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Why Poles will never belong in England

JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #61
As if the national pride should be scuffed upon and as if it’s the greatest evil out there.

That's not an 'agenda' and I've, in all mymany years on this earth, never heard anyone propose that.

At that point, he himself does not define himself as Polish and no one any wiser.

Exactly - he is not Polish. Genes are irrelevant.
pip  10 | 1658
30 Jul 2011   #62
Exactly - he is not Polish. Genes are irrelevant.

I disagree. Particularly in the "New World". We all have desire to know what our background is.- something to identify with. I am Canadian- but I am often asked where my ancestors came from. I don't just identify myself as Canadian. I will say Canadian but my ancestors came from England, Ireland, Scotland and Norway. It is the same in U.S. Yes my nationality is Canadian but my heritage is from elsewhere. In this case the two are separate. If you are German- you are a German national and have German heritage- but the two are different.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #63
I disagree. Particularly in the "New World". We all have desire to know what our background is.- something to identify with. I am Canadian- but I am often asked where my ancestors came from.

Genes or cultural identity?
modafinil  - | 416
30 Jul 2011   #64
We all have desire to know

There's that bloody "we" again...
legend  3 | 658
30 Jul 2011   #65
Exactly - he is not Polish. Genes are irrelevant.

lol. seriously are you nuts?
JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #66
So why do you think genes affect identity?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
30 Jul 2011   #67
That's not an 'agenda' and I've, in all mymany years on this earth, never heard anyone propose that.

That’s where we differ in our respective positions; it’s the first step to one world government. First you have to eradicate self-awareness of an individual, national identity is the first target on their list to be eliminated altogether, yet looking at each government no matter what country they govern they all have their faults, their decision are simply not in the best interest of the people they happen to represent. It’s all about exercising the power over them. For some that’s not enough, they want that power over all but how that can be when the decisions they make are not for the advancement of the mankind but quite frankly for the benefit of the few privileged ones. If you can’t get your own house in order and every decision you make is to advance your own career you do it for the wrong reasons and you haven’t graduated to the next level, no matter how noble the idea seems to be. For me the people who buy into that Global movement are simply confused as to what the ultimate goal of those that initiated it is.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #68
What's wrong with one world government? We all share the same planet. Does that necessarily involve 'eradication' of national identity?
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
30 Jul 2011   #69
Does that necessarily involve 'eradication' of national identity?

Judging by the numerous comments you made on this forum over time I certainly get that impression.
NomadatNet  1 | 457
30 Jul 2011   #70
What's wrong with one world government? We all share the same planet. Does that necessarily involve 'eradication' of national identity?

Maybe, nothing wrong. But, who'll be government? Some months ago, when Global United New Money was offered, UK rejected it for example. Without single one money valid globally, you know, world government idea is a useless idea.
legend  3 | 658
30 Jul 2011   #71
So why do you think genes affect identity?

Genes are simply the number one reason if you are Polish, Germany, Asian, or Black.
A piece of paper means nothing.

What's wrong with one world government? We all share the same planet. Does that necessarily involve 'eradication' of national identity?

JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #72
Genes are simply the number one reason if you are Polish, Germany, Asian, or Black.

And what about someone adopted as a baby from a different country (say from Malawi) into another country (say Poland). Their genes differ quite radically from those around them. Does that make them any less Polish when Poland, her culture, her shared traditions and her mindset is all they know?
legend  3 | 658
30 Jul 2011   #73
They would be considered Polish I guess by some while others not. For me I guess yes they are Polish.
but not Polish ethnicity.

Personally I dont think situations like that should even exist.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #74
Personally I dont think situations like that should even exist.

Why not?
grubas  12 | 1382
30 Jul 2011   #75
England will belong to Poles!
legend  3 | 658
30 Jul 2011   #76
I prefer Europe to stay white. Just like Africa is black and Asia Asian.
North America is a melting pot anyway.

PS I dont hate black people I know their history is tough. In fact I am against all wars done by America and NATO in the middle east and Africa. I just feel Europe should be for white Europeans.

