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Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland

Poloniusz  5 | 969
10 Feb 2024   #211
The nicest African immigrants were the Ghanians, really lovely and Zimbabweans.

All the Zimbabweans I met were lovely.Congo were lovely too. Very macho in a way though.

I know both of you believe this without question.

So what? Why don't you go to Africa? It is a hudge continent.

No surprise they never answered you.

The reason they didn't is because modern feminists don't want to be inconvenienced with the time and expense of traveling all the way to Africa when Africa can be delivered right to their doorstep.

These "strong and independent" feminists also want to maintain the benefits of having immediate access to local police and public sympathy which is readily on tap in gynocentric countries like Poland but not in "very macho" countries in Africa.

Lublin. 15-year-old raped. A 39-year-old Zimbabwean citizen was detained. He got a minor drunk and then took advantage of her.

  • 17074949143761841..jpg
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Feb 2024   #212
I'm afraid Novi thinks that the nicest emigrants from Africa are those who don't come to Europe at all.

No. The nicest African emigrants are those who drown on the way to white countries.
Atch  22 | 4299
10 Feb 2024   #213
15-year-old raped. A 39-year-old Zimbabwean citizen

How many Polish girls have been raped by Polish citizens? Stats please.

I know both of you believe this without question.

I'm speaking only from the experience of the families I encountered over twenty years or so. I might say the same thing about the Polish families I've met - although to be honest they've been more of a mixed bag. They're not that big on altruism for one thing. That was one of the first things I noticed about Polish people.
mafketis  38 | 11260
10 Feb 2024   #214
How many Polish girls have been raped by Polish citizens?

There are enough violent Poles already... no need to import violent foreigners.... and no need to let them stay in the country. Deport immediately and let zimbabwe deal with him or put him in prison and deport immediately afterward.
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Feb 2024   #215
How many Polish girls have been raped by Polish citizens? Stats please.

Rapes by foreign garbage are 100% preventable. Rapes by Polish citizens are not.
Do you want me to explain why?
Poloniusz  5 | 969
10 Feb 2024   #216
How many Polish girls have been raped by Polish citizens? Stats please.

Nice try at hoping to skew the numbers.

But this is woke feminist thinking on full display.

To hide migrant crimes just 1) portray all women as victims of rape; 2) take a subset "girls"; and then 3) ask for "stats" of all Polish "citizens" who carried out a rape.

Here is a better way of making comparisons:

Number of reported rape incidents per 100,000 citizens in different countries:

- Zimbabwe: 25.6 rapes per 100,000 citizens

- Poland: 4.1 rapes per 100,000 citizens

Ever hear of importing a problem?

No, of course you haven't because you are a woke feminist.

And even if you did you would simply ignore it because it doesn't fit your narrative.

the Polish families I've met - although to be honest they've been more of a mixed bag. They're not that big on altruism for one thing. That was one of the first things I noticed about Polish people.

My gawd! An African migrant is arrested on rape charges and you are complaining that Polish families aren't sympathetic to such migrants because Poles don't have an out-group preference!

Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Feb 2024   #217
No, of course you haven't because you are a woke feminist.

Those "brave and strong" women are the worst bootlickers ever - always kissing their rulers' asses as long as they get their made-up "abortion rights".
OP Alien  26 | 6527
11 Feb 2024   #218
Zimbabwe: 25.6 rapes per 100,000 citizens

- Poland: 4.1 rapes per 100,000 citizens

Polish men simply learn different rules from home.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
11 Feb 2024   #219
Could it be because they come from a Christian upbringing home ?

Ireland is fast becoming Europe's nastiest nation
Ireland's reputation as a friendly, good-natured country is going up in smoke. If things carry on this way, it'll soon be gone for good.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
11 Feb 2024   #220
Ireland is fast becoming Europe's nastiest nation

Perhaps Catholicism in Ireland served less to raise people to be God-fearing and more as a tool to fight against the Protestant English?
jon357  72 | 23654
11 Feb 2024   #221
Protestant English

Or even the Protestant Irish.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Feb 2024   #222
Polish families aren't sympathetic to such migrants

That's not what I'm referring to at all. Polish people are lacking in compassion for their own. I was really shocked when I first lived in Warsaw and saw the lack of social capital. Jon will know what I'm talking about. I was on the tram one day and saw an elderly man on the street, clearly very unwell, looked as if he was about to collapse, and nobody gave him a second glance. Utterly callous, heartless and unfeeling. I've helped many an elderly person whom I've seen struggling with walking sticks and heavy shopping. I said to one old lady that I was sorry I didn't speak good Polish and she replied 'You may not have good Polish but you have a good heart'.

But this is woke feminist thinking on full display.

I'm not remotely woke. As I've told you before 'wokes' don't do fabulous impersonations of Nigerians - or Indians. Here's the script for the Nigerian guy.

"Ah am wantin' to deevoss ma wife in LaGOS and marree ma Polish girlFRIEND." The emphasis on those syllables is very important to get the accent right.

