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Polish Nazi's humiliated in London - anti-Jewish demonstration

5 Jul 2015   #1
Anti-fascist demonstrators staged a counter demonstration to an anti-Jewish rally on Whitehall, London, on Saturday, and overwhelmingly outnumbered the far-right demonstrators

Are these people Russian agents trying to instigate/justify a invasion of Poland?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Jul 2015   #2
Nah, they're just people that prove the old theory "you can take the bald headed moron out of the village, but you can't take the village out of the bald headed moron".
gregy741  5 | 1226
5 Jul 2015   #3
this is embarrassing.
Wulkan  - | 3136
5 Jul 2015   #4
"you can take the bald headed moron out of the village, but you can't take the village out of the bald headed moron".

I know what you mean but this saying doesn't go like this
5 Jul 2015   #5
Fascism, Nazism, Zionism, and any imperialistic so-called democracy in which the corporation and government are in collusion for money, oil, gold, and power through force are basically the same thing wrap in different color paper.

Israel has to be classified in this sense expanding through the State of Palestine and I would say my country America is also clearly meeting this standard currently with proxy wars and 1000 military bases around the world. Is Russian and China? Maybe so, but more in a sense that is regional.

The classic historic definition is a bit outdated because of the evolution of technology. Chris Hedge and Sheldon Wolin define it as inverted totalitarianism. Does it matter who has the final say? The government or Corporate leaders? Who's need are being served? If the answer is both, it's both.

Based on the new TTP it seems the governments are subordinate to the Ceo's and Bankers of the world.

This little group in the article, is a minor social protest and has nothing to do with Nazi's or any thing else. I see it as neighbors disagreeing.
jon357  72 | 23666
5 Jul 2015   #6
"you can take the bald headed moron out of the village, but you can't take the village out of the bald headed moron".

Spot on. There are probably grounds for deportation here.
OP weeg
5 Jul 2015   #7
You will notice they didn't hide their faces, which should it make easy to deport.

this is embarrassing

Indeed, how a handful of people can do so much damage. They didn't need a beach and an AK.

They are fully into the Socialist side of National Socialism. Redistribution of wealth... how more communist can you get?

These people will definitely be paid by Putin, prime candidates for his money.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
5 Jul 2015   #8
Without a shadow of a doubt. It's one of the most disgusting things about Europe today that so many of these alleged "patriotic" organisations are very much in the pocket of Putin. Obviously they won't ask questions, but they're definitely there to do Putin's bidding.

Thinking back, wasn't the whole modus operandi of the ZOMO to recruit clueless thugs from villages to ensure their loyalty?
5 Jul 2015   #9
What a lot !! I believe they're Polish, why would you think these are Russian paid ?.

Do Polish people only say Yes they're Polish when its good but, they're Russian when it looks bad.
OP weeg
5 Jul 2015   #10
Because there is solid evidence that Putin is financing neo Nazi's all over Europe.

Front National in France admitted Putin gave them 9million euros, for instance. Several other neonazi parties in different countries are also being funded by Putin.
jon357  72 | 23666
5 Jul 2015   #11
Yes. This is nothing new. The Soviet Union used to fund and support all sorts of fringe political groups, and this was occasionally done through Poland.
Wulkan  - | 3136
5 Jul 2015   #12
Because there is solid evidence that Putin is financing neo Nazi's all over Europe.

Breaking news? :-)))
OP weeg
6 Jul 2015   #13
An article about the organisers links to Russia
Wulkan  - | 3136
6 Jul 2015   #14

Any reliable source of information or only this?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
6 Jul 2015   #15
It's not exactly a big secret that the Kremlin has been funding organisations with similar ideologies to their own.
jon357  72 | 23666
6 Jul 2015   #16
It's not exactly a big secret that the Kremlin has been funding organisations


Any reliable source of information or only this?

