I don't understand what kind of information you expected?
Either do I :)
I am a city boy from another country and I know little to nothing about about Polish wildlife, so any information is appreciated, thanks.
This is common "dzięcioł". Nothing special about this bird.
Perhaps some information on what particular species it is, there is always something interesting if you look deeply enough :)
I think this particular species is a male White-backed Woodpecker (Wiki)
It is the largest of the spotted woodpeckers at 24–26 cm long
And perhaps not so common either
It is a scarce bird, requiring large, mature woods with plenty of dead wood. Numbers have decreased in Nordic countries. In Sweden, its population decline has caused the Swedish government to enact protection for the species in the national Biodiversity Action Plan[1]. White-backed_Woodpecker+leucotos&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=pl&client= firefox-a
I also just found this piece of information on our friend, also on this thread, the green woodpecker:
Woodpeckers have the longest tongues among birds. They use them to penetrate deep tree-hollows and long corridors of ant-hills.
When a green woodpecker sticks its tongue out, the tongue is 1,5 times as long as the bird's head and beak. /article,Woodpeckers_tongue,id,91302.htm+woodpecker+poland&cd=2&h l=en&ct=clnk&gl=pl&client=firefox-a
The first one is a sarna.
photos of "deer" you can see in this thread are more like "sarna".
Two for Sarna (pl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sarna), we'll go with that.