, I congratulate this f*** that turned/translated WORDIC to SLAVIC (Slave).
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Aug 2011   #188
Exactly! A lot of Russians are Mongoloid. Poles? Very very few indeed!
TheOther  6 | 3596
9 Aug 2011   #189
But they are still eastern Europeans... ;)
Seanus  15 | 19666
9 Aug 2011   #190
If it isn't crystal clear by now, I hate classifications.

So sb from Szczecin is Eastern European but the German guy just 2 mins across the border is Western European? So who is Central European? It's all BS about labels.
TheOther  6 | 3596
9 Aug 2011   #191
If it isn't crystal clear by now, I hate classifications.

If it isn't clear by now, I was kidding... :)

PS: What's so bad about being eastern European anyway?
Marcus911  3 | 102
11 Aug 2011   #192
There are plenty of Polish and other races who have been living in England since before, during and after the War. Are they not now British citizens?, I wonder where the original posters lineage comes from?

Point is, if you work, live and contribute to a country, you eventually become part of the bones and fabric of it. Lets not forget the group of Brits that dont really do any of us proud by refusing to work at all, hanging around drinking lager at 11 o clock collecting their benefits for their 'bad backs' and 10 kids while moaning that the 'poles took our jobs' whilst they have no intention of working any time soon. These people are the bunions of society, lazy dolite, uneducated scum who are running around the UK today distroying the businesses, homes and livelyhoods of those who work hard for a living.

If that's the type of people who you want in the UK then God help us all.
Personally, give me a hard working immigrant any day for a neighbour, no matter what nationality they are. :-)

With my Catholic Celt, Roman, Saxon, Angol, French, Scandanavian genes and the genes of my Slavic Catholic wife we have given birth to two super Catholic Celt, Roman, Saxon, Angol, French, Scandanavian, Slavic boys.

Same here, apart from mine are Girls.

ENGLISHMAN, I think that you and your likes are the cause of many of the troubles that the UK has today. Have you ever looked to see where you came from? tell us your second name and we might be able to help you there.

Listening to you would make any normal human being feel nauseated, you are a racist to the core and in this world today there is no room for the likes of you.
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
11 Aug 2011   #193
What's so bad about being eastern European anyway?

Nothing!...but Poles are Central European although they are often lumped in with East Europeans. Even Henry Kissinger had a problem with it.

"I'm delighted," said Henry Kissinger, "to be here in Eastern, I mean Central Europe." And for the rest of his talk he kept saying "Eastern, I mean Central Europe." The place was Warsaw, the time, summer 1990, and this was the moment I knew Central Europe had triumphed.

the "Daily Mail" has not blamed the Poles yet. Still its early in the day!!!

Are they looking for a Polish surnamed rioter?

you learn/hear that Mongols occupied eastern europe,

So what's wrong with Mongols? When pricked, do they not bleed...........?

Most Euro-Kings and Queens bequeathed their sons and daughters to other nations families to keep the blood blue

Yes indeed, ironically these blue bloods are the most 'diversified' people of all; very mongrel-ized (not that there is anything wrong with that).

So who is Central European?

Germans, Poles Czechs, Slovaks, Hungarians and Austrians - oh, and half of Switzerland. Well, maybe Liechtenstein too.
mvefa  5 | 591
11 Aug 2011   #194
hahahaha It is hilarious to see all the poles, plastic poles and alike, clamming up and sharpening their nails when someone discriminate them, BUT if the thread would have been about Middle easterns, Asian of other inmigrants in the UK they would have been the first throwing racist chants...HYPOCRITES!
11 Aug 2011   #195
Are you sure? Mostly I see British who are upset with a comment of their fellow countryman.


Btw. you've just exposed your prejudice towards Poles. Now, do you feel sainter than the saints?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
11 Aug 2011   #196
Why Poles will never belong in England

Um, because there are too many riots in England?
Seanus  15 | 19666
11 Aug 2011   #197
Oh, some Poles can riot but they'd prefer to moan first ;)
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Aug 2011   #198
To balance the rioting in England, Poles in Poznan are having a 'moan-in'. The streets will be overrun by thousands of moaners. Probably not much news coverage though.
Seanus  15 | 19666
12 Aug 2011   #199
A moan-in? Over what?
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Aug 2011   #200
You brought up moaning first so you must be aware of the answer. Of course not everyone can moan properly. In Poland one must first pass government specified courses.

"Grunting 101"
" Lamenting in Front of Others" (a particularly good class)
"Whimpering For Results"
"Whining While Dieting"
"Complaining 101"
and of course it is mandatory for women to take the " Nagging In Marriage" course.

There is a "Bemoaning class" as well but that course is only offered after all the other courses have been successfully passed.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Aug 2011   #201
Yes,but Im sure if Poles did riot they would do it far better than us...............
12 Aug 2011   #202
Any dyed-in-the-wool Anglophiles out there. Mates, while your 'little brown' neighbors to the far south of Europe were building palaces, great vessels, metropolises, painting great artworks and sculpting timeless masterpieces, the Anglo-Saxons were sitting around their trough, eating mead and throwing bones at one another.

Who's the 'civilized' people now?

isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Aug 2011   #203
mead is a drink you pillock............and the anglo saxons lived in,wow,saxony and poland at those times..double pillock
Barney  19 | 1729
12 Aug 2011   #204
Ah you can eat it the same with soup, it just involves the invention of the spoon which I may add is up there with the wheel.

PS Neutral on the nationality issue
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Aug 2011   #205
Any dyed-in-the-wool Anglophiles out there.

There aren't many left. The plague sometimes known as "political correctness" has gripped too many of them. Only antidotes available such as honesty, logic and courage are in short supply.

your 'little brown' neighbors to the far south of Europe were building palaces, great vessels, metropolises, painting great artworks and sculpting timeless masterpieces, the Anglo-Saxons were sitting around their trough, eating mead and throwing bones at one another.

At least they didn't have to smell camel dung.

Who's the 'civilized' people now?

Ironic comment since your builders of "palaces, great vessels, metropolises, great artworks and ...masterpieces" seem to still be living in the 7th century. Meanwhile the great innovations such as air travel, computers, and a myriad of necessary revolutionary creations were invented by bone throwing Europeans.
Barney  19 | 1729
12 Aug 2011   #206
Zim he was talking about southern Europeans......
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Aug 2011   #207
Yeah,the Greeks and Spaniards,they never riot..................
ZIMMY  6 | 1601
12 Aug 2011   #208
he was talking about southern Europeans......

Really? He said "to the far south of Europe" which I inferred as Muslim transgressions into Europe.
What's he got against the Greeks and Italians? Spaniards too?
Okay Lyzko, what was your point? Give us your "politically correct" viewpoint.
Barney  19 | 1729
12 Aug 2011   #209
Yeah,the Greeks and Spaniards,they never riot..................

Not poof riots anyway....Edit to put in sarcasm winks;);)

Okay Lyzko, what was your point?

He was having a dig at the Brits.
isthatu2  4 | 2692
12 Aug 2011   #210
Really? He said "to the far south of Europe"

TBH,I thought he meant the Eygyptians too.........of course, no riots there either eh...................

Not poof riots anyway....

Well,lets face it,it was cockernees and scousers................good job it didnt spread to hard to scotland

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