Take yer pick:
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Jul 2015   #17
all of it left wing bs propaganda
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Jul 2015   #18

Always knew these Polish "patriots" were on the side of Russia really. All the Russophobic stuff is just a cover act :D
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Jul 2015   #19
Always knew

Nice try convincing us that you ever knew anything xD
jon357  72 | 23666
7 Jul 2015   #20

Exactly. First time I've ever had anyone describe The Economist as 'left wing'!!!

But there's a first time for everything...

Great that the neo-nazis, Polish or otherwise, all 30 of them were so roundly humiliated.

Reply to removed post edited
Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Jul 2015   #21
all 30 of them

That is precisely the point. A handful of idiots, whether paid by someone or not, represent a poltical cause which has less than 1% support in Poland and cannot even make it into the Sejm. Only those Brits who know nothing about Polish politics can see such rabble-rousers as a threat. Off topic content removed
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Jul 2015   #22
But these were a handful of idiots in the UK representing Poland. No big threat to Poland, I agree. But their kin destroy Warsaw every November 11th, and what's more, plenty of Polish "patriots" support them in doing so.

Polsyr  6 | 758
7 Jul 2015   #23
Let's hope they do something about the skinheads IN Poland finally. Look at what surfaced in Warsaw a few days ago.

Picture available here:,141635,18295358,_Zginal_w_Auschwitz_i_to_pod_jego_nazwiskiem_powstaje.html

  • Neo_N_in_Warsaw.jpg
jon357  72 | 23666
7 Jul 2015   #24
But these were a handful of idiots in the UK representing Poland. No big threat to Poland, I agree. But their kin destroy Warsaw every November 11th, and what's more, plenty of Polish "patriots" support them in doing so.

The extreme end of the hooligan movement that the ghastly Jaroslaw Kaczynski tried to appeal to. They probably expected crowds of thousands smashing up anything they can, burning out vehicles and ripping up paving stones like their compatriots in Warsaw. In London, as far as the far-right is concerned, that just ain't gonna happen.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Jul 2015   #25
ghastly Jaroslaw Kaczynski

That's how your kind show szacunek (respect)?
BTW that's Kaczyński - you may not like him but don't misspell the bloke's surname!

moron out of the village

The Polish for that is: Człowiek może wyjść z wiochy, ale wiocha z człowieka nigdy (nie wyjdzie)!

Stay on topic
jon357  72 | 23666
7 Jul 2015   #26
That's how your kind show szacunek (respect)?

Why would anyone respect someone like Jaroslaw Kaczynski who encourages support from far-right football hooligans whose politics differs very little from the neo-nazi demonstrators who had to be escorted to safety by the police in London?

One thing that people like that hate more than anything is being humiliated - and they were humiliated big-style. serves them right for trying to organise a neo-nazi march through Golders Green and then when they were offered the chance to have it near Whitehall instead actually agreed to go there in the full knowledge that all decent people detest what they stand for and there would be a very healthy turnout of people who are very happy to remind them of that.
Polonius3  980 | 12275
7 Jul 2015   #27
Why would anyone respect someone

Playing the naive village idiot again? For the same reason that Tusk teamed up with a bunch of hayseed bumpkins. The object of politics is to get elected and stay at the trough as long as possible.

Kaczyński is no excpetion but at least he does promise a better Poland for the average Pole than the Platfus scam artists playing footsie with bankers and corporate exploiters.
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
7 Jul 2015   #28
but at least he does promise a better Poland for the average Pole

You mean he openly lies to his electorate just to get elected?
jon357  72 | 23666
7 Jul 2015   #29
You will notice they didn't hide their faces, which should it make easy to deport.

They think they can get away with it - and they don't realise how closely neo-nazis are monitored in London. Nor how strongly the UK and Poland co-operate on these things.
8 Jul 2015   #30
I think it's weird that Pole's are like that when Hitler did what he did in Poland to Jew's. Why are they like that in the UK ?.

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