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British guy refused work because of Polish workers

4 Feb 2016   #1
Polish staff refuse to work with Englishman !.

Briton overlooked for chain restaurant job as Polish staff 'REFUSE to work with English'

He said: "I was told by a member of staff that the Poles working in the kitchen did not want an English person in there.
"I did not want to cause a scene there, but I did say I would take this further. Then they asked me to leave."
Outraged Mr Smale, of Exeter, is described by his friends as being "gentle, kind and decent".
He added: "It was blatant discrimination. I'm British and looking for a job in my own country - they are Polish.

Roger5  1 | 1432
4 Feb 2016   #2
There doesn't seem to be much substance to the story. Scroll down to find the bit about naked English lessons. That's much more interesting.
G (undercover)
4 Feb 2016   #3
Think about as an investment in developing countries...
Ironside  50 | 12928
4 Feb 2016   #4
Is that annual kick a Pole routine in The Fascism Daily? Have they run out of ideas? Wasn't a story they used in that paper of theirs the last year just the same to the T? Seems their readers swallow hook, line and sinker everything the paper cook up for them.
Crow  154 | 9525
5 Feb 2016   #5
No matter this particular story but wrath in Poles would culminate at some moment. England too often manipulated with Poles
Mister H  11 | 761
5 Feb 2016   #6
Is that annual kick a Pole routine in The Fascism Daily?

So a direct quote from a man saying he has been discriminated against on account of his nationality is just part of the "annual kick a Pole routine in The Fascism Daily"?
Lyzko  44 | 9711
5 Feb 2016   #7
An insightful article, yet I dare say, all too typical. A small point perhaps Tic, but your thread title sounded almost as though the British bloke himself refused to work with his Polish colleagues, rather than that he WAS REFUSED work simply because he was English!

Until I actually read the story, the thread post might have been more than slightly misleading:-)
Yosemite  2 | 88
5 Feb 2016   #8
Tell you what the Poles in this country are serioulsy going down hill, im advertising for a job at the moment and the Poles are not representing very well. Honestly ive had such bad experiences with them, im not prepared to take on another one anyway. One of the buggers crashed one of my motors. Add the usual lies, schemes and scams, im sick of it. Just cant get the staff. Had a bloody Bulgarian agency worker the other day he was even worse.
Lyzko  44 | 9711
5 Feb 2016   #9
Hmmm, a nationwide problem then, I suspect.
Ironside  50 | 12928
7 Feb 2016   #10
So a direct quote from a man saying he has been discriminated against on account of his nationality is just part of the "annual kick a Pole routine in The Fascism Daily"?

You got it right the first time, congrats. If I'm wrong we can expect follow-ups on the police investigation into the matter and its result. I'm not getting my hopes high, the same allegations were made some time ago by the same paper if not the same guy. By all means don't take my word for it and If you are really bothered check up PF's archives.

Either way I think you are a goner - hook, line and sinker.

Tell you

Tell you what instead of looking for Poles, Bulgarians, Pakistani or English why don't you for a change look for the right people for the job?
Grzegorz_  51 | 6138
7 Feb 2016   #11
Poles in this country are serioulsy going down hill

Ever heard about assimilation ?
Yosemite  2 | 88
7 Feb 2016   #12
why don't you for a change look for the right people for the job?

Wow genius. Dude theres a hell of a lot of lying cheating, scumbags out there who say and do anything to get a job. It takes a while to get to know somebody, to see if they can actually do the job.

Ever heard about assimilation?

I lived in Poland for 6 years bud. Ive witnessed the general standard of the Polish work force. So yeah i know exactly what you're talking about, most Poles don't have a friggen a clue as they have terrible work ethics. A week off for a runny nose, two days in bed for a temp over 39. Poor driving skills, lack of concentration, inability to think on their own. Its a long list.
Wulkan  - | 3136
7 Feb 2016   #13
A week off for a runny nose, two days in bed for a temp over 39.

Replace running nose with bad back and it's exactly what I observe here in England for 11 years.
Yosemite  2 | 88
7 Feb 2016   #14
What you've been fiddling the system with a pretend bad back for 11 years. That's precisely what I'm talking about.

