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What are the best countries to live in?

Novichok  4 | 8677
16 Oct 2021   #31
That is why I wouldn`t trade Poland for anything else.

That's why it has to be done early.

My country, my home, my castle etc.

My home is where my DNA lives and the woman who helped me spread it - aka my wife.
Castles are bs. There are many people in Zakopane who never made it to Gubalowka or Morskie Oko.
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Oct 2021   #32
That's why it has to be done early.

Why has to? :):)

many people in Zakopane who never made it to Gubalowka

Proofs, please. :):)

Besides, you don`t need to go to Gubałówka summit to feel that Zakopane and Poland are your country, home and castle. You just know the summit is there and you can visit it any time you wish. You live in Pocahontas or what`s-its-name, I don`t remember now. Have you visited all its districts yet??
pawian  226 | 27817
16 Oct 2021   #33
You live in Pocahontas

Or Pasadena? Palpatine??? I know it begins with P.
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Oct 2021   #34
have spent all your life i

That's the key. If you leave, the longer you're away, the harder it is to return.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Oct 2021   #35
In German exist meine Heimat-my Homeland and mein Zuhause-my home. For me is Poland my Homeland but Germany my home.
Novichok  4 | 8677
17 Oct 2021   #36
Why has to? :):)

OK. Should.
Alien  26 | 6527
17 Oct 2021   #37
Jeremy Clarcson considers expat to Poland !!!?
jon357  72 | 23654
17 Oct 2021   #38
Jeremy Clarkson

Poland had better start organising some self-defence training for hotel and TV staff then, in case he hits somebody else because his steak isn't ready.

He's the worst thing to come out of my home town since, well, ever.
Atch  22 | 4299
18 Oct 2021   #39
I reckon we are about equal and both above Ireland!

Waiting for a taxi in Ireland:

As the lad says 'ah sure what would you want to go home for?'

Absolutely best country in the world :))
mafketis  38 | 11260
18 Oct 2021   #40
Waiting for a taxi in Ireland:

Just what I want when I'm tired and just want to get home and crash.... a full blown hootenanny! My only question is where are the haystacks?
Atch  22 | 4299
18 Oct 2021   #41
And you won't have any better luck if you're waiting for a taxi in Dublin ;-)
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #42
And how does Poland rate with you?

I can't imagine raising my children anywhere else or living abroad permanently. I travelled a lot and lived in Ireland for 3 years but the more countries I visited the more I actually appreciated Poland, with her natural beauty, rich culture, Christian heart, and this elusive something that soothes my soul, when I smell morning air by a Kashubian lake on a rainy summer day, buy a serving of pierogi at a local agricultural fair or attend a Mass with my family.

As Pawian said...

I wouldn`t trade Poland for anything else. My country, my home, my castle etc.

As for the foreign countries I've been to, my best memories are from: Ireland, Italy and Russia. Oh, and of course Czechia is lovely as well, but I don't really consider them foreign. ;)
Bobko  27 | 2215
10 Dec 2023   #43
Depends on what one means by "live".

America is definitely not a good country to "live" in, but it provides potentially more opportunity than any other place.

Similarly in Russia - Russia may not be as nice a place to live as Georgia, or some place like Kyrgyzstan (I love Kyrgyzstan) - but the opportunities are simply on a different scale in Russia.

So for me, it depends on your system of moral coordinates, and where you are in your life at that point.

When I visited Hawaii, I thought I had discovered paradise on Earth. Perfect climate, stunning views, warm people, amazing food....

But after being there for two weeks I wanted to hang myself. I started to view the locals with extreme contempt, for their laidback lifestyles, and couldn't wait to get back to NY.

So for me, with no kids, no wife, and still relatively young parents - the best place to live is where I can maximize my potential.
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Dec 2023   #44
where I can maximize my potential.

As a troll on PF? Come on, man, find something else to do.
Bobko  27 | 2215
10 Dec 2023   #45
Come on, man, find something else to do.

If I can't be a troll for Russia, I would like to become a bodybuilder.
Torq  10 | 1236
10 Dec 2023   #46
a bodybuilder


And when I'm not trolling for Poland, I spend my time as a handsome heartbreaker without mercy.
mafketis  38 | 11260
10 Dec 2023   #47
As a troll on PF?

A small dream.... but he's living it!
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Dec 2023   #48
When I visited Hawaii, I thought I had discovered paradise on Earth. Perfect climate, stunning views, warm people, amazing food....

Paradise (def.) - a place where I don't see Asians, blacks, and Latinos in every damn TV commercial, faggot flags in every mall, non-binary a-holes on every street, an obligatory gay black dude in every sitcom, a 100-pound chick beating the crap out of six guys with guns, and where people don't wave their hands when they speak.
Alien  26 | 6527
10 Dec 2023   #49

Hmmm...Have you just described Poland?
Novichok  4 | 8677
10 Dec 2023   #50
Yes! You are a genius!
Alien  26 | 6527
12 Feb 2024   #51
You are a genius!

Finally, someone appreciated me, although when driving through Szczecin today I had the impression that it was far from paradise. Although on the German side there is also squealing poverty. At least in Mecklenburg.
OP Miloslaw  22 | 5206
12 Feb 2024   #52
No, Poland is no Eden and neither is any other country in Europe,North America or Australasia.
But if I was forced to pick a country, despite all the chaos within them, I would pick England, France or Italy. and yes, maybe Ireland...not perfect by far, but much better than the alternatives.

At least you can have a quality of life in those countries.
Joker  2 | 2447
12 Feb 2024   #53
I would pick England,

I enjoyed visiting Ireland and England it was always fun and has a lot of scenic beauty.

We might just visit York again this year:)
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Feb 2024   #54
At least you can have a quality of life in those countries.

You're saying you can't have a quality of life in Poland?

no wonder pawian calls you names....
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Feb 2024   #55
have a quality of life in Poland?

A really nice quake of life even. Compared with London where prices are crazy and there are too many people, Warsaw is a dream.

Poland can have its challenges, however on the whole it's an easy place to live.

In another thread yesterday, I wrote a barbed reply to Mopey Rich but you posted just before me and it looked like I was being snarky with you. I wasn't, and hope you weren't too offended.
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Feb 2024   #56
Warsaw is a dream.

So few Muslims and other scum...99.9% white...If they could just deport foreign LGBTs...
mafketis  38 | 11260
13 Feb 2024   #57
So few Muslims

Unlike Moscow.....
Novichok  4 | 8677
13 Feb 2024   #58
Unlike Moscow.....

Muslims in Russia, like their brothers in the US, are good Muslims - to scared to act like the violent morons in the UK, France, and Germany.

A while back, I went to the mosque in Des Plaines, was given a tour, watched them pray, and felt I was among friends.
To my pleasant surprise, everything was in English.
jon357  72 | 23654
13 Feb 2024   #59
other scum

Yes, you left.

It's perhaps the most diverse city in Poland and we're well rid of you.
Bobko  27 | 2215
13 Feb 2024   #60
Best place to live in the world is either Kyrgyzstan or Montenegro.

However, I must say I am very partial to mountains.

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