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I don't think the world will disintegrate without the U.S., I am sure you understood what I wrote, so I'm perplexed as to why you responded that way. I said that the radical left world view and position of unfettered unvetted and unlimited migration is coming to an end as more countries wake up to the reality of the nightmare happening within their borders. I've provided countless examples of the way PC culture is causing real and measurable harm to victims of migrant rape gangs.
Yes, I will be a migrant as well. Are uneducated Americans from the lowest socioeconomic classes overrunning Europe and sexually assaulting thousands of women in a single night, driving box trucks into crowds of people during Christian holidays, and blowing themselves up at concerts with teenage girls? No, they're not.
The final point. I do not despise the people I work with. I've worked with Emiratis, Saudis, and Kuwaitis. They are modern first world people, highly highly educated professionals, and they have a deep respect for other cultures and religions. About 20% (guesstimate) of the officers I've worked with in GCC countries vacation every year in America, Canada, the UK, or France. These are people who I would be delighted to call my neighbors. They are some of the most kind and welcoming people I've had the pleasure of meeting, far more friendly than the Ukrainians actually. If these were the sort of people showing up in Europe, I would not be opposed to their migration. You and I know however, that we are not getting the best and brightest. We are getting the lowest of the low, for whom violence, sexual assault, and repression of minorities and gays, is a natural way of life.
Uneducated lower class people from 3rd world hell holes ravaged by internal strife and conflict,
Eastern Europe?
You really don't like immigration to Europe do you, despite being an immigrant yourself. The current migration isn't going to go away - it will only increase, so get used to it or go back to America - a simple binary choice.
I really don't like mass sexual assaults, rape gangs, hundreds of people being ran over by trucks, bombs going off at concerts, cartoonists being gunned down in broad daylight. I also can't abide hiding crosses on buildings because it might offend FOREIGNERS, or banning pork on Oktoberfest to accommodate the delicate sensitivities of people who hate my way of life. I also have a number of bisexual and homosexual friends, and I don't like seeing their very existence threatened by people who would presume to end their lives or physically assault them because their abhorrent and disgusting culture dictates that they should.
Ya know whats great? I'm not the only one who feels this way. Hungary, Poland, and the Czech Republic agree. Increasingly, Austria agrees too. And now America agrees.
It's sick that we have people who cheerlead a race to the bottom for countries of the west. It will not continue, contrary to your previous assertion. Countries are waking up to the disaster of unfettered immigration, and I imagine (or rather HOPE) we will see an immigration policy similar to Australia's, where its declared NO person who arrives by boat will EVER be resettled in Australia. A similar policy enacted for the whole of the European Union would do much to stem the tide of economic migrants masquerading as refugees so they can hop on benefits and start raping innocent people.
I was at Oktoberfest and I ate an overpriced Haxn- same as every year. Christ only knows where you get this tripe from.
No uneducated Americans are not detonating bombs in the subway. But they are not absolved from blame - they elected Bush who started an illegal and unnecessary war that put the region in flames. I'm not much of a climate change fanatic but it is a contributing factor to migration - again the US pulled out of efforts to control it - due to Trump who was elected by uneducated Americans. Now by pulling out of the sensible migrant compact he is unwilling to help clean up the mess.
If you get on with your neighbors in Saudi then fair enough - but what would they think of you calling all Muslims 7th century barbarians ? It's nice that you like gays and minorities but it does not sit easily with your call to hang all communists without trial.
I don't know how much time you spent in Czech but politically it is very different from Poland and Hungary. There is no religious wing, no pandering to expat Czechs and Babis' party votes with the centrists in the EU parliament. They mostly want a quiet life, a stable koruna that will support their exports to Germany and they are an extremely liberal, thoughtful and laid back people - the political culture is more like Ireland than Poland.
Well it is fact that crosses have been removed from some churches and other religious building so as not to offend merkels burden
Don't worry Sig 3/4 of poles reject turd world migration. We don't want em they can go elsewhere. Our government is listening to us. The v4 and now even Austria realized it's the correct approach to prevent terror rapes economic strain etc. They can stay in western Europe. Then once western Europeans are so afraid to step outside their home as they have been all over France due to 2 years of state of emergency or the thousand sexual assaults on Germany, they'll come pouring in. A lot of seniors from w Europe have already moved to Poland and other v4 nations
Well it is fact that crosses have been removed from some churches and other religious building so as not to offend merkels burden
No it isn't. That was some right-wing twisting of the truth. The only building in which that occurred was in a former church that was converted to a different purpose.
Sure put your head in the sand further. Multiple.cases in germany and sweden were reported from main stream sources.
Honestly it doesn't rly matter. Western Europe can keep their scum. Clearly they're not coming to Poland and the eu gave up on trying to force pl 'v4 Austria etc from taking in turd worlders
The one the crows? I prefer bog honor ojczyzna as that's what unites us and the tens of thousands of marchers on Nov 11 and the majoritt of polles which support pis and p.o..
You still refuse to answer the question on why you moved to Poland. You're not polish yet youre in a country where rhe majority of people do not support your commie ideas, are very Christian even if nominally, and overwhelmingly reject migration. Is it perhaps bc deep down you know that our system and poles worldview provides for a stable safe and homogenous society where there's no problems w muslims
Its a military, NOP, RN, etc. motto. Not yet in Poland (I was in ROTC in college) but I am planning to join the territorial defense force or another government sponsored militia once I settle in so I can do my part to keep migrants out. Plus its extra beer money and good exercise over the weekend.
And? I don't have a criminal record. I have some traffic stuff but no felonies... you have to be convicted of a crime in order to have a record... I've never had a problem working at publicly traded corporations who all do background checks as part of the hiring process - especially for people in positions like mine who are interacting with clients and dealing with large amounts of money.
I bet you'd join the brownshirts if they'd let you...
No, just whichever group is making the most impact in protecting Polish sovereignty, protecting our King Jesus Christ, and preventing invaders from coming in whoever they may be.
Of course, there's plenty of people who are charged with this or that. People are charged with murder, sit in jail for 20 years, then get out and have their name cleared. That doesn't mean some old media report about them or their booking photo isn't online.
If I wanted to I can change my name without a problem. Or I can get married and just take my wife's name. However a few online articles of **** - 1 that's a decade old and 1 that's a dui has never prevented me from having a vibrant career.
Anyway, it's interesting to see the calibre of people who want to join that silly militia
Right, 70k are already in it.
Shame that you have to go with personal attacks instead of focusing on the topic. You liberals are really good with that. You call people racist, homophobe, or whatever because the logic in your arguments is a failure.
Maybe I should tell the polish immigration department that you're calling the people who are defending polish borders 'brownshirts?' You know, Poland isn't the US with free speech laws. You can lose your citizenship for saying such things - or lying on your application like Harry did. Comparing brave Poles who are defending the country to Nazis? That's pathetic jon... very very low of you... shame shame shame
Why don't you leave Poland then if you don't like the people protecting you? You seem to despise so many things abou thte country yet you continue to stay. Do yourself and everyone else a favor and leave.
Home / UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again.