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Travel within Schengen using Poland's Karta Pobytu &/or US Passport

2 Feb 2017   #1

Thanks in advance for your help; I have a question regarding travel and the Karta Pobytu.

I came to Poland on my U.S. Passport on September 16, meaning that my allowed 90 days in Schengen expired on December 17. I obtained a stamp on December 8 while I wait for my Karta Pobytu so that I can legally stay in Poland.

My question is this:

Because I have exceeded my time allowed in Schengen with my U.S. passport, am I able to travel within the Schengen area relying only on my Karta Pobytu once it is approved?

If not, when does the clock reset with my U.S. Passport? Because I will not be returning to the states for awhile, I will not get a stamp stating that I left. Does it then looked like I overstayed? Or does the stamp I received while waiting for the KP count as a "reset?"

I hope I am making sense. I'm asking because I would like to travel to Berlin in May, which is definitely past the 180 day mark from September 16. I just don't want it to look like I've overstayed on my U.S. Passport.

2 Feb 2017   #2
You cannot travel with karta pobytu only, you need to carry your passport. Once you have the card, 90-day rule doesn't apply any more, so no need to "reset". You are fine, no worry.
OP swidlicki8
2 Feb 2017   #3
Oh, great news, thank you. Surprising that I couldn't find that info anywhere I looked online!
Radwanski  - | 2
1 May 2018   #4
Hi there, thanks in advance for your answer.
I am a lebanese citizen living in poland, i have karta pobytu valid for 3 years. I booked a ticket with Ryanair to spain and i didn't notice that my passport has expired 10 days ago.

My question is: does karta pobytu considered as a travel document ? Can i use it to travel even though my passport is expired ?
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 May 2018   #5
Probably not. The one time I flew Ryan Air as a non-Schengen citizen they wanted to see my passport (and stamped the board pass I'd printed).

On regular airline flights I've checked always handing in the karta pobytu first and only showing my passport if they specifically ask for it. Once or twice they haven't asked for a passport but usually they do.

Outside of Poland (in Schengen) they can't tell the difference between a karta pobytu and a dowód osobisty and usually don't ask for a passport.
jon357  72 | 23654
1 May 2018   #6
am I able to travel within the Schengen area relying only on my Karta Pobytu once it is approved?

If you are or if you aren't, travelling within Schengen they check your ID only. There are no restrictions concerning travel within the Schengen zone on the basis of immigration rules unless there are exceptional circumstances.
mafketis  38 | 11260
1 May 2018   #7
they check your ID only.

they usually check passports if you're flying within Schengen (in Poland, again outside of Poland they can't tell the difference between a karta and a dowod)
jon357  72 | 23654
1 May 2018   #8
They do indeed, however this is merely to check ID rather than anyone's legal status.
jpnsr86  - | 1
7 Dec 2022   #9

Traveling with the stamp for karta pobytu

My partner is Canadian and has received his passport stamp for his application, which could take another 10-11mos. How does it work of he wants to go to Canada in the new year to see his family whom he hasn't seen since beginning of August when he arrived in Poland. Some American told him that he traveled to the USA while waiting several times with no issue, but all the official websites are vague and make me uneasy that something bad would happen.

If anyone has any info that would be great, dziękuję

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