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5 days in Poland

jocruy  2 | 8
12 Nov 2009   #1

In april i will travel for the 7th time to Poland. I've done already all major cities (Warsaw, Krakow 3x, Lublin, Zamosc, Torun, Gdansk, Masuria, Wroclaw). Now i want to go to Wroclaw and do some other interesting places. I visited Wroclaw many years ago (15 years ago last time) and wanted to know what other places are worth to visit? Poznan? Other suggestions? I am also searching appartment to stay (2 rooms appartment). Can anyone make some suggestions for a 5 day visit with Wroclaw as starting city?

gumishu  15 | 6228
12 Nov 2009   #2
april is not the best time to travel to the countryside I guess - I would definitely go for the mountains (Tatra is the best thing) but it is not adviseable in April (the best time is the other part of summer)

still there are a couple of places worth visiting in Dolny Śląsk (Książ castle, świdnica area, and some mountains perhaps like in Karpacz) - or the Kłodzko region
jwojcie  2 | 762
12 Nov 2009   #3
Some advert of my friends in Wroclaw (city guides) :

I second gumishu, Książ castle is interesting (you will have some spring hills in one package).
But if you weren't in Poznan it is quite enjoyable city too.
OP jocruy  2 | 8
12 Nov 2009   #4
Thanks already for the advice... And yes, i know April is not the best time to visit. I was once in December in Wroclaw and it was so cold... but i must travel when i am free of work and that's the reason i will go in April!

I will look up at a map your suggestions of places to visit! If there are more useful ideas... don't hesitate and give them!
SeanBM  34 | 5781
12 Nov 2009   #5
Hello Jocruy, and welcome to the Polish forums:
jwojcie  2 | 762
12 Nov 2009   #6
Quite charming palace in Krobielowice (about 15 km from Wroclaw):

they supposedly have golf field over there... Another one fine castle near Wroclaw is in Wojnowice.

Here you will find Palaces and castles of Lower Silesia:
(quite old thread so you should first check if there is no reconstruction going on when you visit...)

If you like WWII history then Riese - underground military facilities may interest you:

is near Książ castle anyway...

Here, lower silessia smaller towns (in polish but with nice pictures, maybe to nice sometimes...):
OP jocruy  2 | 8
13 Nov 2009   #7
Thanks Jwojcie for your nice tips! My cousin which is travelling with me is very interested in WWII. We have visited over our Polish hollidays already some places all over Poland about WWII. I am sure we will visit this place!!!
jwojcie  2 | 762
14 Nov 2009   #8
You are welcome :-)

If your cousin is so interested in WWII history, then maybe he would like to learn about this:

It explains a lot why modern Wroclaw is so architecturally patchy.

If I remember correctly, there is some permanent exibition regarding Siege of Breslau
in The City Museum of Wroclaw - The Historical Museum:

but not sure about that...

Anyway, have fun :-)
OP jocruy  2 | 8
15 Nov 2009   #9
At approximately 70 km of Wroclaw there is also a concentration camp. Is it possible to reach it by public transport or should we rent a car? The German name is GroB Rosen but there is also a Polish name Rogoznica. Is it possible to get there in an easy way by train or bus?
jwojcie  2 | 762
15 Nov 2009   #10
I think there is no easy way by train. I don't know if there is direct bus.
If I were you I would try something like that:
1. rent a car
2. go to Rogoźnica early in the morning - 1h drive - (easy way partly by highway - 67km)
3. then go to Książ castle - 50min drive - 36km (it is within the city of Wałbrzych borders)
4. then if you have time go to Walim (Riese is there) - 25 min drive - 17 km
5. then back to Wrocław via Świdnica - 90min drive - 77km (if you have time Świdnica has nice city center).

This site is useful for routes determination, in Polish:


Rogoźnica site:

Książ site:

Walim Museum site:

last entry in april is at 4 p.m.

I wasn't in Rogoźnica, but if I remember correctly my visit in Walim, then prisoners from Gross Rosen were used in Riese project.

PS2. I think that these people:

can organize such trip for you :-)
OP jocruy  2 | 8
16 Nov 2009   #11
Jwojcie:thanks very lot for the good information. I think indeed for doing this part it should be better to rent a car. I found on a site something about trains in Polish to the direction which i am searching but i think a car would be better!

And i will contact the adress you gave me!

If you have other interesting ideas for doing the other days in the area, you can give them to me!
jwojcie  2 | 762
17 Nov 2009   #12
It is hard to give more advices without specific questions :-)
Typical problem for me in foreign city is: "What to do in the evening and where to look for proper info":
So, in order to find out about cultural events during your stay in Wroclaw:
1. try this about two/three weeks before your trip, should be updated then (in polish):


Here, internet radio in English from Wroclaw:

They tend to have useful info on their website too.

PS. If you are Belgian, then maybe some recomendation from Belgian living in Wroclaw?:
OP jocruy  2 | 8
11 Apr 2010   #14
Hello everyone which helped me!

The trip was fantastic... i must thank all the people who answered my thread because without their help i couldn't fix it. We rent indeed a car and did a tour to Rogoznica and one of the tunnel complexes of the Riese-complex. We just had to go with a Polish guide there and we don't speak any word of Polish... But the whole countryside was really great.

The next day we went to the Czech border line and did the mountain area around with a final stop in a small pilgrimage place (Wamberzycie or something like that). We eat in a really small village the most delicious meal we ever had.

Finally i met a nice Polish girl in Wroclaw... i am planning to come back in november because she discovered my heart... It was a great holliday, thanks to all the good advices you gave me!

Alien  26 | 6527
10 May 2024   #15
/ 5 days in Poland

It reminds me a bit of 5-day trips to London. I don't remember why they had to be 5 days long, either because of the ferry or the 5-day visa. Anyway, I made such a trip from Poland to London in 1986. I saw all of London ( in 5 days ).
Bobko  27 | 2215
10 May 2024   #16
Anyway, I made such a trip from Poland to London in 1986

PRL was truly terrible, if it let Richard out to be an engineer in America, and you to explore London.

Your father must have been a colonel in the SB, and your mother the lover of Jaruzelski?
Alien  26 | 6527
10 May 2024   #17
Your father must have been a colonel in the SB, and your mother the lover of Jaruzelski?

I'll tell you a secret that it was the other way around.
But seriously, the West Germans themselves issued more than 1 million visas a year to Poles in the 1980s, and entry to West Berlin was possible without a visa.
amiga500  5 | 1539
11 May 2024   #18
the West Germans themselves issued more than 1 million visas a year to Poles in the 1980s,

Yes germans did the same thing in world war 2. workers needed.
Alien  26 | 6527
11 May 2024   #19
world war 2. workers needed.

Yes, but in the 1980s it was not an economic necessity, after all, there were guest workers from Turkey and Yugoslavia in Germany. These visas were a fight against communism. Poles went west and then wanted changes at home.

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