Duda and Pope about nukes.. in hypothetical talk
Duda: My lord, I bag of you. Poland don`t need nukes. Russians won`t nuke Poland. They never wanted genocide on us, no matter they are crazy. Then, also we have Serbian support. Serbians, our loyal kin, would never remain calm if such atrocities befall Poland, so Russians would take that in consideration, too. Poland is safe, trust me.
Pope: What? Serbs? Safe? I don`t want to listen about your Polish and Serbian ugly schemes. Serbs are dirty. They poison your Polish mind. Serbs refused honor to die for the Papacy and then also for Patriarchate of Constantinople. Serbs are rogue people in the eye of Our Lord, while you Poles knows to whom to die. Several times if need be. You refused safety and you are always first to stand. So, Poland would have nukes. Or,...... you would be cursed and take with you all the Poland in blackness.
Pope: Go now my son. You and Poland are blessed to serve.
Duda: I see the wrong of my error. Poland is truly blessed.