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UK passport renewal impossible due to out of date Polish passport

babetski  1 | 1
12 Sep 2024   #1
This must have happened to someone else but it's a truly insane situation.
I recently applied to renew my British Passport (born here with Polish parents). I sent a copy of my expired Polish passport (over 10 years expired that took me a LOT of hard work to obtain paperwork etc). The Polish passport was obtained in the 90's and in my married name. I divorced 20 years ago reverting
to my Polish maiden name.
Have always lived in the UK.
UK passport office says they cannot issue new UK passport until Polish passport updated to maiden name. Polish Consulate tells me as passport expired over 10 years ago I need to go through a different (lengthy) process that can take up to 12 months and the form asks for stuff I just don't have any more - mother sadly has dementia and doesn't know where she put any of the papers.
It's impossible to have neither passport for up to 12 months! Work will be unsustainable. Has someone had this weird set of circumstances? Am thinking maybe to give up my Polish passport/citizenship or will lose my job. Unbelievable. Was the world always this crazy??
12 Sep 2024   #2
I'd ask a different Polish consulate. It's not likely it's going to take a year. I'd just want to tell them that I want to apply for my Polish passport and maybe then the process will be as if you do it from scratch, ie. a few months maximum. Telling them all the details in advance doesn't help, so I'd just give them what they ask, not more.
OP babetski  1 | 1
12 Sep 2024   #3
I regret saying I had an expired Polish passport! I shouldn't have complicated matters. But I travel a lot with my work and this level of bureaucracy is mind-blowing. It's obvious there is nothing untoward. And trying to fill in a 12-page form for the Polish authorities with all the info I already gave them 30 years ago but now has gone awol (Mum has dementia and nobody can find the papers any longer). Systems work when you're on a standard conveyor belt. Whenever you step outside the mainstream nobody can help. Nuts.
12 Sep 2024   #4
Yes, I believe if you just said you want to apply for a Polish passport, they would take it from there in a timely manner. Talking to beuracrats is like talking to the police - open your mouth only if they ask you a question.
Lazarus  3 | 364
12 Sep 2024   #5
UK passport office says they cannot issue new UK passport until Polish passport updated to maiden name.

Write to HMPO to explain that you are not able to provide them with an updated Polish passport and tell them why. Or even just call them. That's what I did when they told me they'd need to see a passport that expired decades ago. They have rules but are quite good at giving exemptions when those are justified.

Home / UK, Ireland / UK passport renewal impossible due to out of date Polish passport

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