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Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again.

SigSauer  4 | 377
3 Dec 2017   #91

Yea, the problem is that the far-far-left has hijacked the narrative. Facts have now become 'racist.' It's apparently racist if you point out that rapes have gone up 50%, and murders are up 80% in Sweden due to 200,000 3rd world 7th century barbarians being resettled in their country. The sad thing is that the majority they've settled aren't even refugees, as only Syrians have the right to claim asylum. They have literally imported hundreds of thousands of uneducated unskilled people, the dregs of society in their own respective countries, and the Swedish government somehow expects these people to get on. The disaster that is 'Malmo, Sweden,' is a disgusting example of groupthink cultural Marxism absolutely destroying a city. To a lesser extent the same has happened to Luton, UK. Interestingly, I have several Polish friends who live and work in Luton, their accounts of the situation there are eye opening. Sweden plans to destroy their own cultural and ethnic identity even further by allowing another 400,000 savages to settle in their country, likely not doctors and lawyers.
George Fitzhugh
3 Dec 2017   #92
More than agree that people who have not committed a crime, but who say unpopular things, and using it as a way to stifle their speech is an egregious abuse of power

So on this note I will continue. First let us state the obvious that capitalism as spawning a war of the rich with the poor, and the poor with one another, so week in body and mind are far outstripped and outwitted in the chase of free competition. The liberty as it is today brings about slavery then which does not depend on difference of complexion, because nature has made the weak in mind or body slaves - the wise and virtuous, the strong in body and mind, are born to rule. Sweden as any other socialist country practice slavery for all week on body and mind independent of completion - which is not relevant at all. Slavery is a form, and the very best form of socialism.

Socialism proposes to do away with free competition to afford protection and support at all times to the labouring class. Socialism is already slavery in all save the master. The only quarrel with Socialism is, that it will not honestly admit that it owes its recent revival to the failure of universal liberty, and is seeking to bring about slavery again in some form.
idem  - | 131
3 Dec 2017   #93

This situation is getting dangerous and extreme. As you said 'facts become racist' and the easiest way is ( instead of dealing with it) to brush problem under the blanket and pretend it does not exist any more....

I think that as a result of it from normal people who want to preserve their culture but also far right will grow in Europe and it will turn nasty.

Example of ridiculous .....
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #94
I thought Robinson was jailed for mortgage fraud ?

And not only. He has quite a criminal history.

They are allowed to have rallies - nobody turns up. They are allowed to stand in elections - nobody votes for them.

Exactly. They just make noise and try to shock people, mostly online. In real life you never see or hear them - no bad thing at all. Międlar is much the same, all noise and stunts, intended to offend.
SigSauer  4 | 377
3 Dec 2017   #95

Right, but you don't deny that they can be jailed for saying 'mean' things?

---Public Order Act of 1986 A person who uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or displays any written material which is threatening, abusive or insulting, is guilty of an offence if-

(a) they intends thereby to stir up racial hatred, or
(b) having regard to all the circumstances racial hatred is likely to be stirred up thereby.---

In practice this law is used to silence people who legitimately criticize Islam. As I stated before, since it is an ideology, it deserves harsh criticism and interrogation as all ideologies do. No one has the right not to be offended, and if they feel 'distressed' by something someone else says, so long as it is not a DIRECT incitement to violence, well that's just tough and they should turn the channel. The principles of free speech are being violated, and instead we are subjected to fake made up terms like 'hate speech,' which are not legitimate exemptions to free speech.
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #96
Right, but you don't deny that they can be jailed for saying 'mean' things?

Nobody can be jailed for saying 'mean' things - it isn't illegal to be 'mean'.. People can be rightly jailed for hate speech, though this is rare.

These pathetic exhibitionists have however been jailed for other more serious things.

and instead we are subjected to

Are you?
SigSauer  4 | 377
3 Dec 2017   #97

I am not, I generally regard the degradation of free speech in the free world as a slippery slope which should be defended at all costs. In America we say, I may not agree with what you have to say, but I would fight to the death to defend your ability to say it. "Hate speech," is a made up, fake term, it has no basis in legal doctrine. Saying 'hateful' things is the same as saying 'mean' things, and they are at their core political thoughts. So we are dealing with criminalizing a political opinion. It is the most offensive, and the most detestable speech which must be defended, it is the precise reason for things like the 1st amendment. Protecting speech is not necessary for popular opinions that everyone holds, it is the minority opinions which must be protected from the majority. This is the reason our 1st amendment is listed first, and codified into law. Our Bill of Rights exists so that these unalienable rights are not subject to the whims of an electorate, so that rights cannot be voted away by a 51/49 mob rule.

