They will be placed in wicker baskets.
Poland in photo riddles - part 3
Hmmn, I must say you are close but still need to improve..... :):):)
you are close
The baskets are decorated, painted eggs, sausage, salt, and a green branch. Something else?
johnny reb 49 | 8003
31 Mar 2024 #184
What is taking place???
The first step in creating an Easter basket.
Something else?
In addition, white linen to go in the basket, greenery, bread/babka. Friends of mine usually put a sugar lamb in there that their kids have made. I think horseradish is also included.
It looks like you haven't anything else better to do,
Exactly! I am enjoyng my free time so I am taking photos and taking part in forums. :):):)
put a sugar lamb
And a doggy sandcake lamb, too.
In addition
In fact, you can give anything that can be sprinkled with holy water.
Not really.
Instead of making poppy seed cake (I am still sort of reluctant) I made another dish. For myself, mostly.
What exactly? Here it is in the initial state, right after adding and mixing everything but before putting on the cooker.
Hint: it isn`t tatar raw steak!
What exactly? Here it is in the initial state, right after adding and mixing everything but before putting on the cooker.
Hint: it isn`t tatar raw steak!
Hint: it isn`t tatar raw steak!
Another hint. it is one of the main dishes of traditional Great Polish Cuisine. But foreigners are not so enthusiastic.
Hint 3: It can be kept long and eaten day by day without the loss of taste, quite the contrary.
Hint: it isn`t tatar raw steak!
I want to say bigos but 'instead of makowiec' makes it sound like it's a dessert....
johnny reb 49 | 8003
2 Apr 2024 #192
Chicken or Pork fritter
I want to say bigos
Yes, bigos!
but 'instead of makowiec'
Bigos, just like poppy seed cake, takes some time to prepare. I refuse to make both at a time and I chose bigos.
foreigners are not so enthusiastic
In my experience non-Polish people might be put off by the look (it can be quite ugly) but if they taste it they usually like it. I've liked most of the bigos I've had but one time I couldn't finish it... it was at a club meeting and it tasted.... not off, I think it was supposed to be that way but I just really didn't like it. I'm too lazy to mix sauerkraut and fresh cabbage equally so I usually just stew sauerkraut with meat and spices (and dried mushrooms and dried plums).
johnny reb 49 | 8003
2 Apr 2024 #195
I spilled some Parmesan on my computer and now I have Mac & Cheese.
In my experience non-Polish people might be put off by the look
I've always liked bigos, really tasty dish. I wouldn't have got that from Pawian's pic though. It looked to me like he was making coleslaw from scratch!
I wouldn't have got that from Pawian's pic though.
Exactly!! That`s the initial stage before cooking. The final result is in Bigos Recipe thread. :):):)
he was making coleslaw from scratch!
Exactly!!! An old Polish proverb says : every bigos has to be made from scratch!!!
every bigos
There is also a saying - you have made bigos! ( aleś narobił bigosu! ).
you have made bigos!
Exactly!!! That is the old proverb of Polish bees! When a bee makes a mess instead of honey in the production halls of the hive, her critical mates mention bigos! :):):)
You can also - naważyć piwa, or - nabrać wody w usta.😀
You can also - naważyć piwa, or - nabrać wody w usta.😀
Alien, stop spoiling idioms which we might exploit in another thread. :):):)
What is going on??
Heating of the grape vines. There has been temperature extremes across Poland this month. A very hot start to April but at the moment the very cold weather is having an effect on both crops and pollination.
Heating of the grape vines.
Yes!!!! You are fast and furious, as usual. hahahaha
This one will probably be way too easy.
What is this structure, where is it and what does it contain?
What is this structure, where is it and what does it contain?
This one will probably be way too easy.
Not so much. I have no idea. A good riddle. :):):)
I have no idea.
That does surprise me. I think it will be solved quite quickly.
I think it will be solved quite quickly.
Reminds me of the Saucer in Katowice but is completely deserted so it can`t be it. :):):)
All I know without googling is that it must be a good example of brutalist architecture. :):):)
it must be a good example of brutalist architecture.
It isn't :)
A clue:
The structure bears an inscription which I made sure wasn't visible in this particular photo. Its words, in my opinion, are simple but devastating.
The structure bears an inscription devastating
So this is a monument........
which I made sure wasn't visible in this particular photo
Clever move. :):)
I am starting to google for a concrete monument which looks like a dome with a tin roof....... :):):)
.... and nothing. :):):)