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Why are Polish people, especially women, so disrespectful toward the English?

pawian  226 | 27817
22 Nov 2021   #331
you will see it with your own eyes in a village near you very soon.....

That is your private claim while we need some factual data and info on such occurences.


Try to remain calm, darling, and go to look for that info. Show us what you have sussed about the forum so far., :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2021   #332
we need some factual data

Firstly, who is we?
Secondly, I have already told you.
When Polish Chavs buy up land next to your cottage you will know I was right......
pawian  226 | 27817
22 Nov 2021   #333
Firstly, who is we?

You don`t know? We means me and all people who are reading us. Simple.

I have already told you.

No, you didn`t refer us to any statistics yet. :):):)
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
22 Nov 2021   #334
you didn`t refer us to any statistics

I don't need them.
The proof is coming to the plot next to yours soon LOL!!!!
pawian  226 | 27817
23 Nov 2021   #335
I don't need them.

You don`t, but we do, darling. You are weirdly unwilling to fulfill our polite request. Funny. :):)

The proof is coming to the plot next to yours soon

No, it isn`t. You are daydreaming. :):)
Lenka  5 | 3548
23 Nov 2021   #336
these are the Poles that will return to Poland, once they have saved enough to build a house.

Highly doubt that. Real chavs world round are basically the same and rarely thoughtful enough to save and plan. Plus the lifestyle of a chat is much more easily achieved in UK.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
23 Nov 2021   #337

Sorry Lenka, but whilst I normally agree with you, this time I have to say that I know too many Polish Chavs that will return.

But hey! We have enough of our own Chavs in the UK and don't need my more.....:-)
7 Dec 2021   #338
My partner of coming on 4 years has been in the UK since she was 17, came over, worked in warehouses, factory jobs etc went back to Poland, got better educated in English with the money, paying for English exams in Poland with the money she got from the summer jobs.

Came back to England, got a degree while working low paid work, got a masters, again while working in bars and then became a nurse as she is today.

In Poland she has straight A's and A+ in the 15 odd A-Levels you guys have over there, she isn't stupid, yet had to do these manual jobs because she is Polish, an English kid with 3 A-Levels at A is considered for red brick uni's, this is one of many reasons Poles see British as below them, because, you are, it just takes them a little time to notice the bs of speaking with a plum in your mouth and a spoon up your ass.

in her earlier jobs when she first came here and as a student she has been disrespected almost daily, stalked home by other customers (English males) and workers she worked with (also English males), told she could have a pay rise if she sleeps with other workers, treated like a slave by English mothers when she was their babysitter.

She has been offered money for sex just getting a taxi and in the street (Asian males)

As a nurse, the English people she has wiped the arse of or helped with crippling, serious illness have told her to **** off back to Poland, she has been hit, threatened, beaten by FAMILY members of people she has shared the last breath and the last words because they couldn't be arsed to get to the hospital, druggy family members being called out for stealing medicines etc.

This doesn't happen to Poles in Poland, FACT. maybe get judged for being overweight or wearing something clashing but never to the extent above.

She is an angel and the kindest person I have ever known but she takes no **** now and has realised that she didn't know the "rules" and laws of the UK so was abused but what choice did she have? she had to do those jobs to get to where she is now, I was also poor growing up in the UK, I would have been a "chav", growing up in council estates in the UK, I know the UK, she didn't, she now does.

I tripled my earnings after meeting her, I now earn far more than the average brit and live in the Midlands, we live like Kings and Queens, all our neighbours are old brits who dislike my partner, never say morning or hello but will to me - until they saw her in her nurse clothing recently, weren't clapping for her before you arseholes.
Alien  26 | 6527
7 Dec 2021   #339
It is a normal story for first generation expat in England, or it isn't? Never mind.The second generation has a better chance.
7 Dec 2021   #340
It shouldn't be and this is the reasons that Poles 'especially women' as the OP points out are disrespectful, because they get ZERO respect no matter what they do.

My own family changed the way they treat me when we started dating compared to my ex's, even though she isn't the gold digging English girls I dated before, she notices these things and points them out and then doesn't show respect to them and I don't blame her. Polish women can be extra cold, none of that fake smiling and back stabbing, its straight for the jugular with poles and I personally love it watching English people recall in shock at the confidence of shooting down disrespect.
Paulina  19 | 4556
7 Dec 2021   #341
@anglos, I'm sorry to hear that she went through all of that. This sounds horrible, tbh. Unfortunately, to some extent it sounds familiar - all the attractive Polish women that I know who worked in the UK (and in Italy) experienced sexual harassment and some of them also name-calling, etc.

she takes no **** now

Good. It's also great that she has someone like you by her side :) Send best regards and hugs from me to your partner and I wish the two of you all the best :)) Stay strong and happy, enjoy your life and ignore toxic people (Poland has a fair share of them too, btw).

Lenka  5 | 3548
7 Dec 2021   #342
It is a normal story for first generation expat in England, or it isn't?

Wasn't for me.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
7 Dec 2021   #343
I'd like to add at this point that lots of immigrant groups may seem arrogant, uppity, yes, even disrespectful towards the majority inhabitants of the "new" country to which they felt themselves forced to emigrate.

In Manhattan, where I grew up during the mid-60's and the long bygone era of German-born building supers and fixit men, many had well-paying, high-status positions as company engineers, with a steady salary, families and respect back in Germany. What a culture shock indeed to land here and be addressed by an Americanized nick name instead of "Herr Ingenieur!" and to work at a dizzying pay cut for doing more work than back in Europe, being called day and night to fix sinks or overflowing toilets for peanuts compared to the way they were treated back home.

