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There's not a lot wrong with Poles in the UK. There's just too many of them.

oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #1
Most Polish are actually pretty decent people. The people who come to the UK to do trade work, cleaning jobs, wash cars etc all seem to sport a pleasant disposition. Even the guys you see drinking their ‘Tyskies’ outside the tube station have a different, less menacing nature about them.

My anger lies not with those people but with our b***** politicians who famously stated in 2004 that a maximum of 200,000 will come to the UK and will drift back home in time. Those b***** politicians knew what they were doing, when unlike some other countries, they dispensed with the idea of capping the amount of eastern EU immigrants. They knew full well that there were hundreds of thousands of educated people in the eastern bloc countries who would jump at the chance of work in exchange for British pounds but when the likes of Slough and Peterborough were overwhelmed with immigrants, some locals who didn’t own businesses seized the opportunity to put people up in their basements, attics and garden sheds for a quick tax free, extra income.

I left London and moved back up to my home town of Inverness for a short while and was even more shocked to see a town so far removed from London teeming with Poles in shops, malls and of course job centres. My MP at the time was one Danny Alexander who said to me in his office when I raised a complaint that ‘if it were not for the immigrants some fishing industries would close down completely’. I shared a 3 roomed house with one other French guy and the landlord put in a Polish couple, together with their satellite/cable TV. What do you think Mr Alexander said when I pointed out the tensions of living amongst other people who were not interested in integrating or respecting the customs and sensitivities of local people.

I bought a Stanley knife and sliced their cable running up to the dish after our pleas for less volume at night fell on deaf ears. They obviously suspected either myself or the French tenant but in order to avoid any police harassment, I denied any knowledge and cut the cable again two weeks later after they repaired it. They left.

They were actually nice enough people but with the amount of them here, it makes individuals less tolerant of local feelings and after the initial joy of finding a job and accommodation wanes, they just behave as if they were in Poland. In London currently, immigrants have absolutely no respect for local feelings anymore. We are too far gone.

Can you imagine Saudi Arabia letting in 2 million Christians? Would Indonesia with a small mindful Chinese business population let everyone in from China who wanted to ‘work the streets’? There would be bloodshed again as in the 60’s and the 90’s. The most that happened here was the little old lady confronting Gordon Brown about the amount of Polish in her Yorkshire town and Brown famously responding forgetting that his microphone was still on. Soon after he was gone.

The use of English as the dominant language has come back to bite us on the ass.

  • tyskie.jpg
12 Mar 2012   #2
I bought a Stanley knife and sliced their cable running up to the dish after our pleas for less volume at night fell on deaf ears.

You are not a well person. Did you commit this diabolical act of sabotage before or after you menaced a female passenger riding on your bus, as you so gleefully shared with us? Seriously. There is a pattern of behavior here that is starting to move from the quotidian loathsomeness stage and into the "somebody-needs-to-monitor-your-ass" stage. This has gotta stop, dude. Your beef ain't with Poles, or Poland or the Government or whomever else you wanna project your rage on this week. You got personal demons you gotta quell, my man. And you need to stop being such a chickenshit about it, and just talk to somebody.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Mar 2012   #3
I bought a Stanley knife and sliced their cable running up to the dish

as he cuts the wrong one and gets a zap, LOL.
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #4
You are not a well person.

Firstly, apologies for downsizing the pic too much but I can't re-edit now. Yes, I know it's an alien concept to actually DO something about the present immigration problem. I know that in our politically correct and subjugated society we are not really allowed to voice our opinions but I have travelled all over the world bar the Americas and I would not dare behave as Poles and others behave here.

I cease walking in certain countries when local people stand to attention to respect their anthem/ religious chants or whatever.Now that i'm back living in the UK I have personally decided not to put up with those who are taking advantage of our hospitality (and welfare) but that's me.

i can't reach the politicians but I sure can reach the man in the street if he crosses me.

WB>> a brand bex co axial cable snaking across the building, running into a newly occupied room ? Only a fool could make a mistake!
12 Mar 2012   #5
I don't, I mean, I.. Jesus. Okay, listen. I know you're having a tough time, right now, I get it. I hear you. But... these pictures? What are you doing, man? You're gonna solve what, exactly, with a butterfly knife and a camera? You're going to get arrested. Or hurt. And as much as your attitude and philosophies annoy me, I don't wanna see that happen. You gotta get some help, man. That's all there is to it. There's no mental health services, like, for indigent people where you live? Maybe a college or something, where you can at least get some counseling? This fixation is gonna eat you up, dude. I'm telling you. And not a single Polish person will leave your country for it.
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #6
Jason...It may pacify you to think that when someone does more than actually moan about a certain situation which affects his/her life that the person must, has to be, obviously is absolutely nuts. It's the oldest one in the world. Worked for the authorities with Galleano, Plato, Fromm, Weblen, etc. has come to our attention that certain people are speaking their thoughts.
WHAT!!! Arrest them, call them mad, insane whatever but just shut them up. those free thinkers must not be allowed to flourish.

Since taking pictures is not a crime and since images can only be forcefully deleted accompanied by a court order I do not think I will get arrested.

To castigate a person concerning his mental state is a poor one Jason. I want you to go away and come back with something much better.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Mar 2012   #7
Oxon youre just old mate, old people always biatch about something not being the way it used to. Try golf.
pip  10 | 1658
12 Mar 2012   #8
Have you ever seen how Brits behave while abroad? Boozed up Britain comes to mind.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Mar 2012   #9
friggen wild animals.
12 Mar 2012   #10
To castigate a person concerning his mental state is a poor one Jason.