I also have no patience with those who can't decide if they're Martha or Arthur. Basically I'm old-school. LG and B, plus the good old straight-forward trannies who go down the pub for a few drinks wearing their wife's skirt, I can deal with that. (except when they have facial hair, that's too weird, a beard and a skirt). But all that non-binary malarkey is a step too far.

Unfortunately you are too bereft of imagination to grasp the complexity that is Atch :))

Anyway I have Gołąbki to make so I must say farewell for now.

Or even the Protestant Irish.

So many of the Protestant Anglo-Irish were an absolute asset to our country, true Irishmen and true patriots. Great men and women and such an important part of our history.

reland's reputation as a friendly, good-natured country is going up in smoke.

According to Ruth Dudley Edwards. She's what's known in Ireland as a West-Brit. She was quite a respected writer in her day. I read her biography of Patrick Pearse when I was sixteen. Enjoyed it. I was researching an essay. Won a prize from the Old Dublin Society for it! She seems to have gone a bit bats now. She's nearly eighty so she's just a bit of an elderly eccentric at this stage.

@Alien, no, you're wrong there.
mafketis  38 | 11260
11 Feb 2024   #223
shocked when I first lived in Warsaw

To some extent you're right. Forty-five years of the PRL destroyed most people's concern for anyone but themselves (inevitable result of enforced socialism/communism).

That's damage that takes decades to fix, not years, decades. It's started but it's slow. And the destruction was less in Poland than in some countries...

Also, Warsaw is the capital and very few capital cities are known for the caring nature of their inhabitants. Where I live there's been a big change over the years in how people relate to each other for the better. Not perfect, maybe not great but perceptibly better than it was which is what can realistically be hoped for.

Ironically, this is another reason for Poland to be very careful and restrictive of in-migration. Migration and diversity erode social trust and social capital. This doesn't mean closed borders but it does mean Poland has every reason to be very.... selective about who it lets in and when you're talking about large groups of people you don't have the luxury of looking at individuals, you have to look at national profiles.


Somalis - I can't think of a single place where they've done well, even the US has had trouble getting them beyond lower working class

Vietnamese - mostly do okay, in Poland they've historically assimilated well despite institutional indifference or hostility. there are problems of illegal activities but these are mostly kept inside the community

Sub-saharan Africans - 15 years ago they probably outperformed the Polish average (since a large majority were university students who stayed on after graduation). But without that filter.... not so necessary or needed or likely to make a good contribution.

Arabs - depends on a lot on the country, Syrians and Iraqis have traditionally done okay in Poland (again, university education was a filtering mechanism). There were a lot of Libyans at one point but they seem to have disappeared.

Latin Americans - also depends a _lot_ on the country. Hardly any in Poland, but in general Latin Americans kind of idolize Europe so they're more eager to fit in than say muslims (whose religion.... discourages close ties with infidels).
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Feb 2024   #224
very few capital cities are known for the caring nature of their inhabitants.

Yes, I know but I lived in London and I didn't see quite such callousness and disconnectedness there as in Warsaw - and of course I found myself comparing Warsaw to Dublin and you can't really compare two such different places. I was just fairly shocked that in a so-called Catholic country like Poland, nobody seemed to give a toss about anyone, whereas in Ireland, as Catholics, we were actively brought up to help others at every opportunity. That didn't seem to be part of the culture here in Poland at all.

You're right that it's improving. It's just that it feels a bit 'forced' and self-conscious.
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2024   #225
Utterly callous, heartless and unfeeling. I've helped many an elderly person whom I've seen struggling with walking sticks and heavy shopping.

Bs. You saw one case and then draw conclusion about the whole society. That`s really sick of you, I must say.

we were actively brought up to help others at every opportunity.

Stop spreading fairy tales about good Ireland and bad Poland. We are adult and it isn`t bed time yet. ):):)

Poland, nobody seemed to give a toss about anyone,

That`s bs and you should be ashamed of spreading such lies about a hospitable country which accepted your poor ass to stay here and which you are repaying with such black ingratitude now. Ha!!

Do you realise that from now on you will be considered one of chief liars in the forum?
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Feb 2024   #226
Stop spreading fairy tales

I know the truth hurts Paw :)
Ironside  51 | 13083
11 Feb 2024   #227
Don't talk to that old monkey there is no point, he is so complex-ridden that he would sell his own mother to be patted on the head by some sleazy German or other 'European'. Disgusting.
Poloniusz  5 | 969
11 Feb 2024   #228
Polish men simply learn different rules from home.

Yes, and statistics show there are a lot of losers leaving high rape countries in Africa:

"Human rape appears not as an aberration but as an alternative gene-promotion strategy that is most likely to be adopted by the 'losers' in the competitive, harem-building struggle. If the means of access to legitimate, consenting sex is not available, then a male may be faced with the choice between force or genetic extinction."

Sweden with the highest rate of rape in Europe is proof of this transfer of loserdom.

And that is what happens when you put women in charge of a country and silence men who try to stop and reverse the problem.

I was really shocked when I first lived in Warsaw and saw the lack of social capital. Jon will know what I'm talking about.

