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Various education and school issues in Poland. Opinions, stories, controversies.

OP pawian  226 | 27817
30 Jul 2020   #211
nd she counted that kids in her class have to deal with 6 different methods of transferring information from teachers to students.

That`s the norm, also in our school. Teachers were left on their own, without any support from PiS Ministry so no wonder everybody developed their own system.

kids will move directly between classes,kids won't have breaks outside the classroom, and there won't be any assemblies or other large gatherings of kids.

Soon, after a few weeks, kids will say it is Gulag camp law. :) hahaha
Seriously, it might work with the youngest from grades 1- 3. Older grades, let alone high schools, will sneeze at those rules. haha So, theory goes one way and practice another. It is so typical of PiS.

If they're coming to świetlica,

In my Repetytorium Maturalne, it is called common room. Is it a proper term or the authors duped us?
delphiandomine  86 | 17823
30 Jul 2020   #212
Teachers were left on their own, without any support from PiS Ministry so no wonder everybody developed their own system

I do partially blame schools for this. It shouldn't have been difficult for headteachers to sit down with the Rada Pedagogiczna to come up with something viable and consistent, but it seems that many of them ducked out of their responsibilities. I've seen one article recently where a woman stated that she was 100% behind teachers until she saw how bad things were, and the thing that broke her was seeing the vice-director shopping during the school day in a shopping mall when the kids didn't have any online lessons at all.

Seriously, it might work with the youngest from grades 1- 3. Older grades, let alone high schools, will sneeze at those rules.

Ours won't have a choice, as they'll be told that these are the sanitary regulations and that anyone breaking them will be punished. I have a realm of annoying punishments for kids, including my favourite Scottish tradition - the punishment homework ;) The older ones will probably push it as per usual, but well, they better comply or else :D

In my Repetytorium Maturalne, it is called common room. Is it a proper term or the authors duped us?

Hmm. I think so, though the concept doesn't really exist in British English - it would be an after-school club if anything. Common rooms are usually only for the oldest kids in high school. For instance, our high school common room was only for the oldest kids (16-18), while those in the first four years were banned from using it. There weren't any teachers there, but there were cameras.

It looked a bit like this: - and we would use it if we had a free period, or 'window' as you call them here. We had a lot of them - for instance, in my 5th year of high school, I had something like 6 windows throughout the week, and in the 6th year, I had one day where I had a lesson from 9-10:20, then I was free until 2:40, then another class until 16:00. Usually in winter, I'd just stay in the common room because it was too cold to walk home.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #213
A new idea by the government. The situation will be evaluated by local governments in each county(powiat) and they will decide if the schools and other public facilities shgould be open in September.

I read a lof ot opinions by virus pandemic experts and they are unanimous that with the current rate of infections coming back to school would be very risky, some say madness.

including my favourite Scottish tradition - the punishment homework ;

Do they have to draw medieval Scottish warriors in their copybooks? haha

Common rooms are usually only for the oldest kids in high school.

Wow, good to know.

We had a lot of them - I had something like 6 windows throughout the week,

Another wow. In Polish school it is out of question - students mustn`t have any gaps between lessons.
mafketis  38 | 11260
3 Aug 2020   #214
if the schools and other public facilities shgould be open in September.

Be careful, in some western countries (like my own sadly) this is going to be used to close physical schools and replace them with youtube channels....

If teachers have any sense at all they'll be demanding that physical schools reopen on schedule.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #215
I will accept whatever life brings. :)
mafketis  38 | 11260
3 Aug 2020   #216

It'll be bring unemployment if teachers aren't careful.... (look for a bunch of 'kids love remote learning' articles as a sign they're about to axe schools).

The ongoing dismantling of the nation state means the government no longer accepts the obligation of educating children (think about that and all the implications that come from it very carefully.

Poland is far from the forefront of said dismantling but it's going to happen unless Polish people are ready to push back.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
3 Aug 2020   #217
It'll be bring unemployment if teachers aren't careful..

Actually, I don`t care. I will manage, as always in my life, with God`s help and my own persistence. :)

think about that and all the implications that come from it very carefully.

No, it is a pessimist view while I prefer to look on the bright side of life. hahaha
Besides, I won`t work too long now - it is closer for me than further. I have already spent 30 years in education. That`s one of the reasons I don`t care

mafketis  38 | 11260
3 Aug 2020   #218
Just remember that one of the reasons for physical public schools is to help recognize children in trouble from abusive or dysfunctional families... are you okay with that disappearing?
cms neuf  2 | 1943
4 Aug 2020   #219
I think every parent in the country will push back - I think millions of people are promising themselves a nice day on 2nd September. Peaceful breakfast, morning in bed with the missus and drinking in the afternoon

It shouldn't be left to regional authorities - it would create totally unfair decisions. We elected a central government and they can take a decision for all Poles.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
4 Aug 2020   #220
recognize children in trouble from abusive or dysfunctional families... are you okay with that disappearing?

That`s an important issue but if the government decrees no physical schools, who am I to fight the idea? I am just dust which will turn into ash. They always know better. :)

It shouldn't be left to regional authorities - it would create totally unfair decisions

This decision certainly has its pros and cons.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2020   #221
recognize children in trouble from abusive or dysfunctional families... are you okay with that disappearing?

Now, from a different angle. I just read an article full of opinions by parents who are scared shytless about their kids coming back to physical schools. Those kids suffer from various serious diseases which might kill them when enhanced by covid. Also, parents can have such diseases or grandparents.

