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Any place for board/card games in Krakow?

26 Apr 2018 #1
Hi everyone,

I would like to ask if you know some place/pub to play board/card games in Krakow that you might recommend.

Thank you.
MrComric 3 | 26
5 May 2018 #2
A quick search on Google leaves me with:

Hex Cafe - ul. Gen. Jozefa Dwernickiego 5 - prices between 1 and 3 euro.

Cybermachina Game Pub - ul. Stolarska 11
amiga500 4 | 1490
1 Dec 2021 #3
Does anyone know what the board game connect 4 is called in polish?
jon357 73 | 22653
1 Dec 2021 #4
connect 4 is called in polish?


Home / Travel / Any place for board/card games in Krakow?
BoldItalic [quote]
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