No he won't. He admitted to having to travel most of the time looking for work because it won't come looking for him and so was forced to live in the cheaper suburbs. Any of his time spent in Warsaw was limited to loitering around public toilets and hiding in the bushes of parks desperately looking for sex with men. I also recall he also got caught once stalking a former PF poster (Polonius3) who was on his way to church.

So your reference is the worst possible source to give testimony about life in Poland. But granted, you don't have anyone else so you got to work with what you have.

I've helped many an elderly person whom I've seen struggling with walking sticks and heavy shopping.


That's nice. It's a pretty big red flag though when they don't have a relative, friend or neighbor of their own who is willing to help them especially if they are an elderly woman. So don't feel bad for them. They know the score. When you tick off a lot of people you are going to pay the price. :)

As far as helping carrying shopping, you obviously never realized that Poles (especially Polish women) don't want others around to help because they know that means risking having the number of their shopping bags counted or having others see what they bought. :)

I'm not remotely woke.

You can deny reality but you can't avoid it or prevent others from noticing.
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Feb 2024   #229
. It's a pretty big red flag though when they don't have a relative, friend or neighbor of their own

Now! There it is! A perfect example of the nasty, mean-spirited attitude that prevails amongst so many Polish people - even though you're only a plastic Pole, or perhaps even because of that very fact.

risking having the number of their shopping bags counted or having others see what they bought. :)

And again - what a pitiful excuse of a society, if that is the prevailing attitude.

Thanks for proving my point Pollyanna :)
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2024   #230
I know the truth hurts Paw

You seem to be as frustrated as Poloniusz, only the reasons differ. He is frustrated about women while you are about your host country. Has the winter depression seized you? Go back to that fairy tale Ireland for a while to recharge yuor batteries coz you are visibly troubled with expat mental crisis. :):):):)

Don't talk to that old monkey

I don`t care if azholes talk to old monkeys or not. It is enough I talk to them and point their lies and frustrations to them. HA!!!
Atch  22 | 4299
11 Feb 2024   #231
your host country.

Actually I quite like Warsaw. I'm just sharing my observations about how people in Poland differ from Ireland. But I've got used to you now :)
Poloniusz  5 | 969
11 Feb 2024   #232
A perfect example of the nasty, mean-spirited attitude that prevails amongst so many Polish people

You are the typical arrogant Western migrant who fails to integrate by choice and then sneers at Poles for not changing to suit you.

Go back to that fairy tale Ireland for a while to recharge yuor batteries coz you are visibly troubled with expat mental crisis.

Fairy tale indeed. She is better off in Poland but is too ungrateful to admit it.

'Remember who we are': riots, race, and the end of the 'Irish welcome'

'even the "most achingly liberal of countries" were now chafing at open EU borders. "Look at what is happening in Dublin, where that lovely and happy city seems to have been engulfed by race riots."'

Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2024   #233
Dublin, where that lovely and happy city seems to have been engulfed by race riots."'

I love it!!!! Serves you right, Irish morons, for not listening to me...The biggest mystery is why you agreed to let this human garbage in...

Oops,...I am so sorry...I forgot that your rulers don't give a fvck what you think...But don't feel bad...That's how all Western "democracies" work...

Actually I quite like Warsaw. few foreign scumbags...Lovely, isn't it...
pawian  226 | 27817
11 Feb 2024   #234
But I've got used to you now :)

Good. But you obviously haven`t got used to your Polish husband who has again sent you to toil in the kitchen while he is drinking beer and watching telly.

Anyway I have Gołąbki to make so I must say farewell for now.

Yes, we know you have to slave for free but it isn`t really a reason to vent your frustrations on whole Poland. You perfectly knew who you were marrying. But you decided a lousy selfish guy from Eastern Europe is better than nobody.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
11 Feb 2024   #235
bad...That's how all Western "democracies" work...

russian "democracy" is better and the best is in North Korea. 😁
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2024   #236
North Korea never claimed to be a democracy.
Western "democracies" lie that they are "democracies" because they allow ignorant mobs to vote every four years. In "communist" Poland, we were allowed to vote every four years, too.

Russia is a Russian problem, not mine since I don't have to pay for it. I have to pay to protect you, Euroholes...
OP Alien  26 | 6527
11 Feb 2024   #237
I have to pay to protect you, Euroholes...

Thank you on behalf of all Euroholes.
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2024   #238
So we finally agree that Western "democracies" are a fraud and as "democratic" as Poland used to be. Elections every four nice...
mafketis  38 | 11260
11 Feb 2024   #239
North Korea never claimed to be a democracy.

What is wrong with you? I mean you just spout any old nonsense....

It's in the _name_ of the place... the offical name of North Korea is "조선 민주주의 인민 공화국" (The Democratic People's Republic of Korea)

How does it feel to be wrong about everything?
Novichok  4 | 8677
11 Feb 2024   #240
How does it feel to be wrong about everything?

No, moron. I am genius and I am never wrong.

Your see, there is a difference between "Democratic" and "democracy". "Democratic" is just a name. See "Democratic Party". Just as my name is Novichok. No, I am not a chemical that can kill you.

Democracy, on the other hand, is a system that allows citizens to overrule their government. See Switzerland.

Got it, little boy?

Now...out to the nice to other kids...

Home / UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland

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