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Kielce and the area - amazing Polish Pocket Knives live there

OP pawian  226 | 27795
15 Sep 2023   #61
Today is the Day of Kielecki Mayonaise, produced in Poland since 1959.

We don`t buy it coz it has a strange taste.
Paulina  19 | 4515
16 Sep 2023   #62
I didn't know that our mayonaise has its own day :D It's my favourite mayo brand, obviously, and it contains no preservatives :))

produced in Poland since 1959

Yes, it's the first mass/factory produced mayonaise in Poland :)

We don`t buy it coz it has a strange taste.

Aww... :(( But I'm sure Bobko would love it due to Russian connection ;D:

Alien  25 | 6476
16 Sep 2023   #63
I don't like mayonnaise, but I will gladly accept it in the version shown in these photos. 🙂
Paulina  19 | 4515
16 Sep 2023   #64
I don't like mayonnaise

Aww... :(( Maybe you simply didn't have the right one?? lol I personally like it a lot :)) And Kielecki Mayonaise is a form of art, you could say ;D ❤️


but I will gladly accept it in the version shown in these photos. 🙂

I'm sure you won't be the only one lol
Atch  22 | 4299
16 Sep 2023   #65
It's my favourite mayo brand,

It's Mr Atch's favourite too but I prefer Winiary :)
Paulina  19 | 4515
16 Sep 2023   #66
@Atch, ooohhh, send greetings to Mr Atch then! :D 🤜🤛
OP pawian  226 | 27795
28 Sep 2023   #67
Wow, the leader of the Left party and his partner had a symbolic wedding during a theatre play with hundreds of witnesses in the audience. Amasing! :):):) In Kielce, of course.

Robert Biedroń and his partner Krzysztof Śmiszek had a symbolic wedding on the stage of the theater. The ceremony, which had no legal force, was part of the spectacle. "We should do everything so that two adults can experience marriage whenever they want. Because love is love!" - Robert Biedroń wrote on social media.

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Alien  25 | 6476
28 Sep 2023   #68
leader of the Left party and his partner had a symbolic

they look somehow funny 🤭
OP pawian  226 | 27795
28 Sep 2023   #69
You mean their bow ties are funny??? No, regular ones, to my mind, nothing special.
Alien  25 | 6476
28 Sep 2023   #70
their bow ties

No, rather hats and jackets.
OP pawian  226 | 27795
28 Sep 2023   #71
Hmm, I don`t know what you mean. That was a play, remember.

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Cargo pants  3 | 1425
29 Sep 2023   #72
I don't like mayonnaise,

I only dont like when Euros eat with fries etc but I love it on my cold sandwiches and esp when I make tuna salad or deviled eggs but only "Hellmans Mayo"Polish one has very diff dry taste for me.Same with that orange ketchup,I prefer "John Kerrys" Heinz ketchup.
Paulina  19 | 4515
18 Oct 2023   #73
PiS, as expected, won in my region, but bringing Jarosław Kaczyński here didn't help - PiS lost two mandates in comparison to the last elections. Roman Giertych got into the Parliament as second among KO candidates, beaten only by KO number 1, despite the fact that he lives in Italy and wasn't doing any campaigning in Kielce.

I'm happy to inform that PiS lost in Kielce (slightly, but still) and KO won :):
Paulina  19 | 4515
18 Oct 2023   #74
If you sum up the results of the opposition parties the defeat of PiS in Kielce was big though:

KO 33,50%
PiS 32,56%
Trzecia Droga 12,90%
Nowa Lewica 9,29%

...and the cherry on top, as Lenka would put it :) - Konfederacja got only 6,00%, so lower than the national result :)))


OP pawian  226 | 27795
18 Oct 2023   #75
We congratulate all decent Kielczans on making good choices.

PS. The fact that Giertych has made it was a big surprise to me. Probably his voters desire to see how Giertych makes a fool of Kaczyński in the new Parliament. We will witness a lot of funny exchanges between the two. I can`t wait. Giertych is able to pull legs and crack spiteful jokes.

I will never forget how Giertych debunked a lying PiS apparatchik in 2007.

