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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

18 Feb 2024   #121
Why am I holding it???

You're using it to frame people you're taking photos of I think. If I'm right I haven't heard of it being a particularly well-known festive tradition/custom.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
18 Feb 2024   #122
You're using it to frame people you're taking photos of

I was using it with that purpose but it was fully accidental. Do you imagine I wait in our house with the toilet seat in my hand to frame people who might drop by???? hahahahaha

Sorry, even monkeys like me aren`t so pierdolnięte in their mind. :):):):

I haven't heard of it being a particularly well-known festive tradition/custom.

hahahaha Very funny. :):):)

Now think hard - what was I really doing with the toilet seat???

PS. I appreciate your efforts immensely, don`t give up and you will get it, as usual.
18 Feb 2024   #123
Do you imagine I wait in our house with the toilet seat in my hand to frame people who might drop by????

Of course not but I thought it might be for joke purposes!

what was I really doing with the toilet seat???

I dread to think! I doubt you were going to fit it on the bowl. Honestly, I have no idea.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
18 Feb 2024   #124
it might be for joke purposes!

It was coz I love playing such silly jokes on our family, especially when they are my wife`s family. hahahahaha buhahahahaha I have no constrain whatsoever. hahahahaha

you were going to fit it on the bowl.

Yes, of course, but later on. First I had taken it off. What for???

Why do people remove the plastic toilet seat from the toilet bowl before Christmas??????
Alien  25 | 6397
18 Feb 2024   #125
Why do people remove the plastic toilet seat from the toilet bowl before Christmas??????

Actually, people don't do that.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
18 Feb 2024   #126
Alien, decent Poles and Polesses do. If you don`t do it in your house, I am shocked. You live in Germany and don`t do it?????
18 Feb 2024   #127
decent Poles and Polesses do.

This is going to be something obscure, I can just tell..........

Please don't tell me that you have a festive toilet seat for the holiday.....
OP pawian  226 | 27471
18 Feb 2024   #128
This is going to be something obscure,

No, I am dead serious it belongs to the tradition!!

Why do decent Poles and Polesses take the plastic seat off the toilet bowl before Christmas??? What is the fekking reason which is so simple????

you have a festive toilet seat for the holiday

hahahaha Very funny but no, sorry. Thanks for trying, I really appreciate it.

PS. I am not surprised you can`t guess it. But I am in deep shock that native Poles/Polesses don`t understand my intentions. That is why, don`t feel bad about it. :):):)
johnny reb  49 | 7927
18 Feb 2024   #129
Why do people remove the plastic toilet seat from the toilet bowl before Christmas?

It's a Polish tradition to always leave one seat empty at the kitchen table at Christmas. :-)
OP pawian  226 | 27471
18 Feb 2024   #130
hahahaha Very funny but my toilet seat photo concerns another tradition! Ha!
Paulina  19 | 4458
19 Feb 2024   #131
Why do people remove the plastic toilet seat from the toilet bowl before Christmas??????

To clean the seat and the toilet bowl? You don't have to remove the seat to do that though...

Please don't tell me that you have a festive toilet seat for the holiday.....

lol :D

No, I am dead serious it belongs to the tradition!!

Which "tradition"?
jon357  72 | 23483
19 Feb 2024   #132
another tradition! Ha!

Flushing a carp down and sending it back to the river?

Or using the seat as a template for a festive door wreath?
20 Feb 2024   #133
I am not surprised you can`t guess it.

Then it is going to be something obscure if native Poles don't know this tradition either. I think this tradition only happens in your house :)
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #134
To clean the seat and the toilet bowl?

Yes, at last! Why did it take so long?????

ou don't have to remove the seat to do that though...

Yes, you do., When you clean the toilet without removing the seat off the bowl, you do it very superficially coz the urine drops splash all over the place when you pee and get into all nooks and crannies and stay there causing bad smell so you need to clean everything thoroughly !!!! I am a perfectionist and when I start cleaning, I do it with ultimate accuracy! That is why I take off the plastic seat and wash it in the shower and I also clean the holes with the bolts which fasten the seat - they are the dirtiest. HA!!!!!

Try to remove the seat in your toilet and clean it - you will see how badly it stinks, in fact. You are not aware of it if you use air fresheners.

Which "tradition"?

And that`s what shocked me that native Poles had no idea what I was talking about. :(:(:(:(:

native Poles don't know this tradition either

Because only decent Poles and Polesses who want to spend Chrstmas in nice surroundings follow this tradition. hahahahaha

Seriously, it exists everywhere in Poland before Christmas and Easter and I am really surprised Paulina is surprised. Doesn`t she know the expression "Christmas or Easter tidying/cleaning"????