Disrespectful towards tenants who treated them like mere lackeys?? You bet they were!
Alien  26 | 6527
7 Dec 2021   #344
For me either (in Germany)
Lyzko  44 | 9723
7 Dec 2021   #345
For you either what, Alien? You mean, I believe, "Me too", that is, you also would have developed at bit of an attitude, shall we say. Can't say as I would blame you.

Alien  26 | 6527
7 Dec 2021   #346
You were 1 min to fast. My answer was for Lenka.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
7 Dec 2021   #347
I live In London and.have never seen any of the stuff expressed on This thread here.
Poles in London are highly respected trusted and.treated well.
Yeah, I know life in London can be tough and expensive,
But maybe give it a go and get away from.the narrow.minded.bigots in the Midlands and up.north.
Joker  2 | 2447
8 Dec 2021   #348
Midlands and up.north.

Who's up North, The Scottish? I cant understand a word from most of them with all that mumbling.
Alien  26 | 6527
8 Dec 2021   #349
Back to the topic. I am not a woman but I like England, small english towns, english tee, english shopping malls or even english cars. English people on the street are usualy very polite and they help you when you ask ( at least if you use Sir or Madam). It was Brexit because England is now no on my agenda and no English people.
Paulina  19 | 4556
8 Dec 2021   #350
lots of immigrant groups may seem arrogant, uppity, yes, even disrespectful towards the majority inhabitants of the "new" country

I can't say this about any of the Polish women I wrote about. One of them is my best friend who was always interested in British culture and her English was already very fluent before she went to the UK.

For me either (in Germany)

It may depend on the kind of work you do and maybe also how long you've been living there. Some time ago I read an article about Polish nurses working in Germany as caretakers in private homes and as far as I remember they were often (or maybe still are, I don't remember) getting exploited.

I am not a woman (...) English people on the street are usualy very polite and they help you when you ask

I think visiting a given country as a tourist may be a bit different than doing a menial job there as a young and attractive woman from a poorer country.

I get an impression that you and Lyzko may be thinking that Polish women mentioned here somehow deserved the treatment they got? How do you "deserve" sexual harassment though?
Alien  26 | 6527
8 Dec 2021   #351
@Paulina impression that you and Lyzko
I don't know what Lyzko may be thinking. I think sexual harassment deserved nobody, but the probability of sexual harassmend towards young and attractive woman is much higher than towards me or...Lyzko.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Dec 2021   #352
sexual harassmend towards young and attractive woman is much higher than towards

The probability of sexual harassment towards young and attractive woman is much higher than towards old and unattractive women.
That is a no brainer.
It's not just a Polish/English thing.
Older "Has Beens" get jealous seeing the younger attractive women getting all the attention while they get none.
This makes the Old Bitties jealous to the point they become Feminist Mama Bears to protect with shame in the name of sexual harassment.
mafketis  38 | 11260
8 Dec 2021   #353
probability of sexual harassment towards young and attractive woman

The expert speaks! Listen, everybody!
johnny reb  49 | 8003
8 Dec 2021   #354
You are being an ass again maf.
Am I not allowed my view of why Polish women are so disrespectful ?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
9 Dec 2021   #355
It's all a matter of perception, really.
Polish women have been terribly maligned over the years, as I've expatiated at length here on PF, being labled variously in such vile ways, I scarcely can repeat those epithets!

Well, if I were a youngish, university-educated, honest, and hard working Polish woman, enduring the constant stereotype of some sort of trollop etc., I'd definitely develope a hard outer skin, indeed, coming across as "disrespectful", if only the sense of being "SELF-respectful" first and foremost.
Miloslaw  22 | 5208
9 Dec 2021   #356
The probability of sexual harassment towards young and attractive woman is much higher than towards old and unattractive women

Says the expert on this subject!

What have you got against Polish women Jim?
Did they suss you out?
I bet they did......
1 Feb 2022   #357
Completely agree, eastern europeans have NO manners, they're uneducated, illiterate, rude, aggressive swines that don't even have basic common courtesy. Shows a lot about the countries they come from, their culture and their sorry little lives. They go around picking fights with people, swearing to themselves, shouting, no demeanour and they're shameless waste of spaces. Now brexit is here so they can f**k off. They don't even say 'please' or 'thanks' let alone any decency. The muslims that have infiltrated the UK turned it into pakistan committing jihad in military, victim card, double standards and population jihad. They support fascist islamic terrorist regimes in islamic failed states like pakistan with a selected isis pm that is nothing but a puppet of the pakistani 'army' isis just like in afghanistan as of late. They want the genocide of the individual people because they're evidence of islamic lies, bullshit, fake 1400 year old religion and fake history to name a few. They're allergic to the facts. Keep pakistanis (porkistanis), muslims and eastern europeans OUT.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 Feb 2022   #358
My advice to all the xenophobes on PF: If you don't want "those people" coming to your country, don't make England so damnably attractive and singularly inviting to such people! A drop-dead gorgeous female saunters down the street to cat calls, vulgarities, and groping, but then asks why.
Novichok  4 | 8677
2 Feb 2022   #359
Keep pakistanis (porkistanis), muslims and eastern europeans OUT.

Tanya, I love you! Best post in 2022.

A drop-dead gorgeous female saunters down the street to catcalls,

Lyzko, you are a true genius! To prevent rapes, women make themselves look like sh*it. Wow! What a novel idea! I am a genius again.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
2 Feb 2022   #360
Can't hurt, can it?

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