Paulina  19 | 4515
17 Dec 2023   #76
An important info before Christmas - Kielecki mayonnaise is healthier than Winiary :d:

Just saying ;D


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Paulina  19 | 4515
17 Dec 2023   #77
Holy sh1t, it sounds (lots of firefighter sirens) and smells like there's some big fire going on in Kielce :O

Lenka  5 | 3544
17 Dec 2023   #78
Keep us informed.
I once had to evacuate due to fire nearby. My family spend the night at friend's house.
Paulina  19 | 4515
17 Dec 2023   #79
@Lenka, oh damn... Did that fire start during the day or at night?

It must be this fire - firefighters got a call around 22:15:,47262,30517257,dawny-szpital-mswia-przy-ul-ogrodowej-znow-sie-pali-plona.html

Weird, it's pretty far away from where I live o_O The same building was on fire a few days ago, but I didn't smell anything at that time - either the fire is bigger this time or maybe wind is blowing in this direction... Fortunately, it's a vacant building, so hopefully noone got hurt... Apparently this building was bought not long ago and two fires already... 🤔

Btw, where is Grzegorz Braun when you need him lol He missed his calling, it seems ;D
Lenka  5 | 3544
18 Dec 2023   #80
Did that fire start during the day or at night?

Day, about 11-12. At about 4 the police knocked and said please leave immediately.

It was a commercial building so I think they were worried about fumes and things blowing up.
Alien  25 | 6476
18 Dec 2023   #81
Is the fire already extinguished?
Paulina  19 | 4515
19 Dec 2023   #82
At about 4 the police knocked and said please leave immediately.

Did you manage to take anything with you?

Is the fire already extinguished?

Which fire are you asking about?
Alien  25 | 6476
19 Dec 2023   #83
Which fire

In Kielce?
Paulina  19 | 4515
19 Dec 2023   #84
@Alien, the fire was contained after 2 am and firefighters could start working on the site in the morning:
Alien  25 | 6476
20 Dec 2023   #85
some big fire going on in Kielce :O

It looks like the hospital is abandoned, maybe some homeless people lived there. Alternatively, someone may want to burn down this hospital to build a new profitable investment in its place. Everything is possible.
Lenka  5 | 3544
20 Dec 2023   #86
Did you manage to take anything with you?

I wasn't at home so no, I couldn't take anything. The police knocked on the door ( more banged from what I heard) and said everybody has to leave. They didn't drag people out but pre assured and waited. So they were able to grab keys, maybe wallet but that's all.
Ironside  51 | 12999
29 Dec 2023   #87
Konfederacja got only 6,00%, so lower than the national result :)))

No wonder that intellectual base for PO is famous for one thing only Jewish pogroms. All Polish patriots were culled by the Soviets and what was left is rather not far away from the gutters.

Don't take me wrong they are still crawling but it will take them a generation or two to get away from its reach.
Paulina  19 | 4515
12 Jan 2024   #88
No wonder that intellectual base for PO is famous for one thing only Jewish pogroms.

In other cities in Poland which are famous for other things the results are similar :)))

Skating on frozen emerald lake in Kielce (we've had pretty low temperatures lately): 🥶

Ironside  51 | 12999
12 Jan 2024   #89
In other cities in Poland which are famous for other things the results are similar :)))

Full of wannabes of all kinds. Let's see who has a clear view of disasters that are going to be caused by the new government and new election in a year or two.
OP pawian  226 | 27795
21 Apr 2024   #90
Amasing! The city of Kielce in the conservative region of Swiętokrzyskie Voivodship has chosen a female liberal party politician for its mayor. The PIS rightist candidate lost.

The candidate of the Civic Coalition, Agata Wojda, defeated Marcin Stępniewski from Law and Justice in Kielce. According to the exit poll conducted by the Polish National Research Group, she received 57.8 percent support. 42.2 percent of voters voted for her rival. - I heard so often during this election campaign that Kielce is not ready for a woman to be the mayor of the city. They probably are! - Wojda was happy after the results were announced.

Home / Travel / Kielce and the area - amazing Polish Pocket Knives live there

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