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The BEST Guide to POLAND
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Home / UK, Ireland  % width   posts: 72

There's not a lot wrong with Poles in the UK. There's just too many of them.

12 Mar 2012   #31
You should join the EDL.

He can't: they wouldn't have him.

Harry, apologise immediately for your outrageous remark.

Do you deny that you whisper abuse into the ears of women and do that so you are not charged with a criminal offence?
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Mar 2012   #32
He can't: they wouldn't have him.

Yes, I checked their webpage. The seem pro mass immigration. Just anti islamic fundamentalism.

And they support Israel.

To hell with them.
12 Mar 2012   #33
There's been three deadly shootings this week. I ain't linking to jack. Use yer own Google. Or don't, whatever.
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #34
There's been three deadly shootings this week

Pathetic Jason.....were they all related to some divorced guy or who had recently been fired. Think before you type and tell the truth. There is a lot of reference inferring that I am some kind of sad, lonely twisted loner with a grudge. Sorry to disappoint but nothing could be further from the truth. I am a gregarious, outgoing person with a healthy attitude towards making my country a better place for future generations. I do not tolerate economic migrants who come here at the behest of our murderous, swindling politicians and do not offer apologies for that.

My father and his before him done their national service for little old ME. They were proud to be British and believed in this country. A few years ago I detested what was happening and despised the UK until I started to realise that it was the politicians who hijacked my patriotic beliefs. I want my country back!

I want to see streets full of smiling happy people not afraid to trust other people, fearful of all those foreigners who threaten them with racist accusations. Look at all those videos of the 50's, 60's and 70's easily available on 'youtube' . Look how they all looked out for each other and shared their lives talking over their idols and heroes. People they watched growing up and who British people could relate to who went on to form the worlds best football league (before Sky) and the worlds best bands and musicians for example.

Britain must regain her soul!!!
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Mar 2012   #35
Every Friday evening they would bring back their friends to drink beer, watch a movie and chat noisily into the early morning. Not once did they come down and introduce their friends preferring to keep themselves to themselves. I actually don't want people like that in my life.

So you felt ignored and rejected.

Also, you hoped for a nice relationship with that pretty Polish girl who used to drop in on Friday evenings to your housemates` parties.

You even tried to approach her on the stairs but she turned you down.

I can imagine how you felt.

I am really sorry.

But you certainly need to do sth with those ugly scars on your psyche. If you leave it like that, it may only go worse. Deporting all Polish immigrants won`t cure your hurt ego.
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #36
So you felt ignored and rejected.

Like a cheap rate, gutter tabloid reporter pawain you attack without knowing any of the facts.
At the time, I had two steady girlfriends who both slept with me simultaneously every weekend. I had no need to meet other women since I was the centre of attention from a pair of beautiful women. My point was that since they felt no need to introduce anyone else in the house whom they brought back, I felt no need to indulge their foreign habits in my country.

As guests in the UK, they should have tried to understand the way things are done here. This is after all, what I do when I'm overseas.

Deporting Polish immigrants will not cure my ego as you say , but it will create jobs and reduce tension amongst the community.
Barney  19 | 1733
12 Mar 2012   #37
At the time, I had two steady girlfriends who both slept with me simultaneously every weekend. I had no need to meet other women since I was the centre of attention from a pair of beautiful women.

Perhaps they turned the sound of the TV up to drown out the noises of an undoubted sex god?
ReservoirDog  - | 132
12 Mar 2012   #38
As guests in the UK, they should have tried to understand the way things are done here.

After what you have done to them I'm sure they finally understood. :D
pawian  224 | 27236
12 Mar 2012   #39
Like a cheap rate

Rat would sound better. :):):) I like these animals..:):):)

you attack without knowing any of the facts.

No attack but supposition. Come on..... you are too sensitive :):):)

At the time, I had two steady girlfriends who both slept with me simultaneously every weekend. I had no need to meet other women since I was the centre of attention from a pair of beautiful women.

Ooops, sorry, I was wrong. I didn`t realise what sex machine you are. :):):):)

Or were? :):):):)

I felt no need to indulge their foreign habits in my country.

What exactly were their foreign habits? Drinking beer, chatting noisily and playing loud music/TV at night?

Do you suggest Brits don`t do such things?
Vieslava  - | 23
13 Mar 2012   #40
At the time, I had two steady girlfriends who both slept with me simultaneously every weekend.

