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Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison

amiga500  5 | 1551
20 Jul 2021   #61
can you point me to the updated news articles please?
mafketis  38 | 11288
20 Jul 2021   #62
There's this:,wypadek-na-marszalkowskiej-aktywisci-wiedza-kto-zabil-pieszego-to-influencer
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jul 2021   #63
There's this:

I just read it. It really just about sums up Poland for me, an utterly useless government obsessing about reparations from Germany while the country goes to rack and ruin. Don't want pregnant women to abort because they value life so highly but when it comes to protecting those already born from being mown down in the street, not so interested in that, are they. Of course, it's the fault of successive governments. PO have to take their share of the blame for not cracking down on this when they had a chance. Seventeen years in the EU and this is the standard of driving, policing and justice - disgraceful.
amiga500  5 | 1551
20 Jul 2021   #64
Thanks for link. drivers surname is Derra, What's the bet his Daddy is the owner/partner at this legal firm in Warsaw?.

Dr Lewandowski & Partners (formerly Derra, Meyer R. Lewandowski) have been providing advice to our clients for over 15 years

which leads to a big German legal firm Derra, Meyer and Partner

The first location of the law firm was established in 1980 by Hans-Jörg Derra in Ulm.

So daddy is multimilionare lawyer most likely. No wonder the Police are protecting him. Seems there is some sort of deal between police and the sons of the ultra rich to allow speed races through polish cities.
mafketis  38 | 11288
20 Jul 2021   #65
drivers surname is Derra,

Drop an R from that and it seems his first name almost rhymes with 'hat-trick' ... put that into google and you can find out as much as anyone....
Paulina  19 | 4564
20 Jul 2021   #66
have to admit cops were there in 5 minutes with ambulance

Was noone there helping him until the ambulance came? 5 minutes is a long time for someone with a severed leg... Wasn't anyone trying to stop the bleeding?

this Porsche came flying (...) probably doing over 120kmph if not more.

Did you tell this to the police?

As a Catholic, I would wish to go to him and take his hand in his final moments

Me too, but I don't think you have to be a Catholic to do that...

suddenly some guys started snapping pics,a pathetic scene to snap a dying mans pics.

That's f*cked up...

It seems the guy was known 'patoinfluencer'. He was famous for speeding videos.

I've got to admit that when I read that it was a Porsche it crossed my mind that it could've been some rich a-hole speeding, but I was trying not to be prejudiced...

Btw, what is this thing in the car's window in the photo?:,54420,27344052,smiertelny-wypadek-na-marszalkowskiej-mjn-to-motoryzacyjny.html
amiga500  5 | 1551
20 Jul 2021   #67
In Australia we have dangerous driving causing death and the more serious manslaughter charge for cases like this. In the article like Paulina posted the former policeman says that there are no laws like this in poland, ie he says in the west he would be charged for murder etc, is this true? Can they only charge him for speeding or 'unsafe driving' in Poland?
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jul 2021   #68

you haven't read your own link - it's Derra not Dera (as you have tried to insinutate) - (for those who don't know Andrzej Dera is a politicians from PiS)
mafketis  38 | 11288
20 Jul 2021   #69
- it's Derra not Dera (as you have tried to insinutate)

insinuate? me? it's out there, I just found it.... (caveat I'm not claiming anything about anyone's guilt)

His 'patoinfluencer' name is pat.derra, but... (see the name)

I have no idea if he's related to the PiS guy and don't care. If he was driving and hit the pedestrian then needs to go to prison (for a long ole time).
gumishu  15 | 6228
20 Jul 2021   #70

ok - I haven't realised Derra is his alias and not a real surname - I have no idea if he is related to Andrzej Dera - but it's possible
Atch  22 | 4299
20 Jul 2021   #71
Wasn't anyone trying to stop the bleeding?

I don't think many ordinary people would have the slightest idea how to stop the bleeding from a severed leg. Some kind of tourniquet I suppose but Cargo said the poor guy's intestines were out of his body. I think most people simply would simply be too horrified to do anything much - except for those people who were taking pics of course who are beyond disgusting.

