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Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland

amiga500  5 | 1539
29 Nov 2023   #181
for a very specific audience.

What do you mean by that?
amiga500  5 | 1539
29 Nov 2023   #182
Is Christy Moore not mainstream Irish?
Atch  22 | 4299
29 Nov 2023   #183
What do you mean by that?

Nothing sinister. It's just that he can be a bit 'Oirish'. The accent for example. He lays it on a bit. Listen to the difference between him and his brother Luka Bloom. Bloom sounds exactly as you'd expect for a lad who went to Newbridge College (the same fee-paying school where Christy went).

'Once upon a time, there was
Irish ways and Irish laws
Villages of Irish blood
Waking to the morning
Then the Vikings came along
Turned us up and turned us down
But they could not turn us back
We are a river flowing'

I'm writing from memory there :) I loved that song when I was a teenager. Nice stuff he's written and it speaks to the Irish soul, the melancholy that's within us as a people but Christy started out at a time when there was still war in Northern Ireland and times have moved on. We remember but we don't want to dwell on past suffering and injustice. Christy does have a tendency to wallow in it and be a bit like De Valera in romanticizsng Ireland too much.
Barney  19 | 1755
29 Nov 2023   #184
Is Christy Moore not mainstream Irish?

Its debateable if he was ever mainstream. He was a folk singer in Britain in the late 60s but after hearing the string arrangements of Sweeneys men he helped form Planxty who were huge. Since he left Planxty he has toured the Christy Moore "show" with Moving Hearts and later with accompanying musicians.

Today he is a nostalgia act if he is still playing live. I have loved him since the 70s and have seen him several times but rarely listen to his solo work now.

As "H" says he is a bit 'Oirish'.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
1 Dec 2023   #185
can be a bit 'Oirish'

Does this mean 'Irish'?
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Dec 2023   #186
Yes it does but with a kind of stereotypical, we love spuds and leprechauns vibe :)
OP Alien  26 | 6527
1 Dec 2023   #187
we love spuds and leprechauns vibe :)

Cool, is that why Santa's elves are green, like everything in Ireland?
Atch  22 | 4299
1 Dec 2023   #188
is that why Santa's elves are green

Santa's elves aren't green - they wear green.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
1 Dec 2023   #189
they wear green.

Yes, a very characteristic green color.
Crnogorac3  3 | 665
6 Dec 2023   #190

Apart from them Ireland also has given us B*Witched

Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Jan 2024   #191
Does anybody know what going on with Ireland? The anti-illegal -immigrant riots are downplayed in the media and official politicians serve us all the usual globalist crap.

As far as I know, some buses went up in flames in Dublin.
Also, the Nothern Ireland allegedly there is a new group forming the ' real IRA" - it looks like it is some stupid vermin. what is your take?
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2024   #192
The anti-illegal -immigrant riots are downplayed

To Ireland's credit, at least they have riots as proof they are not braindead.
Americans are braindead. No riots. No demonstrations. Nothing...3 million scum crossing the border in 2023 still wasn't enough to get any reaction from the sheep.

On the bootlicker scale, white Americans are the worst. My apologies to the Europeans.
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jan 2024   #193
Does anybody know what going on with Ireland?

1. Too many IPAs (international protection applicants). I don't mean Ukrainians. I mean single, male asylum seekers rocking up at Dublin Airport having destroyed their documents. People are not happy about it - especially as a lot of them are from peaceful countries and have no need for protection.

2. Not enough accommodation for said IPAs.

3. Not enough accommodation for Ukrainians either who are filling up a lot of the hotels and its having an impact on tourism and small local businesses that benefit from the tourism industry.

4. Some people getting a bit fed up that Ukrainians get the most generous package of benefits in any EU country and have noticed that they're hopping off to Ukraine for Christmas and sending the kids back for summer holidays.

5. Services such as education and healthcare under severe strain due to the huge influx of refugees in small towns.

Those are the main issues.

There aren't really any riots. There have been silent/peaceful protests by concerned locals in a few places.

There is no 'major far right' group in Ireland but there are a few individuals (and a few Brits who nip over the Irish Sea to stir things up sometimes. They are generally thought to be the ones responsible for the arson attacks on the places earmarked for accommodation for asylum seekers.

The riots in Dublin a few weeks ago started as a legitimate and peaceful protest, and degenerated into a free-for-all by the inner city scumbags, you know, the type who kick your head in as you're walking down Talbot Street, just for fun.

Don't know what's going on with the IRA but the paras on both sides are still there, always will be, however low key they are.

Btw, the 'real IRA' is not new, it's been around years.
mafketis  38 | 11260
5 Jan 2024   #194
Does anybody know what going on with Ireland?

Remember how a Brazilian immigrans saved people from an Irish citizen who was attacking children and then the 'far right' rioted?

Well.... after a bunch of people raised money for the Brazilian, he took the money and returned to Rio...

The Irish citizen turned out to be from Algeria after all (name: Riad Bouchaker).... and apparently after 20 years or so of residence he still doesn't know English well enough to stand trial without an interpreter....

But mostly it seems that people are doing their best to just forget the whole unpleasant business and never think of it again.... but apparently there are a number of foreign crime gangs operating in Ireland now which is far better than the boring monocultural organized crime they had before.....
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2024   #195
Those are the main issues.