Polygamist or just like cheap and easy.
13 Mar 2012   #41
Can somebody explain what the photos are supposed to represent? He posted a bunch, before, and.. I still don't get it.
Meathead  5 | 467
13 Mar 2012   #42
Keep it civil, please.

Good girl

oxon, to see where your country is, you have to know where it's been. Here, start with this article and check some of the hot links below and it will describe the problem (Polish immigration is the symptom not the problem). BTW, your statement that Poles have a pleasant disposition...naaa they work too hard to have that.
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
13 Mar 2012   #43
I cannot believe you cut someone's cable tv! If you did that to me, expect to find bits of tapeworm in your tube of toothpaste!
OP oxon  4 | 164
13 Mar 2012   #44
Meathead....I have read articles like this if not this very one. Most people when you ask will tell you that they are proud home owners etc. They simply do not understand the difference between feudal and allodial ownership. Yes they have propriety rights and own the bricks and mortar but they do not own the land. This is why they pay a council tax and why they are taken to court for failure to pay. The irony of this is that failure to pay your council tax is not a crime. There is no law stating that. It is merely a financial regulation and the reason that people turn up at court and pay up eventually is because they do not know their rights. e.g. as soon as the magistrates walk into a civil court you are ordered 'All Rise' which you dutifully obey.

By doing so you have stated your intention to succumb to a 'higher authority' and given them permission to deal with your affairs. You have entered into a contract which is legally binding and granted them jurisdiction. Here is a link to part 4 from 10 short seminars. I would advise listening to all 10 and going on to check the freeman /strawman with a secret camera at work in a civil court operating under admiralty and watch how the court comes unstuck.

Jason....the address on the plaque in the picture (of which I've taken a hundred more over the last 2 weeks is of the hedge fund company..Goldman Sachs). This is an example of where the rot started. Takeovers of companies in the black with borrowed money, immediately plunging them into the red, downsizing, increasing hours on the remaining staff which Eastern Europeans did with a smile on their faces undermining the local workforce.

Plastic Pole..I don't normally swallow toothpaste so how would your vindictive actions have any effect. Plus if you tried to poison me that would be attempted murder. Be off with you now back to Facebook you silly boy.
Richfilth  6 | 415
13 Mar 2012   #45
I am a gregarious, outgoing person

who couldn't knock on his neighbours' door to introduce himself before cutting their TV cable

As guests in the UK, they should have tried to understand the way things are done here. This is after all, what I do when I'm overseas.

Such as cheating on two women at once and resorting to criminal damage? A fine example of British ways you're setting. Your parents would be proud.
13 Mar 2012   #46
.the address on the plaque in the picture (of which I've taken a hundred more over the last 2 weeks is of the hedge fund company..Goldman Sachs).

Say huh? Why are you taking a fckton of pictures of a plaque? You couple that with everything else, and.. This is weird behavior, man. Are you familiar with the psychological phenomenon of decompensation?

From the wick: Decompensation is the functional deterioration of a previously working structure or system. Decompensation may occur due to fatigue, stress, illness, or old age. When a system is "compensated," it is able to function despite stressors or defects. ... You're troubled, brother. You gotta turn this thing around.
p3undone  7 | 1098
13 Mar 2012   #47
In part I agree with what Oxon said about the media twisting things on the issues of race,But in his case he is making undeniably racist comments.He is relegating his comments to race rather than individuals.The sad thing is I believe he really believes he is not being racist.I don't

know this person well enough to unequivocally say that he is an intentional racist.There is a difference.Racism is still apparent in America;but we have come a long way.
ReservoirDog  - | 132
13 Mar 2012   #48
The sad thing is I believe he really believes he is not being racist.

Of course he is not racist. You can't be racist against whites and Poles are white. Poor Oxon, what do you want from him?? :))))))

Now seriously people, why do you talk to him??
modafinil  - | 416
13 Mar 2012   #49
Of course he is not racist. You can't be racist against whites and Poles are white. Poor Oxon, what do you want from him?? :))))))

The original meaning has changed in modern English what you are referring to is white supremacist. All we have here is someone scapegoating the Polish. But don't let him put you off England/Britain. The world is Y(ours).
PlasticPole  7 | 2641
13 Mar 2012   #50
It is not right for him to sneak behind people's backs, destroying their property. Does the police know about what he did? Oxon does not sound like a good guy, treating people like that! Oxon, you do realize it's wrong to damage people's cable? Who had to pay for the damage you caused? I hope you will not be acting that way again!
13 Mar 2012   #51
It is not right for him to sneak behind people's backs, destroying their property. Does the police know about what he did? Oxon does not sound like a good guy, treating people like that!