Me too, but I don't think you have to be a Catholic to do that...

No, but you know what I mean. We were taught by the nuns that in the event of a person being near death and no priest available, you could say the Act of Contrition on their behalf. Of course the poor man will go to Heaven anyway but it's the gesture, you know, especially as he was probably a Catholic, this being a Catholic country.
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Jul 2021   #72
I think most people simply would simply be too horrified to do anything much

Once or twice in PL, I've seen accident scenes where people close by (who presumably have to stay to give statements) were in obvious shock, some vomiting.
pawian  226 | 27817
20 Jul 2021   #73
PO have to take their share of the blame for not cracking down

No. PO did a revolutionary thjng - introduced the law of lifted license after you speed too much.
Paulina  19 | 4564
20 Jul 2021   #74
I don't think many ordinary people would have the slightest idea how to stop the bleeding from a severed leg.

In the same way as other bleeding and that's first aid basics (if they don't know then they should at least read about it - even kids are taught first aid at school):

Cargo said the poor guy's intestines were out of his body

Right, sorry, I forgot about that :/ But stopping the bleeding from the stump wouldn't hurt. People can survive some pretty shocking injuries, so you never know... It's better to try and do sth than not do anything, imho...

you could say the Act of Contrition on their behalf

I doubt I'd be able to do that, holding his hand would be a feat already...

were in obvious shock, some vomiting.

Those men taking pics clearly weren't vomiting and were composed enough to take pics of a dying man... It's just... I have no words for that...

Btw, if the witness of the accident doesn't know what to do, the dispatcher should be able to inform this person by phone what to do, how to help the victim until the ambulance or the police arrives.

And here's a first aid video in case of leg's amputation in Polish (with presentation):
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Jul 2021   #75
Was noone there helping him until the ambulance came?

Nope no one,there were maybe 4/6 people there as it happened slowly the party goers started gathering and when the cops came they cordoned the area with cones and pushed back everyone.

The dispatcher said they are on there way and have the info.
I have never seen a dead body in my life and was shocked,first I thought someone has spiked my beer(as they do sometimes here) and I am hallucinating.I went back and when in cpl minutes I was sure its real the cops had arrived,was horrific and I can watch some beheading videos etc.

I came home and was like staring the wall for a long time thinking about this guy and his blinking eyes,I think even he didnt realize what has happened to him.
Paulina  19 | 4564
20 Jul 2021   #76
@Cargo pants, that's understandable, I feel for you, I wouldn't want to witness such a scene... I just don't understand how those people were capable of taking pics if it was so horrific and considering that he was still alive, dying in front of them... It's inhumane and sickening...
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Jul 2021   #77
Ihow those people were capable of taking pics

I've seen traffic crawl to a halt on Polish roads if there's an accident in the other lane. Nobody helping the victim or comforting shocked people. Just rubbernecking. The local news did a feature on it and some of the footage didn't reflect well on the drivers/families in question.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2021   #78
Nobody helping the victim or comforting shocked people.

In fear of a lawsuit most likely.
Same way with seeing what you think is a baby (which turns out to be a doll) strapped in a car seat along side a desolate road.

You stop to assist and out of the ditch from the other side of the road jumps a thief who pistol whips you, steals your money and car.

People have good cause not to stop to try to help in this day and age.

It's inhumane and sickening...

Yes it is, thank this me-ism filled world. :-(
jon357  72 | 23712
20 Jul 2021   #79
In fear of a lawsuit most likely.

Not in Poland, though 'no win-no fee' lawyers have arrived from the UK. More likely to not want to get involved generally; a Polish trait. I've known people refuse to phone the fire brigade when a neighbouring building is on fire and refuse to call an ambulance when a neighbour died of a heart attack in an apartment building hallway.

Most European countries (I don't remember about PL) have an obligation to assist injured people enshrined in their law and a stiff fine for ignoring them.

a thief who pistol whips you, steals your money and car.

In Poland??????
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
20 Jul 2021   #80
In fear of a lawsuit most likely.

