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Are the Polish in the UK actually rude or bitter?

Valery  1 | 2
20 Oct 2018   #1
So I have this friend at school, she's Polish ofc, and sometimes I get the feel like she's a bit rude at times. I would ask her something or call for her and she would give me a cold "what ?" And in general she's pretty bitter in how she acts and is often what people would call "brutally honest" She does however treat me very well on most occasions, so I started wondering if maybe that's just the way she speaks, I'm learning Polish rn and I noticed (like other Slavic languages) that its a very "direct" language, so maybe its got something to do with it
NoToForeigners  6 | 948
20 Oct 2018   #2
Yes we are. Sorry to break your nice SJW world.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Oct 2018   #3
Yes we are.

No, we are not. Rudeness in response to a call is not normal and can only be explained by what happened just before the call. I would not expect Oh, hi, what a pleasure to hear from you from a guy whose basement is flooded or a woman who just burned her dress.

Rudeness is best reserved for the idiots on the PF. After that, when you are all ruded out for the day, life goes back to normal with "Oh, hi, I am glad you called" as a default response to a call.
Spike31  3 | 1485
20 Oct 2018   #5
Nope. We're just honest and straightforward :-)
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Oct 2018   #7
You're not Polish so...

1. Why do Poles think that being Polish is something special?
2. I am. I wish I never were, but I am. Wanna bet?

"We're just honest and straightforward."

Honesty misapplied is stupid and separates kids from adults.
Spike31  3 | 1485
20 Oct 2018   #8
2. I am. I wish I never were, but I am. Wanna bet?

Are you a self-hating person then, Rich Mazur?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
20 Oct 2018   #9
I only hate myself for the stupid things I did. Being born in Warsaw in 1942 is not one of them.
OP Valery  1 | 2
20 Oct 2018   #10
Pft, is that supposed to upset me ? I might be new here but I'm no stranger to trolls. I don't feel like arguing so you best end it here for both our sakes
Lyzko  44 | 9713
20 Oct 2018   #11
Many Poles ARE for sure blunt to a fault, direct, opinionated, and frequently in one's face if they have something to say. They surely are not "rude" in the sense of being

intentionally unpleasant. Like the Israelis, they waste little time with chit-chat or warming up in the bullpen.

This is has been my experience.
Miloslaw  20 | 5121
20 Oct 2018   #12
I also have this blunt,honest and some people may call,rude,polish kids have it too.....
I don't see it as being rude,just honest.Honesty is the best policy,even if upsets people short term,it's better than lying and upsetting people long term....

I hate that fake American politeness.....makes me want to throw up...
21 Oct 2018   #13
I also have this blunt,honest and some people may call,rude,polish trait.

I would not call being upfront , honest and speaking one's mind a Polish trait as such. You have described me to the letter and I am English. I don't perceive it as rudeness, and while I would not go out of my way to be deliberately unkind or offensive, I would rather deal with people who speak their mind than those who don't. What would be the point of asking for an opinion, only to be lied to? That is being dishonest. If some people want to interpret that as being rude, then that is their problem.

Having said that, the majority of Poles that I know have a very similar mindset to my own.

I hate that fake American politeness..

Me too. Unfortunately the sh1t eating grin syndrome has made its way across the pond :-(
OP Valery  1 | 2
21 Oct 2018   #14
I kinda agree with the "American smile" thing, it does come off as fake. However, keep in mind this is from an introvert, when I speak with people, I'd like to see even a little genuine kindness (emphasis on genuine)

Also, wtf, I asked about a Polish cultural trait and then we escalate to politics, is it normal around here ?
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 Oct 2018   #15
Also, wtf, I asked about a Polish cultural trait and then we escalate to politics, is it normal around here ?

Surprised? Give another day and you will find out that it's Trump's fault.
johnny reb  49 | 7926
21 Oct 2018   #16
the sh1t eating grin syndrome has made its way across the pond

Horrors !
To actually think there are happy positive people out there.
Rich Mazur  4 | 2894
21 Oct 2018   #17
...who are ready and willing to engage perfect strangers in a totally meaningless but pleasant small talk. That is why I will never go back to Poland. Or any other EU country where the sense of isolation is even worse. The US is still big enough to travel where I have never been and where people habitually wash their hands.

I read somewhere that the French view smiling as mental illness. I guess seeing Paris turn into a human garbage disposal does have that effect of removing even the smallest remnants of happiness from their faces.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
21 Oct 2018   #18
True, Miloslaw!

Poles though often have their preconceived notion about who someone "has to be" blurted out right to their face so fast, a body can barely answer back.

It's fine to be honest, so long as it's constructive commentary. If it's only a question of saying the first thing that comes to one's lips, that seems to me just

so much raw, undigested bile, reeking of social halitosis.

I prefer, if a person has nothing polite, at least constructively pleasant to say, simply keep quiet or one risks a wasted expense of negative energy.
29 May 2021   #19
I've found them to be miserable. They never smile, greet or talk to strangers. They're just very weird and dull people.
Lyzko  44 | 9713
29 May 2021   #20
Sounds like a stereotype of the Germans, frankly-:)
pawian  226 | 27453
29 May 2021   #21
They never smile, greet or talk to strangers.

Yes, as a Pole, I never smile, greet or talk to strangers. What if they are bad people? E.g., thieves, rapists, murderers, perverts, frauds, maniacal rightists, possessed fascists etc etc? I don`t need to get into closer relations with such individuals. What for?

They're just very weird and dull people.

Yes, I can look weird and dull. But at least I am on the safe side. Ha!
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
29 May 2021   #22
Yes, as a Pole, I never smile, greet or talk to strangers. a German I don't want to be bothered by these pesky always smiling and talking strangers either!

In the US they do that all the makes me only angry! 😤

Poles and Germans are so similiar! (Not do mention the dull looking...) 😎
pawian  226 | 27453
29 May 2021   #23
In the US they do that all the time.

Yes, and their homicide rate is one of the highest in the world.

it makes me only angry!

Fortunately, keep smiling policy isn`t the compulsory atitude here. :):)

Poles and Germans are so similiar!

Great minds think alike. :)
Spike31  3 | 1485
30 May 2021   #24
Poles and Germans are so similiar! (Not do mention the dull-looking...)

Speak for yourself. I'm sporting aviator sunglasses and a Witcher-themed wolf head cufflinks to work.
pawian  226 | 27453
30 May 2021   #25

If you sported aviator googles and the Witcher sword on your back........
Lyzko  44 | 9713
31 May 2021   #26
Germans typically cherish their personal space aka "Privatsphaere" with near zealous ardor! Perhaps the Poles along with certain other groups are the same.
Bratwurst Boy  8 | 11920
31 May 2021   #27
Witcher-themed wolf head cufflinks

....sooooo cooooool 👍
pawian  226 | 27453
31 May 2021   #28
Get them too. All women will be yours when they see those Witcher cufflinks.:):)
31 May 2021   #29
If I lived in such an ugly and drab country as Eastern Germany and Poland (in terms of cities/architecture) I'd be miserable as well. Bratislava FTW!
Lyzko  44 | 9713
31 May 2021   #30
Speak for yourself, dude!

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