I hope you understand.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #77
legend: I prefer Europe to stay white.

espana  17 | 951
30 Jul 2011   #78
to me they are no different to Nigerians,

the poles are black and the nigerians are white , or vice versa , me think.
pip  10 | 1658
30 Jul 2011   #79
I think there is a lot of confusion here between ethnicity and nationality. They are not the same thing. If a Nigerian man and Polish woman have a child born in Poland- what is this child? Polish? Nigerian? Nationality is Polish but ethnicity is mixed. You can't have one without the other. If your family history is only Polish- than your ethnicity is Slavic.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
30 Jul 2011   #80
Nationality is about shared values - not appearance. I'd go as far as to say that ethnicity is as much a matter of identity than of genes.
MediaWatch  10 | 942
30 Jul 2011   #81
poles were so hardworking and enterprising, as we keep hearing, they would have a working economy of their own.

Yes I'm sure that's how the Polish-Brit Joseph Conrad lived in Britain LOL
No the Germans didn't flock to England but they flocked to just about every other part of the world. Germans proportionally left Germany to other countries more than Poles have left Poland despite Poland being ripped apart by predator nations.

Also what do you care about people coming to England "adulterating" English blood? You guys have welcomed with open arms just about every Tom Dick and Harry ethnic group to come into your country to mix with you. Don't be a hypocrite. Including those who are proactively trying to subvert your culture and bomb you.

If England allows immigrants from other countries that bomb English subways and foment riots against England in general, certainly England can allow Poles into England.

They are here because the EU invited them to gatecrash our hometowns.

Well if "nobody wants" Poles in England, why do you guys allow them in? If you Brits don't like people coming into your country, why don't you have the balls to kick them out or not let them in in the first place?

How are your hundreds of thousands of Russians in your country working out? How about all the Muslims in your country?
Are you OK with them mixing with your gene pool??

But frankly I don't think you're an Englishman. You sound like that usual suspect anti-Polish troll who lives on this forum with his unlimited time.
ShortHairThug  - | 1101
30 Jul 2011   #82
the poles are black and the nigerians are white , or vice versa , me think.

Me think spaniards are nothing but SN, after all they are mutant mutts heavily saturated with Moorish genes, me think.
Ironside  51 | 13086
30 Jul 2011   #83
My, my, an ignorant clown on stage. Let have a laugh. :D
Foreigner4  12 | 1768
30 Jul 2011   #84
The ignorance by the majority of you tit heads is something to behold!
Seriously, a nation is not a person. "England" didn't rape anyone and "Poland" isn't trying to be English. The absurd oversimplification of referring to a nation as one might a person has to stop.
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Jul 2011   #85
Nobody wants them here,

hubabuba  - | 113
31 Jul 2011   #86
Or bill them for the roads, hospital, schools, universities that miraculously appeared during the years of British governance.

in partitioned Poland many hospitals, houses were erected, roads(not too many), but it doesnt change the fact that it was peanuts and that Poland was doing much better without this "help" before the partitions. And the same with British colonies much was built by Brits but again -peanuts comparing to the money that were sucked out of the country
JonnyM  11 | 2607
31 Jul 2011   #87
t Poland was doing much better without this "help" before the partitions

It quite clearly wasn't. In fact Poland was economically far behind her Western neighbours during that period.

And the same with British colonies much was built by Brits but again -peanuts comparing to the money that were sucked out of the country

Largely into private hands - th eordinary people didn't see much. Why should the whole nation pay.
Ironside  51 | 13086
31 Jul 2011   #88
It quite clearly wasn't. In fact Poland was economically far behind her Western neighbours during that period.

Some of them, but then was economically ahead of her neighbors.
A J  4 | 1075
31 Jul 2011   #89
Why Poles will never belong in England.

Why Jehst disagrees with you.

hubabuba  - | 113
31 Jul 2011   #90
It quite clearly wasn't. In fact Poland was economically far behind her Western neighbours during that period.

after swedish deluge, about, 1655 the economy of Poland rapidly shrank but still was doing much better than during partiotions(the towns for example were developing the same they were in the West), there were also measures taken in beetween partitions to bust the economy- that would probably work if Poland would live any longer.The education was excellent, the cultural life was busting

in 1920 Poland however was the poorest country in Europe(I guess except for Spain), the towns, the villages, the roads were underdeveloped, high illiteracy, even szlachta(with some exceptions)was poor, the industry was almost non existent etc etc

I am sorry but I fail to see the advantages
P.S. if You are interested I can post You a data(in polish)about the economy of Poland since XIV century, or can try to translate for You some bits, or better maybe google translator- because I dont feel I would do it right

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