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What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm?

Alien  26 | 6528
24 Jul 2023   #61
Polish roads are clogged with cars with foreign registrations, which I saw again today, so there is no shortage of tourists.
pawian  226 | 27817
24 Jul 2023   #62
Polish beaches are always very crowded and quite chaotic

Coz you visit only beaches in popular resorts. But it is enough to walk 2-3 kilometres further and you will find an empty spot. That`s what we did when we travelled to the seaside.

People that are interested in Eastern Europe culturally, would probably rather go to Prague or Budapest

Cultural interests are huge minority among tourists. Most of them wants to have bathing opportunity during the day and dance or drinking entertainment at night.
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Jul 2023   #63
If you are happy with Swedes and Anglos using Poland as some cheap replacement for Amsterdam - that is your right.

This August, I am taking a group of friends to Kyrgyzstan. We will spend only one day upon arrival, and one day upon departure in the capital city of Bishkek. The other ten days we will spend in the mountains - living in yurts, hunting, fishing, riding horses, and grilling delicious steaks. Guess how much the trip cost for a group of 7 people not including me? $32K.

$32K, because rented Nissan Patrol with driver, horses, yurts, satellite Internet, hot water, generator, etc. I don't need any of these things when I camp, but my friends of course appreciate it. You telling me that's not money? Eco-tourism can bring big bucks if done right. Just ask Nepal, or Iceland.
Alien  26 | 6528
24 Jul 2023   #64

Where is this thing?
Bobko  27 | 2215
24 Jul 2023   #65
Russian Asians, next to China and Iran.
pawian  226 | 27817
3 Sep 2024   #66
What can Poland do to attract more tourists?

Just be itself. Poland, that is.

Southern regions of Poland are sieged by Arab tourists. One of the reasons is climate.

According to estimated statistical data, tourists from the Persian Gulf currently constitute nearly 10 percent of all visitors to the capital of the Polish Tatra Mountains .

The president of the Tatra Chamber of Commerce (TIG), Agata Wojtowicz, enumerates that guests visiting Podhale come mainly from Saudi Arabia , the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and Lebanon , although the latter is the least numerous. - I am not surprised at all that they choose our region, because the temperatures there are extremely high now - she points out.

Alien  26 | 6528
3 Sep 2024   #67
One of the reasons is climate.

And mainly that it rains in Poland.
Novichok  4 | 8682
3 Sep 2024   #68
Just ask Nepal, or Iceland.

Have you seen pics from Mount Everest?

If there is God, in high season, He will turn this majestic mountain into a volcano and kill everybody.
jon357  72 | 23654
4 Sep 2024   #69
Swedes and Anglos using Poland as some cheap replacement for Amsterdam - t

More likely to be people from further east. And wait until the Chinese discover it.

Just ask Nepal, or Iceland.

And the UK too. I was in London recently and found the over-tourism depressing. York, near my home, suffers from over-tourism and there are awful stories about Edinburgh and Canterury.

Krakow already has a serious problem with over-tourism. The last couple of times I was there for meetings, it wasn't pleasant to see.
pawian  226 | 27817
4 Sep 2024   #70
He will turn this majestic mountain into a volcano

Fortunately, Goddess won`t do it to us.
4 Sep 2024   #71
Swingers vacations are big biznes.
Catholic church would love it too

Home / Travel / What can Poland do to attract more tourists? Llamas farm?

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