At the end of the day Wulkan Brits have way superior genetics to Poles. Just look at our history in comparison to yours. Look at our economy in comparison to yours. Look at where you and millions of other Polish people have chosen to live. Look at your neighbours Germany and how powerful their country is in comparison to yours.

The Czech Republic to the South. You and your ilk are about 30 years behind the evolutionary curve of the more superior humans. Take Polish religious values as the perfect example.

Look at your job, a factory night shift machine operator.....Look at the level of intelligence of Poles on this very forum in comparison to non Poles.

Polish racial values....another sign of lack of intelligence.
8 Feb 2016   #15
Poles really are so ******* pathetic. Biggest bunch of ***** on the planet by far. I would take 100,000 migrants from Syria over Poland any day of the week.
8 Feb 2016   #16
That is because you are what we call "cuck", grabby.
What means that you have pleasure seeing your wife or female relatives being (forcibly) sexually pleased by arab/african man.

A lot of germans, frenchs and brits like that nowadays. No surprise.
Crow  154 | 9525
8 Feb 2016   #17
Polish racial values....another sign of lack of intelligence.

and what would you suggest as final solution for the Poles?

Maybe eternal Anglo rule over Poles can satisfy you?
InPolska  9 | 1796
8 Feb 2016   #18
"a week off for a runny nose"!!!! Bingo!

@Yosemite: yes, genitics! The main reason (+ bad food, poor medical care) why Poles (on the whole) look much older than westerners (at same age). When reaching their 50's, Poles (except for the very rich) look some 20 years older than western European/north Americans/Australians... (of same age).
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2016   #19
they have terrible work ethics.

Could that be a legacy of Communism? There was no way you could be fired under that system, no matter how bad a job you did. My husband says there were loads of guys who were heavy drinkers and went AWOL for weeks and even months at a time and then returned to their jobs. The most that might happen is that you'd be moved to another employer. Also under Communism there were no tangible rewards for hard work, no improvements in your material situation, no promotion, no pay increases, no building yourself up professionally, no chance to start your own business etc.

I wouldn't agree that Poles have no work ethic. It's true of some Poles, but probably more of Poles in Poland than abroad. Like most immigrants they work pretty hard. In Poland I think there is quite a high level of incompetence and 'coasting' but you know it's a post-communist society, still in recovery. Who knows what the future holds.

A week off for a runny nose, two days in bed for a temp over 39

Cultural thing. Awful bunch of hypochondriacs. When I first lived with my husband, he used to report on the state of his mental and physical wellbeing every morning - it cracked me up. I joked that we should have a chart hanging at the end of the bed. But they can be trained out of this Yosemite, take my word for it!

Poor driving skills

Agree 100%.

inability to think on their own

It starts with the education system. Polish schools still rely a lot on rote learning, memorising, ticking boxes in multiple choice questions etc rather than any form of independent thinking. That's not a problem only in Poland. There are far too many countries where education consists of learning to follow instructions. As for the workplace, Husband (the source of all wisdom!) says that even today, in some Polish companies run along old strictly hierarchical lines, you're not encouraged to have ideas or show initiative. Management generally don't like it. If you're too much of an innovator it can work against you rather than for you.

Brits have way superior genetics to Poles

Yes Adolf.

Just look at our history in comparison to yours.

Read 'The Polish Way' by Adam Zamoyski (sic). I'm afraid that's the worst kind of British ignorance/arrogance, which thankfully is rare enough.

Look at our economy in comparison to yours

Enjoying a thousand years of peace at home without being invaded gives a country a chance to build an economy. Also of course, colonising other lands, taking their crops, their minerals, engaging in the slave trade, smuggling the tea plant from China and planting it in one of your colonies etc. All that contributes to a nice healthy bank balance.

Look at your neighbours Germany and how powerful their country is in comparison to yours.

Ja, Herr Ober Leutnant. Reasons for that too.
8 Feb 2016   #20
"Yosemite: yes, genitics! The main reason (+ bad food, poor medical care) why Poles (on the whole) look much older than westerners (at same age)."