The Christmas tradition is not only Christmas Eve, gifts, the Christmas tree and Midnight Mass, but also general cleaning at home. The cleaning itself must be combined with everyday duties, Christmas shopping, home decoration, and the preparation of Christmas Eve and other traditional holiday dishes. So how to clean the house before the holidays and not go crazy from too many responsibilities?

OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #135
I think this tradition only happens in your house :)

Nope! :):):) Each year I am accosted by a few friends or relatives or neighbours or whoever and asked if we have already cleaned the windows in our house. This question belongs to standard small talk before such major holidays. Like the Brits talk about the weather, Poles and Polesses talk about cleaning the house. hahahahaha

Decent Poles and Polesses say they already have!!!
Indecent slobs say they still haven`t!!! hahahahahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #136
Season`s gre..... cleaning has become the motif of hundreds of jokes, anecdotes, stories, memes etc etc

Season`s cleaning - reaching the spots which haven`t been dealt with since 1 AD.

Alien  25 | 6397
20 Feb 2024   #137
When you clean the toilet without removing the seat off the bowl,

Removing the toilet seat is a very serious technological challenge, at least in the toilet seats I have. If I were to remove them, it would only be to replace them with new ones.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #138
Removing the toilet seat is a very serious technological challenge,

You forgot I did all the construction works at the US airport and they were so amazed they made a film about it. Ha!

New riddle:
how do you call this low roofing?

  • 1280pxCieszowa_ko.jpg
Paulina  19 | 4458
20 Feb 2024   #139
coz the urine drops splash all over the place when you pee and get into all nooks and crannies and stay there causing bad smell so you need to clean everything thoroughly !!!!

Sure, but I doubt that even Poles (=Polish women) clean it so thoroughly (as in - bother to remove the seat) before Christmas - there's simply usually no time for such thorough cleaning.

Btw, I'm a perfectionist too and so I have ways of getting into all kinds of nooks and crannies ;) ✨

And that`s what shocked me that native Poles had no idea what I was talking about. :(:(:(:(:

Well, I've guessed it, didn't I... :) And there are only two Polish women on this forum, so... lol

Seriously, it exists everywhere in Poland before Christmas and Easter and I am really surprised Paulina is surprised. Doesn`t she know the expression "Christmas or Easter tidying/cleaning"????

You only wrote about Christmas though, so just like Feniks I thought that you were maybe writing about some kind of obscure Christmas tradition in your region.

I'm familiar with the expression "świąteczne porządki" (holiday cleaning), but I associate "wiosenne porządki" (spring cleaning) with a more thorough cleaning.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #140
I doubt that even Poles (=Polish women) clean it so thoroughly (as in - bother to remove the seat)

That`s really bad - they prefer to use air fresheners instead of accurate cleaning the place. :):):)

Well, I've guessed it, didn't I.

Yes, well done!! :):):)

You only wrote about Christmas though,

yes, because the photo was taken on 23 Dec . :):):)

some kind of obscure Christmas tradition in your region.

It isn`t obscure. And it gives males a good chance to show they can be useful and helpful at home. :):):)
Paulina  19 | 4458
20 Feb 2024   #141
That`s really bad - they prefer to use air fresheners instead of accurate cleaning the place. :):):)

But you do realise that you can clean your place more thoroughly at another time and not just before Christmas or Easter, right? :)

It isn`t obscure. And it gives males a good chance to show they can be useful and helpful at home. :):):)

Well, if you're talking about males, then it is obscure lol Men helping with cleaning before Christmas and Easter are a rare breed where I live:,nId,1073798
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #142
you can clean your place more thoroughly at another time

Breaking the tradition??? I am too Polish for that, sorry. :):):)

Men helping with cleaning before Christmas and Easter are a rare breed

That is why I once said I was unique. :):):)
But it is natural that a woman isn`t able to do everything and needs help. My wife takes care of the culinary part (except my carp ala Jewish) which is a huge enterprise counting all those people in our family.
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 Feb 2024   #143
I am too Polish for that

Don't say that, it makes me cringe, you are such an embarrassment.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #144
you are such an embarrassment.

Yes, I am to you coz I follow Polish traditions while you would happily see Russian ones followed in Poland.
Tfu, kanalia!!! Get lost, Russian ass licker!!!
Ironside  50 | 12946
20 Feb 2024   #145
Yes, I am to you

No, you are to any decent and normal human being.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #146
No need to waste more words on you: Tfu, kanalia.
OP pawian  226 | 27471
20 Feb 2024   #147
One riddle pending and here`s another:
What does it show?

  • Ostatnie_chwile_Fryd.jpg
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Feb 2024   #148
What does it show?

The death of a famous Varsovian.

I know who but I'll let someone else guess.
Alien  25 | 6397
20 Feb 2024   #149
death of a famous Varsovian.

He looks like he has tuberculosis.
jon357  72 | 23483
20 Feb 2024   #150

Must have been his nocturnal lifestyle.

Home / Travel / Poland in photo riddles - part 3

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