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Do Poles like to hunt? Hunting in Poland.

superkill  7 | 9
13 Mar 2011   #1
I was just wondering what polands view on hunting is, and if they actually do hunt in poland and if its popular.
gumishu  15 | 6228
13 Mar 2011   #2
there is Hunters Association in Poland- and millions are members
you cannot hunt here unless a member or paying for "hunting party' marketed to foreign hunters (Polish hunters organize and have pretty close supervision over the whole thing.

there may be no great variety of game and there are periods set up to protect animals in certain times of the year

appart from shooting animals Hunters' Association feeds them in winter, cultivates some plots of land for winter food for animals (mostly within forests where I live) in certain areas it also provides fences for protecting farmland from animal intrusion and devastation or organizes shooting 'patrols' during most vulnerable times for crops shooting once a quarter of an hour so scare of


actually Polski Związek £owiecki had little above 100 000 members - I took the previous fiugrefrom the top of my head
hunter  - | 2
24 Aug 2012   #3
This is true what gumishu wrote below. If you are real hunter (licence, gun ect.) you can try with hunting agencies. I recommend company HUNT ADVENTURE. I was three times with them, one was driven hunt with group 15 people (the best fun I've ever had), and two time individual roebuck hunt. My biggest trophy was 515g. If you are really interested just contact them by website.
sa11y  5 | 331
24 Aug 2012   #4
Superkill, if you like hunting, come to South Africa. This is hunting paradise.
hunter  - | 2
24 Aug 2012   #5


I wonder what experience you have in hunting in Poland?

I was several times with one polish company Hunt Adventure, I was really satisfied. Good organization, all inclusive, nice places and prices. The most important for me - great game. The best was driven hunt, we were in 15 people for one week. In Winter I will go one more time there. Maybe some of you would like to go with us - just send PM.

Thanks, Africa is something different from European hunt. I heard only good comments about this kind of trips. They also recommended me this. But for now I'll discover polish forests.
4 Jun 2014   #6
Now I see why there are less and less wild animals in Polish forests. Hopefully hunting won't get more popular and they stop converting forests into foreign-owned shopping malls :(.
4 Jun 2014   #7
I think you are not hunter in Poland... As you know each hunting club have season plans for each game on their hunting areas, they are calculated by years of inspections and counting year by year. Population of "Polish animals" is stable. Please visit web - Polish Hunting Assoccation and our website if you are interested to hunt in Poland.

Best Regards / Darz Bór
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #8
I was just wondering what polands view on hunting is

Divided, just like everywhere. Some Poles think it is needless cruelty, some are indifferent, others support it.

and if they actually do hunt in poland and if its popular.

Hunting is posh among well-off males. I know a few lawyers, doctors, dentists, public servants who have chosen this activity coz it is fashionable in their circles. Costs of guns and annual fees to the local hunting lodge can be high.

It has just occured to me: hunting animals, especially such a big game as deer etc does require certain dose of cruelty in your psyche. It seems some people are born with it and they need to regularly let it out. . Isn`t it better if they kill animals within the law and have their natural cruelty under control rather than they use it against other people, also injuring or killing them in worst cases?

That is why I am not against hunting - let it be.

Hey, did you know about this old Polish custom - your first hunt is celebrated as a special event and your face is smeared with the blood of the animal you shot. I also read about this custom in books about Poland in the past.

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Novichok  4 | 8744
30 Dec 2020   #9
That is why I am not against hunting - let it be.

On my island, one would be allowed to hunt with a knife and stripped naked.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2020   #10
Knife -OK - fair game. But why naked? Mosquitoes would eat them alive. Even cavemen used skins during hunting. :)
Novichok  4 | 8744
30 Dec 2020   #11
Because the animals are naked. If a hunter wants to keep warm, let him use what he killed as his suit. Or use bark.
31 Dec 2020   #12
does require certain dose of cruelty in your psyche.

Most definitely, given that the animal cannot fight back.

your first hunt is celebrated as a special event and your face is smeared with the blood of the animal you shot.