Again another bs from you. Again giving opinions based only in your maid?

The average polish woman (without cosmetics) at their 50s look much better than french, for example.

The only difference is that the french woman have money enough to use makeup like her faces were wedding cakes.
Yosemite  2 | 88
8 Feb 2016   #21
Could that be a legacy of Communism?

Communism, Germany, the UK, Ohh wait the US sold Poland to Stalin. Its basically NOT the fault of Polish people and their value system at all. According to almost all Poles.

It's true of some Poles, but probably more of Poles in Poland than abroad.

I might have agreed with that 6 years ago but not today. I live in a city where 1 in 10 is Polish, all immigrants. We have the Poles of Poland here, by the thousand. Their miserable rude faces in the Polish shops, their arrogance driving, the contempt of living in a foreign country whilst they secretly believe they are superior. The scams, the never ending cues at the Doctors surgery for their runny noses. The loud talking on their mobile phones, their belief that they're saving the British economy.

Their children will be fine as they will be indoctrinated with the benefits of British culture. But the parents are a nightmare. Much worse than the Poles in Poland, because they are not in Poland.

I said "Poles have a terrible work ethic", not what you said i said Atch. Thats a misinterpretation.

I'm afraid that's the worst kind of British ignorance/arrogance, which thankfully is rare enough.

Another misinterpretation to make your argument stronger, I'm well aware of Britain's bloody heritage thank you. I suggest you re-read my OP though and the comparisons i made with other countries too.

You will find it extremely hard to find a more well balanced, fair individual than me.

Quite simply I'm not employing any more Poles, the Birts who i work with and deal with on a daily basis are far better. When i have to deal with Poles now I'm like "ohh for fcuk sake here we go again, another 20 minute wait". Ive had two Poles work for me and they were both equally crap in their own exclusive ways. Its difficult finding good, reliable, honest employees.
Atch  22 | 4299
8 Feb 2016   #22
Communism, Germany, the UK, Ohh wait the US sold Poland to Stalin.

Yosemite you have to look at things in context. Communism or really to be more accurate Stalinism was a profound evil that did damage on an epic scale not just to Poland but to a huge chunk of Europe. It was far worse in my view than WWII because it continued for fifty years. Whilst other European countries had the luxury of rejuvenating and rebuilding themselves, creating the old EEC etc, strengthening their economies, developing themselves, the population of countries under Soviet domination suffered greatly. We're talking about billions of lives adversely affected over those generations, if you include the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact countries. You mentioned the German economy. Think about the difference between the Federal Republic and the Democratic Republic during those years........Polish peoples' values system is not the Polish values system that existed for centuries. That was destroyed by communism.

Their miserable rude faces

Yes, they're not big on the social graces.

their arrogance driving

They are indeed appalling drivers.

whilst they secretly believe they are superior

I don't think they believe themselves to be superior but I do think they believe that Brits perceive them as inferior. And of course there's a certain measure of resentment and emotional turmoil that colours their perception of life, because they chose to leave their own country purely for economic reasons. Many of them would basically prefer to be in their own land but they're not prepared to go back there and live in reduced circumstances.

I said "Poles have a terrible work ethic", not what you said i said Atch. Thats a misinterpretation

No, it's a mis-quote. I beg your pardon. My error. Much of a muchness though and wouldn't change my view.

I'm well aware of Britain's bloody heritage thank you.

You may think you are, but it's not just about reading history books you know. I don't think you are truly 'aware' in the sense of understanding the position of privilege your country's history places you in. There are very few countries in the modern world Yosemite who have been free of invasions by foreign armies for the span of a thousand years. Also as a Brit, in any country in the world that you emigrate to, you will be perceived and treated differently, than an immigrant from 'Eastern Europe'. Most of the time it will be to your advantage to be British. As Jack Dee the comedian once said 'You don't show officials a British passport, you slap them with it and say 'Out of my way Johnny Foreigner, I'm British'.

the Birts who i work with and deal with on a daily basis are far better.

