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Poland in photo riddles - part 3

OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #271
What time frame are we talking?

It doesn`t matter in this riddle. And the names of these two people shown in pics don`t matter, either. Nor their function, although I admit such a behaviour is prevalent among politicians. It is the unusual style of what they are doing which matters. Why such?

Let`s start with basics - what exactly can we see???
Feniks  1 | 527
30 May 2024   #272
what exactly can we see???

Ziobro clearly being secretive whilst making a phone call. Looks like he doesn't want the conversation overheard.
Ironside  50 | 12333
30 May 2024   #273
That is Zbigniew Ziobro.

No it isn't.

Looks like he doesn't want the conversation overheard.

If it were a minister of justice I would call his action prudent.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #274
the conversation overheard.

You are right about secretive. But not overheard. There was nobody near them. It is the secrecy of another kind.

No it isn't.

It is in the first photo.

I would call his action prudent.

yes, rightists are prudent when they plan their dirty deeds, indeed.
Feniks  1 | 527
30 May 2024   #275
It is in the first photo.

That's the one I meant. In post #67.

It is the secrecy of another kind.

Please don't tell me it's going to be obscure. If there was no danger of either party being overheard then why cover the mouth. Presume this was after Covid.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #276
then why cover the mouth.

There is the need for secrecy coz the danger is of another kind. What exactly???
Skip traditional thinking and apply modern approach. More innovative one. :):):)

That's the one I meant. In post #67.

Yes, I know. Iron didn`t. :):):)
Lenka  5 | 3484
30 May 2024   #277
What exactly???

Someone reading from lips?
Feniks  1 | 527
30 May 2024   #278
Skip traditional thinking and apply modern approach.

I'm probably wrong but Is this anything to do with Pegasus spyware?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #279
Someone reading from lips?

Yes, exactly!!! It has been proven a few times here that inquisitive reporters hire lip reading specialists to find out what some politicians said in semi private situations. I suppose those specialists can also be hired by various agents. Hence, the need for secrecy. However, I only saw photos of rightist politicians doing it. Nobody else does. It suggests they really don`t want their dirty deeds surface.

to do with Pegasus spyware?

When I said innovative, I meant the new efficient lip reading techniques which have been developed recently. Sorry if I misled you. :):):)

Another riddle: what is the case???

Alien  23 | 5540
30 May 2024   #280
what is the case???

Has a sparrow arrived after five years in Chernobyl?
Feniks  1 | 527
30 May 2024   #281
Yes, exactly!!!

I wouldn't have thought of that.

It has been proven a few times here that inquisitive reporters hire lip reading specialists to find out what some politicians said

They really must be desperate to dish the dirt!

When I said innovative

Yeah, I took you at your word! Nice to have others contributing to this thread !

Is that an eagle?
OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #282
Sparrow? Eagle? Sorry, no. Another species. Looks fatigued, indeed coz travelled a long distance.

desperate to dish the dirt!

Why dirt? It is fun to learn what stupidities Pres Duda said to his assistants during his visit to the Parliament. hahahaha
Feniks  1 | 527
30 May 2024   #283
Another species

Feniks  1 | 527
30 May 2024   #284
I searched in Polish. It flew across from France and landed on a windowsill in Poznań.
It's a bearded vulture. There aren't that many of them and it was released in France as part of a reintroduction of the species program.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #285
I searched in Polish.

It isn`t forbidden. Catch as catch can. :):):):)

It's a bearded vulture.

Yes! Normally, it is almost orange on the body and legs but the one above probably flew over a very polluted area.

What is happening and why?

  • 181majowoprzedkap.jpg
Alien  23 | 5540
30 May 2024   #286

I knew something was wrong with him.
jon357  72 | 22980
30 May 2024   #287
inquisitive reporters hire lip reading specialists to find out what some politicians said in semi private situations

This happens a lot and as far as I know has been going on round the world for at least a couple of centuries if not far longer. They do it to celebrities too and also to royalty.

Spies also do it.

What is happening and why?

It's the merry month of May. People, usually women, decorating roadside shrines, sometimes shrines to St Mary the Virgin sometimes not, an old tradition during May.

Always nice to see, and some of the more elaborate ones are a bit like Derbyshire well dressings; the tradition of both probably pre-dates Christianity.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #288
It's the merry month of May. decorating roadside shrines,
an old tradition during May.

Yes, majówka in Polish. But not only decorating - they come and say prayers and it lasts an hour or more. Most believers stand but a few days ago at a certain location I saw them sitting on specially installed wooden seats.
jon357  72 | 22980
30 May 2024   #289
they come and say prayers

It's always nice to watch them doing it.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
30 May 2024   #290
prayers It's always nice

The next riddle is connected somehow.
The speed limit road sign with information that it applies only to the local parish priest. What`s the matter???

  • dotyczyproboszczav.jpg
jon357  72 | 22980
30 May 2024   #291
I remember the thing about that sign but will let others answer.

A clue is that it's not what people might think ;-)
Feniks  1 | 527
30 May 2024   #292
What`s the matter???

It's a humorous sign commemorating the parish priest's 40th birthday. It's on a private road leading to the parish building. It was a gift from the parishioners. Nice idea!
OP pawian  219 | 24792
31 May 2024   #293
It's on a private road leading to the parish building.

Exactly!!! Because it is private, you can put any sign you wish (within decent limits, of course).

In another thread I showed pics of the graves of Polish heroes from WW2 times. Some crosses are decorated with colour fabrics. Why???

  • Grb_Jana_Bytnara_i.jpg
Feniks  1 | 527
4 Jun 2024   #294
Some crosses are decorated with colour fabrics.

This is only for Polish war heroes?
Paulina  16 | 4403
4 Jun 2024   #295
@Feniks, no, those birch crosses are characteristic for a certain group among Polish war heroes though...

As for the fabrics - look at their shape and that hat at the top of the cross.
Feniks  1 | 527
4 Jun 2024   #296
those birch crosses are characteristic for a certain group among Polish war heroes though...

I know the grave is that of Jan Bytnar of the scout "Zośka" Battalion at the Powązki Military Cemetery in Warsaw. The graves of those members of that battalion of the Polish Home Army had the birch crosses.

As for the fabrics - look at their shape and that hat on the top of the cross.

They look like the sort of articles that scouts would wear. Berets or caps and some type of neck tie or scarf.
OP pawian  219 | 24792
5 Jun 2024   #297
They look like the sort of articles that scouts would wear. Berets or caps and some type of neck tie or scarf.

yes, exactly!!!

Where do the quotes come from??? :)::)

PS.I have run out of photo riddles for a while. :):):)
Ironside  50 | 12333
5 Jun 2024   #298
What is the case???

Tusk's answer to pegasus - pawain spying on people.
wslipach  8 | 97
6 Jun 2024   #299
Tusk's answer to pegasus - pawain spying on people.

Hes better than pegasus , he has naural tusk like charisma and thats makes him faking efficient! , sometimes even invisible (especially to women), hes really faking clever with that
OP pawian  219 | 24792
7 Jun 2024   #300
pawain spying

I probably watched too many Bond movies. :):):)~

PS.I have run out of photo riddles for a while. :):):)


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