The Communications Act 2003 defines illegal communication as "using public electronic communications network in order to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety". Breaking the law carries a six-month prison term or fine of up to £5,000

1. You don't have the right not to be annoyed
2. You don't have the right not to be inconvenienced
3. If something someone says gives you anxiety, get thicker skin or turn the page/channel.

PC culture is blithe and stain on humanity, and the sooner we dispense with it and stop worrying about who is so 'offended,' the sooner we can have an honest discussion about rapes going up 50%, and murders rising by 80% in Sweden. The sooner we can stop young girls from being molested and traumatized by gangs of Paki's, and we can arrest them without fear of being 'racist.'
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #98
and the sooner we dispense with it

That's not going to happen.

Interestingly the vocal lowlifes at 'Britain First' etc don't get prosecuted for hate speech - this is very rare - and are rightly prosecuted for breaking injunctions against them because of things they do rather than say.

There was a guy on here a while ago talking about an obscure legal case in Britain (though he was not from there), claiming that two guys were some sort of martyrs for free speech. What had they done? They'd broken an injunction against them telling them to desist from mailing concentration camp pictures to 90 year old holocaust survivors. That's what laws are for, to stop people from hurting others.

Międlar does his feeble stuff not out of any sense of 'free speech', but to promote hatred and evil.
idem  - | 131
3 Dec 2017   #99

both promoting hatred and evil- £50 fine....8 months prison.....strange justice to me.......
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #100
.strange justice to me.......

Seems fair enough.

In every case, various factors (like previous conduct, degree of contrition and impact on victims) are always taken into account.
SigSauer  4 | 377
3 Dec 2017   #101

Let me only include the most egregious and disgusting behavior by your authorities in Somerset. Truly disgusting, a direct causative effect of being f****ing PC.

" In November 2011, perpetrator A complained to the police that 16 year old Q was verbally racially abusing him. She was charged and at a later trial found not guilty. By this stage Q had disclosed to police her sexual relationship with perpetrator A. . . The police report for this serious case review suggests that on occasion police officers were confused over what was the most important issue to deal with, with the alleged 'hate' crime overshadowing the real offending taking place around CSE. Hate crime is seen as a high priority offence that requires robust action,. . .and it continues on and on with the rapist continuing to groom, rape and exploit girls until perpetrators finally arrested in November 2014."

I see, so a 'hate crime,' which is a completely fabricated and made up term, not a legitimate term in legal lexicon, takes precedence over the grooming and continued rape, sexual abuse, verbal abuse, and physical abuse by a 29 year old Turkish male toward a 14, and at the time of her horrible crime 16 year old female. Yea, "thats not going to happen," with regard to PC culture. How anyone with integrity and any moral fiber can defend this group think mentality of being PC is just totally beyond me. This doctrine causes actual harm, it caused harm with the plethora of girls who were groomed and raped by the Paki gang in Rotherham, and it caused actual and deliberate harm with the girl in the aforementioned case. That I've brought up the Rotheram scandal at least 4 times in this thread, and that you've chosen to ignore it and focus in on the minutiae of my responses tells me everything I need to know about your own moral compass. These things threaten your world view of progressive neo-liberalism, and therefore they must be ignored and swept under the rug.

Right, I just saw your post regarding the two idiots who threw bacon in a Mosque. While that was certainly juvenile behavior, and it was mean spirited, it caused no ACTUAL harm. People in the UK are given less time for freaking ASSAULT&BATTERY, so to see two people imprisoned for almost 1 year of their lives for doing something that was sort of mean, but caused no one any actual harm is just mind boggling to those of us who live in actual free countries.
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #102
Let me only include the most egregious and disgusting behavior by your authorities in Somerset.

You can come out with whatever stuff you've tried to sit and trawl the internet for, yet interestingly none of it is about the neo-nazi Międlar.

it caused no ACTUAL harm.

It certainly caused harm, not only to community relations but also to the terrified elderly people who were inside at the time. It isn't just about the bacon (not that you care), it's about the effect of drunken and aggressive skinheads invading a place of worship and deliberately threatening those there.