No JR,its not like in the States that you have an accident or got a ticket and in a weeks time you are getting letters from 20 lawyers who want to fight the case on contingency with 60/40 split.Lawsuits here yield very little money unlike that Mickeydee one when that lady sued that Mcdonalds didnt have a sign on the cup of hot coffee that the cup would be hot and get millions of $$.Most of the lawsuits are settled in States by the insurance companies out of court settlement whereas in Poland companies will not dish a dime before squealing.Imagine if you get your car stolen and dont have 2 original keys of the car they will not process your claim as they say that you might have got the car stolen yourself.Lawyers cannot legally fight on contingency basis here.

pistol whips you, steals your money and car.

The guy who owns a firearm here will not need to do that here cuz he has his own moola.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
20 Jul 2021   #81
Thanks Cargo.
That's why I come to this forum is to learn about Poland and how it is different then the U.S.
Seems some common sense still prevails in Poland.
Paulina  19 | 4564
21 Jul 2021   #82
I don't have time right now, so just a quick update - the Porsche guy had no right to drive, because his driving licence was taken away. Also, during a police search at his house drugs were found, but he wasn't under influence at the time of the accident:

It looks like they don't know how fast he was driving yet.
jon357  72 | 23712
21 Jul 2021   #83
Drop an R from that and it seems his first name almost rhymes with 'hat-trick' ... put that into google

One site (that pre-dates the accident) describes him as: "an auto-pato influencer who is known for his interesting and risky vehicle stunts on TikTok". There are no words...

I have no idea if he's related to the PiS guy

Some media have suggested he's a son or nephew. According to one newspaper, the driver was doing 120kph in the city centre at night.

'road racing' at night in the city streets with his friends. They would go out at two or three in the morning and race

That used to really annoy me when I lived by Belwederska; it was regular and the police allegedly tolerated it due to it being the sons of PiS figures.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
21 Jul 2021   #84
doing 120kph in the city centre

I figured so or more,I cant believe that the cops in Poland cant figure out the speed with the skid marks and distance it stopped.Most cars of that sort have EDR(event data recorder) oe Black box and why the cops cant check that for exact speed(It is 97% accurate}.

Also, during a police search at his house drugs were found

I wonder what right the cops had to search his house.I am sure he can beat the drug charges since they were not found on him.

Since he was driving with suspended license he can be charged with manslaughter,reckless driving,speeding and plenty of other similar charges enough to put him in prison for 5/10 years ONLY(enough for killing a person in Poland)SUX.
Novichok  4 | 8827
21 Jul 2021   #85
A drunk who kills should be shot on the spot. No trial and no crap about how he was molested as a child.
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
21 Jul 2021   #86
A+SS Hole he wasnt drunk or under the influence.Poland is not some sh*it hole of a country that they shoot people,law still prevails here and thx God all the aholes are out of here that think like that.
Novichok  4 | 8827
21 Jul 2021   #87
he had 13 previous convictions for driving offences in 2015, including drink driving and driving without insurance.

If the cops shot that pos when they nailed him drunk...
amiga500  5 | 1551
21 Jul 2021   #88
he wasnt drunk or under the influence.

The police don't have a saliva or blood test for mephedrone or other designers afaik
Strzelec35  19 | 830
21 Jul 2021   #89
well thats how they do it in the u.s. when cops dont like you there thy shoot you or look for any excuse to shoot you such as claiming the camera didnt see you make w sudden movement or something when they tell you to take your license out or open the glove compartment. ive seen even them do it to white guys like redneck types on the shoemcope and it is laughed at or accepted there by other whites. what i dont get is why dont the Ukrainians just use guns or cops as well to shoot those nationalists like the blacks Hispanics from mexico or Latin america or no go zone Muslims would do to them to shut them up? they cancel events same with the lgtbs due to their threats but why not just act like no go zoners and bring guns or guys like novichook would do?
Cargo pants  3 | 1425
23 Jul 2021   #90
The driver of last week finally arrested with a small charge,a slap on the wrist.He sure did have connections which work good in Poland.

Home / UK, Ireland / Polish drink-driving murderer sentenced to 5.5 years in prison

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