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Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?

5 Jan 2020   #1
Is Boris Johnson quite popular in Poland? How does he compare with other leaders like say Trump or Salvini
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
5 Jan 2020   #2
A better question would be why BJ would care how popular he is in Poland. Or Trump.
mafketis  38 | 11260
5 Jan 2020   #3
Is Boris Johnson quite popular in Poland?

No. A large percentage of Polish people like to think of the UK as a kind of bugout location, a way to start anew if things go south in Poland (and they don't know or care what UK subjects think of that).

A guy who won a crushing election with the promise of getting Brexit done won't be popular. There's still Ireland but that's not nearly as appealing (too... Irish). There's also a bunch of other countries in western europe but the widespread presence of English in the education system makes the UK the first choice for most (a popular language can also be a burden).
Joker  2 | 2447
5 Jan 2020   #4
Is Boris Johnson quite popular in Poland?

Here you go:
cms neuf  2 | 1943
5 Jan 2020   #5
Among my family (which includes some politically active people from the ruling party); I have never heard anyone actively praise him. Most people are indifferent and the more educated think he is clown and certainly not the equal of Macron and Merkel (which is quite a low bar).

In Polish business circles he is derided, not seen as a serious person and not respected as he clearly had no plan for Brexit when the vote was taken. Brexit is seen as a problem that needs a workaround (and in my line of work that normally means going via Amsterdam but Dublin is a close second)

Rest of the popularion probably does not really care except as it affects there emigration prospects or the lower value of remittances being sent home. His string of kids and marriages doesn't got down well in a conservative country but isn't really discussed.

Mind you there is one Pole who likes him - Kawczynski, a prototype plastic Pole totally out of touch with Poland
6 Jan 2020   #6
@cms neuf
Well I LOVE Boris Johnson
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
6 Jan 2020   #7
Me too, but most Poles are uninterested.
But at least they have heard of him.
Most Brits,by contrast, have never even heard of Duda.....
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
7 Jan 2020   #8
Funniest thing about Boris was leftist media propaganda and manipulation. All major leftard media including The Guardian an Politico were all about how new referendum is needed because Brits have changed their minds about Brexit. Then when reality kicked in we could see that even more sceptics voted against lefitist propaganda. This example clearly shows that leftis media don't chase after facts and truth but they're working for their ill agenda.

But it's ok. To leftards "Democracy" has place only when the outcome of voting is in line with their ideology.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Jan 2020   #9

You are bang on target mate :-)
Crow  155 | 9699
10 Jan 2020   #10
I love Boris. Boris, friend of truth, started leaking facts about Serbian innocence in Srebrenica. So, he seams to be friendly on Polish interests.

Finally somebody with name Boris who love Poland.
14 Jan 2020   #11
"Finally somebody with name Boris who love Poland." - on point 😹
Crow  155 | 9699
14 Jan 2020   #12
Boris accepts reality. Collaborating with Islamic league in destruction of Yugoslavia, Germany destroyed EU. Now Britain giving up and save itself, France tries to profit from disaster of EU and Germany,... well, Germany made its last mistake.
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2020   #13
Is Boris Johnson quite popular in Poland?

When I read comments under articles about Brexit, a lot of participants point to BJ`s alleged Russian ties.
Alien  26 | 6527
1 Feb 2022   #14
Boris Jelzin was an alcoholic. Is Boris Johnson an alcoholic too?
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Feb 2022   #15
Maybe not far off from the state of him sometimes.
Joker  2 | 2447
2 Feb 2022   #16
What size fork does Johnson comb his hair with?
jon357  72 | 23654
2 Feb 2022   #17
What size fork

  • Screenshot2022020.png
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Feb 2022   #18
a lot of participants point to BJ`s alleged Russian ties.

Incorrectly, most probably. Britain`s current engagement in aiding Ukraine proves that present British leaders are no longer Putin`s puppets.
Joker  2 | 2447
5 Feb 2022   #19
It appears BOJO is getting into trouble over there?
"Boris Johnson is a reckless liar and an embarrassment to our great nation"

He sounds like Biden now.

"Lies, damned lies: the full list of accusations against Boris Johnson"

Who is this guy in the video Johnathon Pie hes really slamming him and colorful language too:)

Ive never heard of "pissups"
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
5 Feb 2022   #20
It appears BOJO is getting into trouble over there?

I reckon he will be gone by Christmas.
If not sooner.
pawian  226 | 27817
6 Feb 2022   #21
proves that present British leaders are no longer Putin`s puppets.

I have found only one meme alluding to their collusion with Russians. Interesting there are no more, like hundreds in Trump`s case.

  • EdHBfLIXkAEuHsH.jpg
Joker  2 | 2447
6 Feb 2022   #22
I reckon he will be gone by Christmas.

He has been one of the more personable PMs though, the rest have been rather drab and boring.
cms neuf  2 | 1943
6 Feb 2022   #23
Might be personable but he is a liar, very poor leader (much worse than Trump) and it's clear from this incident that he thinks ordinary British people are scum
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
6 Feb 2022   #24
He has been one of the more personable PMs though

He has and is intelligent and funny.And has charisma.
He has some similarities to Trump and they have caught up with him.

Might be personable but he is a liar,

And that has been his downfall.... all the lies....

But the UK has the same problem as the USA.
Trump and Johnson may have their faults....but the alternatives are even the USA has discovered....
Joker  2 | 2447
6 Feb 2022   #25
Im not trying to defend his actions at all. I dont even know the full story, its not being mentioned across the pond.

he thinks ordinary British people are scum

Its time to boot him out then.

If not sooner.

Who would be the new PM?

Is there a replacement like a Vice President or another election?
Lenka  5 | 3548
6 Feb 2022   #26
He has and is intelligent and funny.And has charisma.

Would never have guessed you are talking about Boris Johnson.
Tacitus  2 | 1269
7 Feb 2022   #27
Honestly, you can think what you want about his career or politics in general. But someone who bans people from visiting their dying loved ones or hold proper funerals for them, while he himself holds several parties with dozens of guest is despicable, plain and simple. Leaders are supposed to set an example in tough times, but how can he serve as one after that?
pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2022   #28
while he himself holds several parties with dozens of guest is despicable,

Yes. Funny that politicians do such things, hoping they will not surface. Are they stupid?

but how can he serve as one after that?

Because his voters have also gone to the dogs and don`t mind.
Vincent  8 | 800
7 Feb 2022   #29
Because his voters have also gone to the dogs and don`t mind.

This labour leader is the other alternate

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pawian  226 | 27817
7 Feb 2022   #30
This labour leader

Are they kneeling down in order to apologise in advance to their voters for all their future dirty Boris-style acts? :):)

Home / UK, Ireland / Boris Johnson - is the new British PM a popular figure in Poland?

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