People don't like that - which is why pondlife like Britain First only get 300 votes when they stand for election, and why scum like Międlar is rightly excluded from the country. At least Poland is now making Międlar's racist chum Rybak serve his full sentence now.
SigSauer  4 | 377
3 Dec 2017   #103

You can continue to obfuscate all you like. Britain First is a reaction, a reaction to their neighborhoods being taken over by foreigners who despise and loathe our liberal values, who regard women as playthings, and who think homosexuals should be murdered for who they choose to love. You won't address the Rotheram scandal because it destroys your world view of unfettered immigration from 3rd world migrants who subscribe to 7th century ideologies of barbarism. This sort of disgusting behavior is par for the course for them, and as if English teenagers have not been victimized enough by them, they get victimized a 2nd and 3rd time, the 2nd time by authorities who in fear of 'upsetting community relations' (actually cited in Rotheram case) do not arrest pedophile rapists, and the 3rd time (in Somerset) by charging a young rape victim with a freaking HATE CRIME (a fake, made up term). Yea, great. Defend them, but not your own citizens. Brilliant.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Dec 2017   #104

But we still have a defense director who openly said that the protocols of the elders of zion reflect what is going on the world =)

Jon face it. You live in a country where the vast majority of the people disagree with your leftist views. Yet you won't leave and prefer to complain about the politics of a country you don't even have citizenship and aren't polish by blood either.

The question is why?
Perhaps deep inside you know our ideas are correct as it provides a safe stable society. Poland doesn't have to deal with the bs that UK does and is still a wealthy modern country.
cms  9 | 1253
3 Dec 2017   #105
Well Polish Ultra is testing the desirability of total free speech.

Sig - have you been following the case of the Polish child abusing monk given shelter in a British monastery for years ? Many victims and a huge cover up. It has many parallels to Rotherham. I'm a catholic - does that mean I am a child abuser too ?

In both cases the police are involved, criminals are being locked up and questions asked about why it happened. What more comment do you want ? You are clearly obsessed with this.
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #106
Britain First is a reaction, a reaction

It's actually a tiny fringe group who struggle to get 100 people to show up at their 'mass rallies'.

you don't even have citizenship in for whatever reason.

Actually I do...

where the vast majority of the people disagree

The courts in Poland certainly agree that Rybak should be locked up for hate crimes (he's behind bars now) and that Międlar should also be prosecuted (he's waiting to go to court right now, and it doesn't look good for him).
SigSauer  4 | 377
3 Dec 2017   #107

I didn't catch that case, because on the whole, with some rare exceptions, Poles are not raping their way across Europe, driving laurry's into crowds during European holidays, or blowing themselves up at music concerts. Poles are not organizing a mass child rape organization like the Pakis in Rotheram were doing, and I've not read any cases where the victim was charged with a 'hate crime' (fake, made up term) for calling a Pole a pirogi. On the other hand, you've had to cherry pick a single case, I've just read it, it sounds like the police were negligent but that there was not an overall pattern of a deliberate cover up like in Rotheram.

1 case of a Polish rapist......................................

1,000 women sexually assaulted on New Years in Germany
50% rise in rapes, 80% rise in murders, in Sweden, in the same period of time that the migrants flooded in, according to BROT
Car mows down and kills a dozen Spaniards
Truck kills 80+ in France
Truck kills another 60 in Germany
Man detonates himself at a concert in the UK
Child rape ring in Rotheram
Girl charged with a 'hate crime' for insulting her 30 year old rapist....

should I go on?

No, those facts would destroy the world view that these 'refugees' have a valuable and meaningful culture who will 'enrich' (Merkel) Europe. The truth is that their culture is vile and disgusting even if we take their religion out of it.
idem  - | 131
3 Dec 2017   #108
[quote=cms]Many victims and a huge cover up. It has many parallels to Rotherham. I'm a catholic.quote]

I does not- in Rotherham P O L I C E and S O C I A L services were notified and they had done nothing. 2 institution ( supported by tax payers money) which should support the most vulnerable people in society did nothing. Justice only started rolling when brave journalist fromThe Times opened box of worms.

How do these people can live with their conciousness now is beyond me. Lets be honest these girls raped hundred times, passed around like piece of meat gone through so much trauma that they will never be able to lead normal life.

In case of priests molesting boys in Poland - it was covered up by church dignitary not Social Services or Police.

In some way it shows very unpleasant side of British Society ....people so frightened of confrontation/racism accusation that they prefer to brush problem under carpet.
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #109
In some way it shows very unpleasant side of British Society ....people so frightened of confrontation/racism accusation that they prefer to brush problem under carpet.

Perhaps, though everybody's talking about it and quite a few perpetrators have been prosecuted and gaoled, to great publicity, extensive media coverage and discussions in parliament, so it can't have gone that far under the carpet..

In case of priests molesting boys in Poland - it was covered up by church dignitary not Social Services or Police.

Actually it has also been ignored, covered up and avoided by police in Poland too.

I wonder if there's any more dirt on Międlar, after all, he's fascist scum, and that goes hand in hand with personal depravity.
cms  9 | 1253
3 Dec 2017   #110

British Police at fault, social services at fault, church at fault. Abuse carried out by refugee

Very similar case
idem  - | 131
3 Dec 2017   #111
I wonder if there's any more dirt on Międlar, after all, he's fascist scum, and that goes hand in hand with personal depravity.