This is also the case in England.
pawian  226 | 27817
31 Dec 2020   #13
Wow, really? I thought they dropped such barbarian traditions long ago.
pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2022   #14
Isn`t it better if they kill animals within the law and have their natural cruelty under control rather than they use it against other people

In another thread a notorious hunter boasted of elation he feels while killing deer. Yes, that`s what I consider sick. Hunters aren`t normal people - they derive their satisfaction from killing. And they even claim they don`t do it for pleasure but to help nature keep control of excessive population of some species. They believe they only play the role of natural predators, while in fact they act and feel as predators coz they love it. Hence their elation. Sick in mind, that`s all.
jon357  72 | 23668
30 Dec 2022   #15
while in fact they act and feel as predators coz they love it.

So do cats; the big difference being that cats don't have a choice.

elation he feels while killing

That is just sick.

I'm from the countryside and shot rabbits for dinner many years ago but never felt 'elation'. And gave up when I found that they were easy to shoot from a long way away but impossible to shoot when they're closer and looking at you.

There's no need to hunt things that you don't eat.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 742
30 Dec 2022   #16
In another thread a notorious hunter boasted of elation he feels while killing deer.

I always tough your intelligence level was much higher than average, forming an at-the-mouth battle axe. Possessing above-average detection skills, I come to the conclusion that notorious is no longer hunting; the hunter is me. Please, Paw, don't insist on explaining my motives. I already spill my guts explaining, even though I owe no explanation to the people with the mentality of a telephone pole. One thing, and please drop the subject that is foreign to you as the dark side of the moon.

Hunting does not imply the actual killing of the animal; it is a much broader definition. Millions of hunts take place every year without actually killing.

Preparations, early morning travel, being amongst friends, pitching the tent, starting the fire, endless card games, excessive drinking, fluctuating, without the need of an excuse. Getting the shot at the deer or not is irrelevant. That is not what hunting is all about. A friend of mine was hunting for twenty-five years before he shot his first deer; nevertheless, he was a hunter hunting for 25 years. I am hoping your mind is open enough to understand.

actually Polski Związek £owiecki had little above 100 000 members - I took the previous fiugrefrom the top of my head

May I add very Influential, privileged members. Average Joe he's no chance to hunt the choice areas, at best, if he gets the license, the only substantial animal he can hope to get a rabbit.
Lenka  5 | 3549
30 Dec 2022   #17
Preparations, early morning travel, being amongst friends, pitching the tent, starting the fire, endless card games, excessive drinking, fluctuating, without the need of an excuse.

That is called camping.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Dec 2022   #18
Poland does not begin to have the wilderness to hunt in as Americans do.
The deer herds in the wilderness DOUBLE ever year without being managed by hunting.
So 1 million deer would become 2 million then 4 million then 8 million then 16 million..... get my point.
This would cause food shortages for the the winters and would cause them to suffer cruel deaths from starvation.
Then take a deer decease like "chronic wasting decease" in deer that spreads from over population. (Google that one)
Polish natives don't understand why harvesting deer for the table is so important in the U.S.A.
There are about 1.5 million motor vehicle accidents in the U.S. are caused by deer each year.
Every year, over one million deer get hit by cars.
Deer cause over $1 billion in property damage.
Collisions with deer cause 200 fatalities each year.
That all would double in one year without a hunting season.
See and Poland doesn't have to deal with such statistics which makes them ignorant to why hunting is such a necessity in America.
And what really baffles me is how the tear jerking anti bambi hunters howl about killing innocent animals without souls yet they still support killing innocent unborn children with souls.

pawian  226 | 27817
30 Dec 2022   #19
the wilderness to hunt in as Americans do.
The deer herds in the wilderness DOUBLE ever year

It is not real wilderness if the population of deer doubles every year.
It seems to me that Americans got rid of natural big predators to have an easy access to big game which they can hunt freely and have a nice excuse of "controlling the excessive population."

Funny guys.

they still support killing innocent unborn children with souls.