...because the citizens of Ireland want migrants and no limits on how many. They are happy to pay all their expenses and will vote for more taxes in the next elections.

That's a true democracy...
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jan 2024   #196
(name: Riad Bouchaker).

I told you his name would be released after he'd been charged. That's how it's done in Ireland.

Foreign crime gangs in Ireland started in earnest about 20-odd years ago. Romanians and Nigerians were carrying out various credit card frauds I remember. And then the Poles and Lithuanians gave it a go. Now Ukrainians are selling illegal tobacco out of the back of vans. In fairness, all the really violent crimes have been the work of the Irish, mostly from Dublin and Limerick, of all places. Limerick was know as 'stab city' for years.

It sounds awful, I know, but Ireland is still a very safe country. I think we are number 3 in the world on the safety index. Iceland is number one.

Why don't you visit? You'd really like it :)
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jan 2024   #197
after a bunch of people raised money for the Brazilian, he took the money and returned to Rio...

Just wanted to address this. He seems to be a really decent man and he hasn't stolen anything. He was given that money to do with as he pleased. He may return to Ireland but if he wants to go back to Brazil, his homeland, why not? Many very nice Brazilian people in Ireland. They're well-liked.
Ironside  51 | 13083
5 Jan 2024   #198
degenerated into a free-for-all by the inner city scumbags, you know, the type who kicks your head in as you're walking down Talbot Street, just for fun.

Sure, but I don't condemn them as your political class is just another set of globalist bastards. Not fit for purpose. So-called nationalist parties all went woke. What a sight.


the IRA but the paras on both sides are still there, always will be, however low-key they are.

I'm not so sure, it is about the NEW IRA. Should the old guard cull all those rabid leftovers that are string things or it is just a political play, a pressure group so to speak?

By the way, some of them degenerated into gun, and drug smuggling gangs.
it goes for both sides and connection either to UVF or IRA.

EU country and have noticed that they're hopping off to Ukraine for Christmas and sending the kids back for summer holidays.

yep, Sweden noticed it too, and said no to them.
I think Poland should follow suit.
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jan 2024   #199
, it is about the NEW IRA.

You said 'the real IRA' - they are an old gang from the Good Friday Agreement days. They were opposed to it.

Should the old guard cul

Definitely not. There's been enough of that kind of violence. You will never eliminate paras in NI. Secret societies and armed groups have been part of Irish history for so long.

into gun, and drug smuggling gangs

The paras always had links to organized crime. Always.
mafketis  38 | 11260
5 Jan 2024   #200
Why don't you visit? You'd really like it :)

I'm generally not that interested in English speaking countries.... if Irish use was a _lot_more vigorous (like Maltese in Malta) then I might be tempted... as it is.... meh.
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jan 2024   #201
I'm generally not that interested in English speaking countries.

Why is that?
mafketis  38 | 11260
5 Jan 2024   #202
I dunno.... maybe it's weird but it is what it is.... I remember a linguistics professor in the US who always repeated "English is not my bag" (it was very dated even then) but I kind of absorbed it (weird attitude for a translator, I know).
Atch  22 | 4299
5 Jan 2024   #203
I think the Irish variety might challenge you :)

OP Alien  26 | 6527
5 Jan 2024   #204
Irish variety

It was just sheep and then sheep and more sheep. Where's the variety?
Novichok  4 | 8677
5 Jan 2024   #205
Romanians and Nigerians were carrying out various credit card frauds I remember.

When did the Irish say they want Nigerians in Ireland? I must have blinked...
Atch  22 | 4299
7 Jan 2024   #206
When did the Irish say they want Nigerians in Ireland?

Back when they used to come to Trinity College as medical students and then went back to Nigeria.

About twenty years ago there was a wave of them rather suddenly, not students this time, but economic migrants coming under the guise of being 'persecuted'. Whether they really were or not I don't know. There is actually massive persecution of Catholics in Nigeria, tens of thousands of them have been murdered for their faith over the last ten years or so.

I taught quite a few Nigerian kids, mostly boys. They were actually lovely. Even at a very early age, about six years old, they had a high standard of literacy in English and beautiful handwriting. They were well behaved too.

The parents were a different story, although they watched their ps and qs with the teaching staff because they do actually have respect for education and educational institutions. In other areas of public life they can be extremely arrogant in their demeanour and downright rude.

The nicest African immigrants were the Ghanians, really lovely and Zimbabweans.
OP Alien  26 | 6527
7 Jan 2024   #207
The nicest African immigrants were the Ghanians, really lovely and Zimbabweans

I'm afraid Novi thinks that the nicest emigrants from Africa are those who don't come to Europe at all.
Ironside  51 | 13083
7 Jan 2024   #208
the nicest emigrants from Africa

I think that the last immigrants to Europe should be those from Africa. I would see all others on the top of the line.
Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Jan 2024   #209
The nicest African immigrants were the Ghanians, really lovely and Zimbabweans.

All the Zimbabweans I met were lovely. Congo were lovely too. Very macho in a way though.
Ironside  51 | 13083
7 Jan 2024   #210
All the Zimbabweans I met were lovely. Congo was lovely too.

So what? Why don't you go to Africa? It is a hudge continent.

Home / UK, Ireland / Is it good for Poland as Sinn Fein will win today in Northen Ireland

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