You don't like him so you are looking for more but I think right wing extremists are not necessary paedophiles. I think it is rather opposite paedophiles are usually good society men ( on the surface).

His inciting hatred and his rhetoric is strong - clearly he does not spread love and tolerance ....but to be honest I think he has some serious psychological issues.
idem  - | 131
3 Dec 2017   #112

I am not sure...apparently police did not know. I read this article below and my eyes got wider and wider....What is the sh...t that this Brother Robert is talking about.

O yes we know he was notey we got upset and followed him a bit and he improved a little.....but it was fine to let him doing what he was doing.

Should not he been kicked out from this island at once?
Ironside  50 | 12959
3 Dec 2017   #113
The courts in Poland certainly a

Can shine me shoes, courts in Poland are a big fat joke. Gov want to wipe them clean and start anew due to extreme corruption and chaos in the court system.

Your commie standards are clearly visible you are fully supporting locking people up for their opinions not deeds, if so you should be locked up in Poland as spreading commie BS is against the law.

I'm a catholic -

you are not, you imagining that you are but you are not.

the Polish child abusing monk

Blah blah you people (liberal lefties) are just stupid parrots with no clue and a low IQ.
SigSauer  4 | 377
3 Dec 2017   #114
Obfuscating, deflecting, conflating............When you decide to display a modicum of integrity and want to defend your radical left wing world view, feel free to respond to my aforementioned posts. Are these people cultural enrichment or a burden?

1 case of a Polish rapist......................................

1,000 women sexually assaulted on New Years in Germany
50% rise in rapes, 80% rise in murders, in Sweden, in the same period of time that the migrants flooded in, according to BROT
Car mows down and kills a dozen Spaniards
Truck kills 80+ in France
Truck kills another 60 in Germany
Man detonates himself at a concert in the UK
Child rape ring in Rotheram
Girl charged with a 'hate crime' for insulting her 30 year old rapist....
cms  9 | 1253
3 Dec 2017   #115
There are many cases of catholic clergy abusing kids - all over the world, and with victims running into the thousands. The question is whether this means that all Catholics are barbarians? That abuse is part of the culture ? etc - because you are making the same generalisations about Muslims.

I am not radical, I am certainly not left-wing. I certainly have as much integrity as you do.
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #116
You don't like him so you are looking for more but I think right wing extremists are not necessary paedophiles.

There's quite an overlap. Several figures from 'Britain First' and 'EDL' (the tiny organisations that Międlar has links with) are currently either doing time or waiting for court for that very thing.

There are many cases of catholic clergy abusing kids - all over the world, and with victims running into the thousands.

Probably tens or hundreds of thousands over the years - the scale of it is horrific.

all Catholics are barbarians?

Most of course are normal decent people, just as most Muslims are normal decent people. Yet haters gonna hate.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
3 Dec 2017   #117

Abuse is also rampant among rabbis within the Jewish community both against women and children esp in yeshivas
OP jon357  72 | 23528
3 Dec 2017   #118

A much smaller demographic. There are probably more kids abused by Christian clergy than there are Jewish people in total.

Nevertheless, most Christians, Muslims, Jews are perfectly normal, decent, law-abiding people.
SigSauer  4 | 377
4 Dec 2017   #119

I mean what a grand way to deflect from the horrible things happening to victims in your country, and the bodies which are piling up throughout western Europe and Scandinavia. Christians, Muslims, & Jews are all perfectly normal, decent, law-abiding people, no one is taking issue with that contention.

Uneducated lower class people from 3rd world hell holes ravaged by internal strife and conflict, where tribalism rules, and where violence is the default rather than the rare exception, THESE are the people who are flooding into Europe. The doctors, lawyers, & engineers can afford to get on a plane, and can usually get visa's. We are receiving the vagabonds, derelicts, and dregs of their own respective societies. 1,000 sexual assault on New Years in Germany does not happen because of "a few bad apples," it speaks to a larger, coordinated ring of migrant predators.

Just because I love to watch the neo-liberal progressive world view disintegrate as we all wake up to your dogmatic bullshit, I'll post this article.. That's right, borders are REAL, borders MATTER, and SOVEREIGNTY matters, despite how much you and your ilk LOATHE the very idea of the nation-state.

"US Quits UN Global Compact on Migration"
cms  9 | 1253
4 Dec 2017   #120
You think the world will disintegrate without the US ? You are a migrant yourself Sig - paid Well by people you despise. You are welcome in Poland as a hard working person but also as a migrant.

Home / UK, Ireland / Racist ex-priest Międlar tries to fly from Poland to U.K. again.

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