Stop lying. We support neither hunting nor abortion. We only support free choice. So, if that is your choice, you can hunt at will, I said it many times - it is much better when you let the murderous instincts off on animals than people.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 742
30 Dec 2022   #20
That is called camping.

Exactly the same. If you exclude wives, fluctuating without embarrassment, excessive drinking, and other cool things men do when females are not present.::::))))
Of course, Paw never farts.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Dec 2022   #21
It seems to me that Americans got rid of natural big predators to have an easy access to big game

You are always an expert on subjects that you know nothing about.
Fact is that they have reintroduced wolves to Michigan which now has several packs.
There are so many wolves that they now have a hunting season on them also. lol

it is much better when you let the murderous instincts off on animals than people.

If you really feel that is the case, then why do you murderous Woke Libtards murder human beings instead of tasty animals ? Simple
Lenka  5 | 3549
30 Dec 2022   #22
Exactly the same

And there is a key difference between camping and hunting.
johnny reb  49 | 8003
30 Dec 2022   #23
And there is a key difference between killing a deer to eat and killing an unborn human baby for mere selfish convenience.
If Poland had all the wild animals that make a good suppers to hunt that America does, I am sure there would be a lot more enthusiasm about hunting in Poland.

So I guess your beliefs boil down to all on how you were brought up in said culture.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 742
30 Dec 2022   #24
said it many times - it is much better when you let the murderous instincts off on animals than people.

You still suffer in the grips of elevated temperature. Write again, after the bottle of Tylenol is completely gone.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 742
30 Dec 2022   #25
I'm from the countryside and shot rabbits for dinner many years ago but never felt 'elation'.

I expected more from you than the average battle axe. But, not the first time I have been disappointed. So Jon, what is the compelling reason, you are twisting the essence of the content of my posts? Elation, the filling of the higher awareness I clearly stated, only does not apply to hunting. I specifically mention sky diving, deep sea free diving, and perfect ski run on the edge of one's ability, all of the activities contain a moment of elation, but for some unexplainable reason, all you see is killing.

I think all critics are affected by the syndrome, hypocritic, pork, and poultry veal consuming Unholy Inquisition. How did you end up with this ignorant bunch of yahoos is beside me? But, of course, I am talking to a few empty, soulless, dull drums. You know no spirituality in this bunch.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 742
30 Dec 2022   #26
And there is a key difference between camping and hunting.

Lenka, you just said, in one post previous, hunting camp is like
camping, yeah, without the nagging.::::))))
Lenka  5 | 3549
30 Dec 2022   #27
Camping is camping, you can do it without hunting. The same as many people hunt without camping.

So it'snot really an argument
PolAmKrakow  2 | 948
30 Dec 2022   #28
@johnny reb
You can not expect people who buy all their food under plastic wrap to understand the purity of hunting for your own survival. It is easy to walk through a grocery store and be ignorant of the animals that died. To hunt, to kill, to actually butcher your own meat is getting back to what humans have done thousands of years. It is soul cleansing and difficult. There is not glory in the animal dying, but there is satisfaction in providing for yourself and your family in the most natural way possible. Anyone disputing this needs their head examined.
Przelotnyptak1  - | 742
30 Dec 2022   #29
So it'snot really an argument

I will replay it as soon as I find out what your argument is all about:::)))

only does not apply to hunting.

Should have been: Does not apply to hunting only
jon357  72 | 23668
30 Dec 2022   #30
all you see is killing

That's what hunting is. Buy your meat at a butcher's shop or a supermarket instead.

One of the nastiest things I saw was when a (bad) hunter shot an animal but not well enough and it survived for hours in pain.

It is soul cleansing and difficult.

And unnecessary for anyone in the developed world.

Don't get me wrong; factory farming is far crueller than a happy-ish life and a clean shot from afar and I've lived in one of the least developed countries in the world where due to lack of leccy and fridges, a family ties up their dinner outside the house until they need it. There's nothing 'soul-cleansing' about it though; just an effect of poverty and lack of infrastructure.

providing for yourself and your family in the most natural way possible

Grow veg in your garden.

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