It is also not right to whisper threats into the ears of women while they are out with their kids but Oxon loves to do that.
ReservoirDog  - | 132
13 Mar 2012   #52
The original meaning has changed in modern English what you are referring to is white supremacist. All we have here is someone scapegoating the Polish. But don't let him put you off England/Britain. The world is Y(ours).

:) erghhh, I wasn't referring to it, rather ironically to modern trends :). I don't belive that whites are "Übermenschen".
modafinil  - | 416
13 Mar 2012   #53
It did cross my mind that I might be being condescending, and now you have proved it, but in a well mannered polite way. ;)
Shadow K  - | 11
13 Mar 2012   #54

Hey Oxon,

First of all, I agree with the fact that immigration is a problem, not only in the UK.

I read your post but I failed to see what point you are trying to make and I think you are looking at the immigration matter the wrong way. I came to the UK to study and get some work experience and obviously learn English and get back to my country (France). I started with a small british company who needed someone with my skills and who speaks french fluently. I've been here for 7 years working and paying taxes. I could got back and have a great job and life in France. BUT here is the thing... and it's like this for many of us immigrants (not all I agree and I will go to that later).

As time passes, we get to meet people, maybe a relationship, make friends, socialise, you get a gym card ...etc
while in the meantime, your friends back home have moved on, got married, had children... so basically you start growing roots here and it as you grow older and build a life here, it's not easy to just live all of that behind and go back to your country or another one for that matter. so, you stay. I think many immigrant feel that way and are not here just to milk your country dry (British tax-efficiency specialists firm and large corporations, banks and the super-rich are doing that through taxe evasion and other profit hiding schemes).

Anyway, some of the things you wrote just doesn't make sense to me. First of all, if your flatmate were noisy it's because they are noisy, not because they are polish. I'm not going to judge your action on cutting the cable, I just hope you'd've done the same if they were english.

secondly, these noisy people came to your country legally. England is a democracy and the people (the poor are the majority) have voted for an opening of the borders, free trade.... So, immigrants are allowed to come to england and BP, BHP Billiton, and other massive uk corporations are allowed to go and exploit the resources, the people, pollute the environment of the countries these immigrant are coming from.

also, the UK is a country where the concept integration doesn't exist. this is a country of communities. No mix. There is no political intention to integrate the immigrants. immigration in the UK is an economical immigration, meaning there are not here to integrate, contribute or add there genes to the kingdom, no.

The immigrants are here to work highly skilled uncool jobs that young british think are uncool, boring, and don't want to study them anymore (thanks to the british pop culture that denigrate the intellect) AND the hard unskilled jobs AND in both case to drop/keep the wages as low as possible so that the riches british upper class people get more. the upper class to which the poor lower class people aspire to (the poor, the majority of the population, do so by voting for parties that promote free-trade, basically labour or conservative)

I am writing about class here, in reality there are only two category of people in a free trade system: exploiter and exploitee

the reason you think their is to many immigrants and that their are basically a problem is because your are a victim of the system. YOU are the exploitee. The exploiters of this country do not agree with you, yet you and the other victim of the system vote just like them... why? because all of you dream that one they you as well will be in a position to exploit other people labour.

So, either you accept the fact that you are an exploiteer, and that you have to work your way up and get rich to become someone who uses the system at his advance (exploiter) or you stop voting for parties that promote free trade. Either way stop blaming the immigrants.

oxon: "London currently, immigrants have absolutely no respect for local feelings anymore"

immigrants have as much respect for the uk as the uk corporation have for their countries. There is no such thing in a liberal freemarket system as "respect for local feelings". also, "To be respected you have to be respectable."
pawian  224 | 27236
13 Mar 2012   #55
I am writing a

A nice piece of writing with plausible observations. I am really impressed.

And you are French?

Wow! The first French person in the forum?