Well that's fine. Employ them and stop getting yourself all worked up over Poles whom you don't have to have anything to do with if you don't want to.
polishinvestor  1 | 341
8 Feb 2016   #23
People look to emerging markets for a better a better ROI, a better yield. With that come many risks. If it was very easy to do business in Poland and very transparent, prices would be higher and so yearly returns lower. In the UK for example you have a very good legal system, pro-business goverment, locally and Westminster, a pool of skilled and motivated workers to choose from, but the costs are high and so ROI much smaller than EM. In EM, you have to accept a "less civilised" way of doing business and working sometimes, actively manage it as much as possible, in return for the greater ROI than in the UK. Its much easier to squeeze an extra 1% return in EM than in the UK given the inefficiencies in EM and thats where good management comes in. Of course EM should only ever be part of a company's investment structure, given it is always going to be more risky (ie risk of capital loss) than developed.
Ironside  50 | 12928
8 Feb 2016   #24
:-] It takes a while to get to know somebody, to see if they can actually do the job.

So what is eating you this time eh? I have thought that you are not longer a boy and you know better but I can see you are reverting to your old sad self. You know what, you big enough, old enough and ugly enough to not be given any slack on the account of you coming long way indeed from yo9ur working class background.

Thereafter I'm not holding back my reactions anymore.
As to above quote, that goes without saying, in fact goes with the territory that it is your responsibility to hire the right person for the job and it is your fault if you failed to do so. Sure you can claim that you were lied to and deceived - those are weak excuses. After all you are the man, to you belong all the credit and by the same token to you belong all the blame. If you are deceived you learn from your mistake and move on rather than came on PF to make it Englanders versus Poles match only to justify your rant.

First you hire an idiot who cannot do the job according to your expectations and they you blame not only individual in question but also his ethnicity and generally his nation. How cleaver is that eh?

Polish racial values....another sign of lack of intelligence.

Hmm really WB?

Brits have way superior genetics to Poles

Have a good day.

Poles really are so ******* pathetic.

Good for you and I hope you will be granted your wish. By the way- how pathetic is to cruse the internet just to make such a wipe assed vulgar post?
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Feb 2016   #25
At the end of the day Wulkan Brits have way superior genetics to Poles.

I don't mind reading your ideas on cultural differences. Actually I agree about the hypochondria and poor driving skills.
But 'superior genetics'? Please WB just don't go there!
btw my ex husband who is 4 years younger than me, now looks like an old man. While I am still lovely..:) but it is surely nothing to do with genetics...
8 Feb 2016   #26
" it is your responsibility to hire the right person for the job.", So very true, this is a serious failure of management and the recruitment process that was employed.

I think it is true that Poles would rather be working and living Poland than having to seek work in Britain, but sadly economic circumstances have left them with no other choice.

From my observations Poles are able to adapt to living and working in Britain far better, than the British who have come to Poland, after being in Poland for a couple of years I have got to know a dozen or so British expat workers and retirees, non of them are happy here, many dislike and have grown to resent the Polish people around them. I am not sure as to the root cause of this, cultural differences?, not feeling in control? , all this also seems to be played out here on PF.
rozumiemnic  8 | 3893
8 Feb 2016   #27
but it is surely nothing to do with genetics...

IMO it was the steroids (that his coach gave him) and the misery.
So be careful WB!!!
Lyzko  44 | 9711
8 Feb 2016   #28
Conversely, I wonder just how many POLISH guys have ever been refused work by BRITISH aka English workers.
Only curious:-)
8 Feb 2016   #29
"POLISH guys have ever been refused work by BRITISH" loads my dad for one, after a long search for work the only job he could get after he was demobbed from the British army (Polish II Corps) was sweeping the floor in an iron foundry, no complaints (he got lots of Nazi salutes from his co workers along the way) he moved up the ladder later on.
Yosemite  2 | 88
8 Feb 2016   #30
Conversely, I wonder just how many POLISH guys have ever been refused work by BRITISH aka English workers.

In Poland though, British workers in Poland refusing Polish workers work in their own country. Thats the level playing field.

Home / UK, Ireland / British guy refused work because of Polish workers

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