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Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines?

Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Oct 2021   #361
see the bottleneck of Cargo ships.... a preview of what would happen to the US if China stopped shipping.
The US has become a dependent child and China - the parent. Bravo, DC a-holes.
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
8 Dec 2021   #362
I am officially convinced that LOT is the worst airline in Europe... and a garbage website to match... Can't change a reservation, can't book a new ticket, etc. because the links either don't work or direct you to an error. Want help? Great - contact them through facebook messenger, which no one responds...

From now on, I'm flying Lufthansa , Delta or KLM to Poland.

They did however delete my post on their facebook page explaining that half the links on the site don't work. That they were on point with.

Back in the early 2000's the flight wasn't too bad - half decent leg room, they'd always play True Lies, and the food was actually pretty good. Now it's cramped like a maluch, the service went to ****, but at least the food is still half decent. If you're a taller guy like me your knees will go numb if you're unfortunate and get the middle seat.

LOL and to top it off when you call them all the automatic recordings tell you to do everything on their barely functioning website

This is seriously the biggest PRL style catch-22 I've seen since dealing with the bureaucracy in Poland...

I guess I'll have to stick it out with being number 26 in line to get a hold of a grouchy granny that got her job back when Gierek was running ****.
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Dec 2021   #363
I am officially convinced that LOT is the worst airline in Europe

I had a good experience with LOT in 2019, but dont want to deal with all the covid crap that comes along with it these days.. Ill wait, hopefully it ends by next summer. I flew on the new Dreamliner and still didnt have much seating space. I guess, they want ppl to pay for an upgrade.

LOL and to top it off when you call them all the automatic recordings

They must have gone down hill then.

I wonder if you pay in zloty you still get a better price?

I'm flying Lufthansa ,

Ive heard good things about them as well.

Screw Delta man, I hate them...British Scareways is better ,lol
Novichok  4 | 8677
9 Dec 2021   #364
Screw Delta man, I hate them...

I will put up with anything as long as the crew speaks American. Did I mention that I hate everything foreign?
Joker  2 | 2447
9 Dec 2021   #365
I will put up with anything as long as the crew speaks American

The women on LOT do! Take you pick English or Polish and most of them are really cute too:)
When you fly on other airlines chances are your gonna get a homo ( skywhore) with a lisp. I remember these jobs were all taken by women when I was younger, now I want to puke.

Did I mention that I hate everything foreign?



What about Polish women? I like them and get along well, but Polish men, I have a real hard time getting along with most of them.
Miloslaw  22 | 5206
9 Dec 2021   #366
as long as the crew speaks American.

Sorry mate, no such language. American English is the closest you can get.
And despite a few unusual and over descriptive words you have adopted it is still English.the most widely spoken language in the world.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
11 Dec 2021   #367
It's a POLISH airline, get the name POLISH in the name??
Lufthansa's a GERMAN airline and the first language of the crew will be GERMAN!
Even if English is the language of international air travel, don't expect your Lot-flight attendant to sound as though she comes from Kansas.
Speak in your nearest NATIVE language, sir. Just remember, the best way around is (always) through:-)
Joker  2 | 2447
11 Dec 2021   #368
It's a POLISH airline, get the name POLISH in the name?

I enjoy the friendly Polish female flight attendants on LOT, not too bad on the eyeballs if you know what I mean:)

Lot-flight attendant to sound as though she comes from Kansas.

Last time I flew on Southwest Airlines...... I got a limp waisted flamer and his accent/lisp was totally annoying!

Ill take the foreign accent anytime before that:)
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2021   #369
don't expect your Lot-flight attendant to sound as though she comes from Kansas

They don't generally sound like that, since they speak International English rather than any local variety, especially from another continent. The LOT ones all have good English though; it's a condition of their employment.

not too bad on the eyeballs if you know what I mean:)

As are some of the ones with a Y chromosome. Y for yes. Nice tight uniform trousers, the planes have a good view from left and right and some of the stews are a good view from the front and back....
mafketis  38 | 11260
12 Dec 2021   #370
International English

aka the most boring language variety in the known universe....
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2021   #371
And the most widely spoken and understood.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2021   #372

To a point. BBC English with a limited lexical range. They do OK on LOT generally. On the long hall flights they have to deal with Chicago and NY speakers and on the short hall flights, people from all round Europe and plenty from Asia.

Haul not hall.
Novichok  4 | 8677
12 Dec 2021   #373
on the short hall flights,

What is the difference between "short-haul flight" and "short flight"?
BTW, you forgot a hyphen.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2021   #374
you forgot a hyphen.

Or chose not to use one. Short haul, long haul, that's what they're called.

Stop trying to argue for the sake of it. It's a bore.
jon357  72 | 23654
12 Dec 2021   #375

Remember that for cabin crew whether on LOT or any other airline, the goal above all is to be understood by all their passengers. Not to be interesting.

de-couple international English

It is largely.

For airlines, whether it's their cabin crew, their pilots speaking to ATC (and LOT had a big problem with that a few years ago), safety instructions or key information on their website, they have to be as widely and clearly understood as possible. And that is why they use standard English.
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Dec 2021   #376
Standard "World" aka "Internationalish", apropos my pod-people analogy from the '57 Don Siegel classic:-)

It's essentially English, robbed of all its husk and kernel:

stupid brave has replaced "foolhardy"
railroad bridge has largely replaced "trestle"
brothers and sisters instead of "siblings"
etc.. at least here in the States. The latter has been deemed "snobby" vs, the former which is now "cool" LOL
What makes English English has by in large disappeared from the current
lexicon among those under eighty!

As with the pod people, it looks like English, even sounds like English...
Joker  2 | 2447
13 Dec 2021   #377
Standard "World" aka "Internationalish", apropos my pod-people analogy from the '57 Don Siegel classic:-)

Why do you have to turn every thread into another language thread? It doesnt have anything to do with LOT now does it?
Lyzko  44 | 9723
13 Dec 2021   #378
Having traveled on numerous European carriers, I'd say language has EVERYTHNG to do with it, now and probably into the future!
Unlike Latin, the first truly "international" language (excluding math, of course), English has gotten literally whittled down to near nothing from sheer over-and misuse!
Fluent, or near unaccented airline lingo still doesn't mean that the flight attendants actually "speak" English, merely, that they've studied and perfected for their job only the bare minimum of what they absolutely need to know, that's all.

Depart from the script and see what often happens.
Joker  2 | 2447
13 Dec 2021   #379
Having traveled on numerous European carriers, I'd say language has

Well, Im glad I dont have to sit next to you:)

I never had a problem on LOT understanding any of their employees English. Actually, I rather enjoy listening to different accents and see if I can figure out where theyre from. I have the the whole UK down pat! I can tell the difference between Scousers and Mancs already. Irish is very specific, easily identifiable:)

The Slavic accents are hard! Try telling the difference between a Romanian and Pole speaking only English...or Russian...good luck
Lyzko  44 | 9723
14 Dec 2021   #380
I too enjoyed listening to the accents of foreign flight attendants, on MALEV for instance, AUSTRIAN AIR etc., if for no other reason to try to figure out what the deuce they were saying!
Joker  2 | 2447
24 Dec 2024   #381
The worst cheap-airlines..

LOTs new dreamliner was very nice, kinda crampy unless you upgrade. They have a monitor built into the seat so you can watch movies.

I have a new favorite domestic airline....MDA:):)

  • 469865413_5972792194.jpg
Alien  26 | 6527
24 Dec 2024   #382
I have a new favorite domestic airline....MDA:):

10 million won't fit there.

Home / Travel / Why does everyone seem to hate LOT Polish Airlines?
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