I'm not trying to castigate you. Hand to God. You seem like a desperate, hurting person, who is unraveling before our eyes, and I would truly like to see you get some help. Men have this primal reflex to take everyone down with them. Not a week goes by, here in America, where some poor shlub that was fired from his job, or recently divorced, doesn't walk into his office or his in-laws and start shooting away, before taking his own life. You can't go on like this forever. I'm just worried about how many others are gonna have to pay, before you're stopped.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
12 Mar 2012   #11
those free thinkers must not be allowed to flourish.

you can THINK what you like, but threatening women on the bus and sabotaging property for fun speaks of a mental health problem.
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #12
Not a week goes by, here in America, where some poor shlub that was fired from his job, or recently divorced, doesn't walk into his office or his in-laws and start shooting away, before taking his own life

A wee exaggeration Jason maybe? Link to the 'shooter' last week please?

Brits abroad for a two week drunken brawl abroad isn't the same thing. But actually, what do you think the local council / govt would do if they decided to stay ?

W Boy...yeh right, I'm old. I actually like Beethoven's 5th but that doesn't mean to say that I was around when it was composed, does it?

I must say ..the arguments are rather poor and somewhat disturbing. Personal attacks , being called senile, insane and potential killer are not valid arguments. All of you get together and decide between yourselves what nonsense you should leave out before posting.
aphrodisiac  11 | 2427
12 Mar 2012   #13
I feel for you. Their behavior is so offensive.
p3undone  7 | 1098
12 Mar 2012   #14
Immigrants continue to flock to the United States in a steady stream.I have met some very hard working and honest immigrants.I do not have

a problem with immigration;It is after all,how our country was developed.I say that if you pledge allegiance to the flag;then you should be of that

flag.I don't care for terms such as Polish American,Afro American,Chinese American etc. so forth and so on.I believe you should say American.

It is ok to have pride in your place of origin,I understand that,but your place of origin should not be put in front of your adopted country.This is how I believe.If you have a Polish immigrant who is a harder worker than the prospective native;then the Pole should be hired.There are unfortunately a lot of people in this country who despise immigration for this reason.I would say this is true in England too.
12 Mar 2012   #15
Can you imagine Saudi Arabia letting in 2 million Christians?

Clearly somebody is too ignorant to know that about a third of the population of Saudi Arabia are foreign nationals.
JonnyM  11 | 2607
12 Mar 2012   #16
Some estimates say that it's up to a half.
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #17
And most are there working in specific industries which are British based with specialist knowledge tucked away behind security guards . I don't think many contract workers are thinking of settling there permanently, doing jobs that locals could do or taking over areas of their biggest cities, 'arry and Johnny.

They live in complexes and whilst a great many locals despise their presence, Britain uses this quiet unrest to keep S.A. belly dancing princes fully armed to the teeth should local folk get brave. The arms industry is a huge money spinner for Britains economy. Win,win for British and SA governments.

Here in UK, they just pass race hate laws designed for non whites and Eastern Europeans to exploit.
p3undone  7 | 1098
12 Mar 2012   #18
You should really think before writing your rhetoric.You come off as racist.
Crow  154 | 9556
12 Mar 2012   #19
There's not a lot wrong with Poles. There's just too many of them.

is this some citation from the scripts of Adolf Hitler?
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #20
You come off as racist.

Exactly what I mean. Unprecedented immigration statistics, thousands of people in public talking loudly on their phones in languages I do not understand, Asian gangs grooming young children, Operation Trident, Eastern Europeans selling their labour (and souls) for minimum pay and all the criminal activity that goes hand in hand with more people than there are jobs etc .

Dare to speak out against this tidal wave in my own (that sounds funny) country and you are automatically labelled 'racist' . The politicians and the media have done a great job I have to confess.
12 Mar 2012   #21
You come off as racist.

That's because he is racist. And a coward.
pgtx  29 | 3094
12 Mar 2012   #22
Keep it civil, please.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Mar 2012   #23
is this some citation from the scripts of Adolf Hitler?

more like Edward Longshanks "the problem with Scotland is that its full of Scotts".
Vieslava  - | 23
12 Mar 2012   #24
QUESTION: Why didn't you talk to the landlord if noise was a problem?
I'm sure that would have put a stop to the late night TV ...... IF indeed TV was a problem and you are being truthful here in your thread.
Wroclaw Boy
12 Mar 2012   #25
are you implying that he didnt cut the TV wire?
OP oxon  4 | 164
12 Mar 2012   #26
IF indeed TV was a problem and you are being truthful here in your thread.

This was actually three years ago now. The landlord couldn't have cared less about anything except collecting the rent each month. He was just grateful to have the three rooms occupied as the 3rd had been empty for a couple of months. Every Friday evening they would bring back their friends to drink beer, watch a movie and chat noisily into the early morning. Not once did they come down and introduce their friends preferring to keep themselves to themselves. I actually don't want people like that in my life.

To small businesses and landlords, the open EU was a Godsend but for the proletariat it was a nightmare.

Harry, apologise immediately for your outrageous remark.
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Mar 2012   #27
You cut their cable? That will show them!
ReservoirDog  - | 132
12 Mar 2012   #28
Not once did they come down and introduce their friends preferring to keep themselves to themselves.

aha!!! so you felt alone!!! :D
RevokeNice  15 | 1854
12 Mar 2012   #29
You should join the EDL. I would, if I was in your position.
David_18  65 | 966
12 Mar 2012   #30

So much hate... it's easy to blame your sad life on others.

Try to make some polish friends instead of slicing their tv cable and you might like them more? Or they might atleast like you ;)

Home / UK, Ireland / There's not a lot wrong with Poles in the UK. There's just too many of them.

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