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Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?

Vincent  8 | 793
7 Feb 2022   #31
Are they kneeling down in order to apologise

Taking the knee for BLM. This guy also says, "it is wrong to say that only women have a cervix"
Novichok  4 | 7809
8 Feb 2022   #32
Trump and Johnson may have their faults....

If a guy can't control his weight or hair, he can't control anything.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
8 Feb 2022   #33
Something else they both have in common..........
Cojestdocholery  2 | 986
10 Feb 2022   #34
Is Boris Johnson quite popular in Poland?

Most people wouldn't care at all about him. Is that even matter?

Taking the knee for BLM.

Only one? that is insincere they should go for prokrastination
pawian  219 | 24792
3 Apr 2022   #35
The United Kingdom continues its military support to Ukraine. British Starstreak high-velocity anti-air missiles have already been used by Ukrainians to defend themselves against aerial attacks.

Thanks, Boris! :):):)

  • 000EYP1TKWVOT3YLC12.jpg

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Miloslaw  21 | 5027
3 Apr 2022   #36
Thanks, Boris

The UK is one of the greatest supporters of Ukraine.
UK, USA, Canada and Poland have been Ukraine's greatest allies.
France and Germany need to look at themselves in the mirror.
Shameful behaviour.
Lenka  5 | 3484
3 Apr 2022   #37
The UK is one of the greatest supporters of Ukraine.

Do you mean the quite epic failure of the refugees intake process?
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
3 Apr 2022   #38
Now, don't be silly Lenka, you live here and know as well as I do that is a Civil Service failure and nothing to do with the government.
Tacitus  2 | 1246
3 Apr 2022   #39
The UK is hardly in a position to criticize Germany on Ukraine. They have done nothing for them diplomatically leading up to the war, have given them less financial aid and are not willing to take in any meaningful number of refugees.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
3 Apr 2022   #40
The UK is hardly in a position to criticize Germany on Ukraine.

Why not?

What arms or training has Germany offered Ukraine?
Tacitus  2 | 1246
3 Apr 2022   #41
Since the war started? Plenty.

Arms are useless if you do not have the money to pay those who use them. Germany gave more money to Ukraine than any other European country.

The UK has signed the Budapest memorandum, yet was too busy with their Brexit folly instead of trying to help Kiev out afterwards.

The UK can start talking once it has accepted more than 100k refugees.
Miloslaw  21 | 5027
3 Apr 2022   #42

You live in some kind of dreamworld.
This is a war.
What is needed is weapons and training of how to use them.
The UK, USA and Canada have done this.
Germany has not.

All Germany has done is to give money, which is useless!

And Germany has shot itself in the foot by relying on Russian gas....what a joke!

And as for the refugees, few will want to come to the UK anyway, most will go to Poland, some to Germany and the few that want to come to the UK, will be welcome.
Crow  154 | 9260
3 Apr 2022   #43

Boris is good at rising hysterical feelings. Well, from perspective of island, Euro continent can go to hell.
Tacitus  2 | 1246
3 Apr 2022   #44
money which is useless!

Training and maintaining a professional army costs money. More money is spend on wages than on new equipment. It also needs support from an effective administration, which Germany also helped with. German money is part of the reason that Ukraine was able to reform its' army and state after 2015. There are countries like Poland who can claim to have done more for Ukraine than Germany. But the UK? Never and it is laughable that some British people might think so. Your country did not even put up any pretext of wanting to help Ukraine in 2015 despite having signed the Budapest memorandum. Johnson only started to play tough when he wanted to distract the public from his many scandals.

will be welcome

Yeah "welcome". I encourage everyone to read up the visa guidelines for Ukrainian refugees who want to travel to the UK and compare them to German hospitality for Ukrainian refugees (let alone Poland's).

relying on Russian gas

Again, fair criticism from most country. But not from the one that assisted Russian oligarchs the most to launder their money and make them lords in return for investments and donations.
Lenka  5 | 3484
4 Apr 2022   #45
visa guidelines for Ukrainian refugees who want to travel to the UK

It got better anyway. At first they had to visit a centre in France ( not Calais btw). Because we all know that refugees have the comfort and resources to travel around Europe.

It's the UK's government good heart. They simply wanted the poor souls to travel a bit and relax...
pawian  219 | 24792
6 Apr 2022   #46
Boris as a Defender of Ukraine by a Ukrainian cartoonist:

  • FPlhWZzXsAwa9O_.jfif
Alien  23 | 5540
7 Apr 2022   #47
King Boris
Lyzko  41 | 9563
7 Jul 2022   #48

Boris Johnson forced to resign as PM!

Do any of the active current PF members have opinions concerning how this will affect both BREXIT as well as present-day UK relations with Poland?
Lenka  5 | 3484
7 Jul 2022   #50
It won't affect Brexit.
YankeeDOO  - | 3
7 Jul 2022   #51
I woul say usually I am nto accused of conspirologic thinking but in this case I think it must be Russian money and interference. The valued and bobko Russians have been writing about Boris Johnson a lot and this means he was doing something right. I think the UK gave more weapons to Ukrane than everybody else in Europe, so Russkis decided to do to him what they did with Hillary Clinton.

I don't know much about UK politics, but I seems to convenient when the greatest supporter of Ukrakne is kicked out of office for something g stupid like Covid parties.
Atch  21 | 4149
7 Jul 2022   #52
how this will affect both BREXIT

Brexit is over and done with so it can't really have an effect on something that's in the past.

UK relations with Poland?

That depends on who his successor is.

kicked out of office for something g stupid like Covid parties.

That's not why he resigned. It's because of a recent sexual misconduct scandal involving Chris Pincher the Conservative party chief whip, whom Boris appointed to that very important role, though the guy already had a reputation. The latest episode and Johnson's mishandling of it is the straw that broke the camel's back, basically.
Novichok  4 | 7809
7 Jul 2022   #53
It's because of a recent sexual misconduct scandal involving Chris Pincher

...but not the tsunami of refugees. Yeah, who fu*cks who is a lot more important than the slow death of a nation.
cms neuf  1 | 1754
7 Jul 2022   #54
The covid party thing is not stupid. He was partying while he told the rest of the country to lock down - unlike Russia (and Poland) the British people expect fairness and won't tolerate hypocrisy.

It wasn't just one lapse which would have been forgiven, it was a series of boozy parties which made it clear they thought the ruoes didn't apply to them. After that he never got his authority back.
pawian  219 | 24792
7 Jul 2022   #55
The covid party the British people expect fairness and won't tolerate hypocrisy.

Of course not. The party and Pincher`s crotch pinching would be gladly forgiven and forgotten if economy was thriving. But it isn`t, mainly due to Brexit and covid. Johnson is paying with his post for all economic disturbances caused by leaving the EU. Simple. And pity coz he played a great role in containing RuSSist aggression.
7 Jul 2022   #57
In Liz Truss we trust!
Vincent  8 | 793
7 Jul 2022   #58
The valued and bobko Russians have been writing about Boris Johnson a lot and this means he was doing something right.

Your writing style reminds me of Bobko, but he has gone on a break. Are you a relation of his?
Novichok  4 | 7809
7 Jul 2022   #59
Johnson is paying with his post for all economic disturbances...

...but not for the irreversible damage by the refugees? The economy can be fixed. A foreign army can be killed or expelled. Refugees are forever and make the country unrecognizable. They cost a lot of money and turn once-peaceful places into raping and killing fields.

Somehow those things never make it to the PF leftists' lists.
Tacitus  2 | 1246
7 Jul 2022   #60
You mean like you destroyed the US when you arrived there.

Home / UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?

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