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Is stamp collecting popular in Poland?

gwrobel 10 | 19
23 Jan 2014 #1
Is stamp collecting alive and well in Poland as a hobby or is it on a sharp decline (if it was ever popular) as it is in the USA?
jon357 73 | 22477
23 Jan 2014 #2
It's also declining, though coin collecting is more popular in PL than in many places.
23 Aug 2024 #3
Stamp collecting used to be very popular in the last century, but now it's definitely not a mainstream hobby. Computers and the Internet changed the landscape.
pawian 220 | 24664
23 Aug 2024 #4
used to be very popular

Yes. I inherited a few albums with stamps from my parents who had started their collection in 1960s. I liked looking through those stamps as a child and I liked the animal ones best. Later I showed them to my kids and put away on the shelf again.

Here, the famous dinosaur series from 1965.

jon357 73 | 22477
23 Aug 2024 #5
Stamp collecting used to be very popular in the last century

I suspect it will have a revival since stamps are no longer used much in many/most countries and soon won't be used at all. This means there are a finite number, especially for 19th and early 20th century stamps.
pawian 220 | 24664
26 Aug 2024 #6
Here, the famous dinosaur series from 1965.

T-Rex was the most valuable of all - 6.5 zlotys. That stamp allowed you to send a letter abroad.
Alien 22 | 5397
27 Aug 2024 #7
T-Rex was the most valuable

And to think it might have had feathers.

Home / Life / Is stamp collecting popular in Poland?

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