Let`s celebrate!:

Shadow K  - | 11
13 Mar 2012   #56
As guests in the UK, they should have tried to understand the way things are done here. This is after all, what I do when I'm overseas.

I just love it how you try to come across as a respectable person by telling us that you destroy your flatmates property and sleep with two women simultaneously. man.. you do what you like but respectable ? gimme a break. So much for the british habits. lol XD


hehe, first frenchman on the forum ? I don't know. Thanks for the warm welcome.

ah! Champagne, good choice.

I have no idea how I got on this forum actually :/

Are you Polish ? if so, could you please turn down the volume or your TV set please. I think I can hear it from here, otherwise I'll have to come and cut the cables.

Thank you.
13 Mar 2012   #57
I bought a Stanley knife and sliced their cable running up to the dish after our pleas for less volume at night fell on deaf ears.

had a similar problem myself few years back with my neighbours upstairs. however i didnt decide to take the route you took. eventually my neighbours hi-fi system was removed from their flat because i went through the proper authorities,frustrating as it was .what gives you the right to do as you see fit? i dont have the energy to comment on your other posts after reading this thread. you have big style problems .
modafinil  - | 416
14 Mar 2012   #58
A nice piece of writing with plausible observations. I am really impressed.

Arr. You missing communism then Pawain? Most of that doesn't read any different to Marx and Engels communist manifesto.
OP oxon  4 | 164
14 Mar 2012   #59
Too many points to address with clarity Shadow K but you are correct in a number of things you say and way off mark in others.

Unfortunately in the UK now you cannot call the police as a complainant without you yourself being asked your personal details like date of birth. I’ve always pointed out that unless under arrest or being charged, I exercise my right not to give any details but this always winds the police up and they turn on me so no more police where I can carry out my own retribution.

Of course if they were English I would have been equally as annoyed but again I re iterate , I would never dare to act so disrespectfully in certain Muslim or Asian countries where I have travelled extensively. I said to them when they moved in that they are welcome here but I don’t want to hear Polish or Polish TV as this was my house and respect for locals should be paramount. They were fine until they got drunk and then pretended not to understand English. No use arguing with drunk people.

I agree I am the exploitee here and that the exploiters who you say I voted for are the businessmen , politicians and landlords who don't give a dam about what I think.

Don’t fool yourself though, a lot of immigrants are doing jobs in admin that could be done by local’s not all fish factories, bus driving and picking fruit.

Since I never want to put my head above the parapet here in the UK, I will never exploit. I sometimes think I have it hard until I talk to the middle classes who own properties and land and I understand how they are truly exploited with nowhere to run. They are firmly stuck to the ground with banks, insurance companies, councils and parasitical legal men all taking shots at them.

There is nothing much I can do about the giant corporate’s feelings toward the proletariat but at least at my level I can make some dent in my immediate surroundings. You do a survey in the street and ask an 80 year old granny what she thinks of Eastern Europeans? The tolerance in the UK is a myth. British people are too supine nowadays to challenge anything and terrified of the authorities and it is EU immigrants I am talking about....not French, German, Italian etc. I don’t see hordes of them taking over malls and apartments en masse.

I make no apologies for my actions and if more people had the guts to metaphorically 'slice a few more cables', these people would soon be brought into line and remember that old adage...when in Rome etc.

Your only really silly comment was when you accused me of sleeping with my two girlfriends in our wholly amicable arrangement and deeming it kind of immoral. One woman, 2.3 kids and a mortgage may be your idea of ‘morality’ but i prefer not to have my personality distorted by ‘leading and living a quiet life of desperation’.

How dare you!
Barney  19 | 1733
14 Mar 2012   #60
There's not a lot wrong with Poles. There's just too many of them. Is there not exactly the correct amount of polish people at the moment?

Anyway, I would love to comment on your ideas except I've no idea what they are for example what does this mean

Since I never want to put my head above the parapet here in the UK, I will never exploit. I sometimes think I have it hard until I talk to the middle classes who own properties and land and I understand how they are truly exploited with nowhere to run.

Who in Britain uses Mall for a shopping centre?

remember that old adage...when in Rome etc.

Wave to the Pope?
Have water with Ice Cream?
Sleep with the fishes?
Did you know that rome backwards is emor.

Home / UK, Ireland / There's not a lot wrong with Poles in the UK. There's just too many of them.

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