How do you feel about it?
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2020   #222
The topic of slavery, racism and discrimination against blacks is important in Polish school curriculum for English classes. During each stage of education, students should discuss it a few times.

So, guys, it is not only me who tells those stories. Who am I, btw? Dust which will turn into ash one day. Thousands of Polish teachers of English discuss those topics with hundred thousand students each year. You can`t kill them all.

Check those pages: former junior high school and current senior high school. Both books are British made for the Polish market.

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dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2020   #223
topic of slavery, racism and discrimination against blacks is important in Polish school

No its no its not its only important in English and American schools, Poland had Bugger all to do with the slave trade unlike Britain and America who profited hugely.

So you are teaching Polish kids that they are responsible for something they or their parents have nothing to do with.

You are better of teaching them that the word slave comes from slav where once we were the ones being sold.

But of course not because you have a leftard Marxist agenda. Buhaaahahabuhaaa
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2020   #224
But of course not because you have a leftard Marxist agenda. Buhaaahahabuhaaa

But all 600.000 Polish teachers are like that. Is that wrong? What can we do about it??? hahahaha

You are better of teaching them that the word slave comes from slav

That`s History teachers` duty. Do you want me to deprive them of their jobs??? hahahaha

where once we were the ones being sold.

yes, being sold, by our chiefs who didn`t need us. hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2020   #225
But all 600.000 Polish teachers are like that. Is that wrong

Then explain why PIS are in power , and also just recently have won the presidential elections , all I can say is that 600,000 of you are pretty damn useless, what a joke lol

All you teachers have done is kept pis in power for the last five years.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2020   #226
Then explain why PIS are in power , and also just recently have won the presidential elections ,

Because those youngsters whom we have taught are still too young to vote or not numerous enough to turn the tide. Still PiS is chosen by millions of voters who spent the prime of their lives in communism. Bolsheviks vote for neo bolsheviks, simple. hahaha

But watch the results of 2023 elections! The new generation of patriotic youth, educated by 600.000 Polish teachers, will sweep fekking neo bolsheviks from the surface of the Polish soil. hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2020   #227
communism. Bolsheviks

But you guys have been teaching the above crap since the second world war and you have still not moved your marxist agenda any further along in Poland , you would be better off working in the uk where you would be very welcome indeed.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2020   #228
teaching since the second world war

No, of course not, the old curricula were replaced with totally new ones only about 20 years ago. It is still too short to educate patriotic Poles who don`t fall for neobolshevik doctrines propagated by PiS.

But, did you notice that at the recent elections we were close? 10 millions of us against 10.5 millions bolsheviks??? That is a good prognosis for the future. That is why I am so optimistic.

you would be better off working in the uk

Yes, I know, I also did well in the US, but always prefered my homeland.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2020   #229
10 millions of us against 10.5 millions bolsheviks???

Yes it was close but to call almost 50% of your countrymen Bolsheviks is not a good footing for the future, when you may well win the elections.

I hope you teach your kids to respect the views and beliefs of others and not just call them Bolsheviks for not voting in a manner that pleases you.

Don't forget I have no political affiliation ,politicians are all to$$ers.

You know that the hardest part of winning a war is then making the peace.

But don't worry about Dolno if Poland goes full leftard commie again I will just jog on.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2020   #230
I hope you teach your kids to respect the views and beliefs of others

Exactly, that`s our duty here. That is why our students won`t vote for PiS which doesn`t respect independent views and beliefs. How simple, isn`t it? hahahaha

Don't forget I have no political affiliation ,politicians are all to$$ers.

no, of course you haven`t . hahaha
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2020   #231
no, of course you haven`t . hahaha

Only one rule Pawian, better dead than red.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
6 Aug 2020   #232
Exactly, red and brown. That is why I oppose PiS and will forever.
dolnoslask  5 | 2805
6 Aug 2020   #233
Carry on whatever rocks your boat, I didn't vote for them or the last lot.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
13 Sep 2020   #234
3 of my students are currently on a quarantine - all 3 are close friends, girls, a boyfriend of one of them was diagnosed positive.

How do we resist covid?

In our school both teachers and students have to wear face protection. When students sit alone they can remove it but only when the teacher consents. I wear a big shield all the time which is OK except hot and humid days - then I feel I sweat under it too much.

Also, students have to stay in their classrooms during short breaks, but can go out into the yard during long breaks if the weather permits. They stay in the same classroom all day. If a change takes place, the desks are cleaned.

All people are required to disinfect hands upon entry and later on too - automatic dispensers stand in corridors and there are spray bottles or wall dispensers in each classroom etc.

What else? Of course, mass gatherings in the auditorium are out of question. One small classroom has been turned into an isolation ward in case a student is suspected of being infected. We don`t measure temperature - it is a useless method which checks nothing, in fact.

I have noticed people follow most regulations except 2 metre distance - it is impossible to keep it in such places as most Polish schools - too many students in too narrow passages/corridors. Thank you, PiS - it was them who deformed the system and created mamooth facilities with hundreds or even nearly one thousand students.

Polish experimental approach is described here:
Dirk diggler  10 | 4452
14 Sep 2020   #235
The topic of slavery, racism and discrimination against blacks is important in Polish school curriculum for English classes.

No it's not. Most Poles could give two ***** about black peoples' complaints for something a tiny minority of whites did centuries ago.

The only thing that Polish people need to know about slavery has already been taught in the movie Chlopaki Nie Placza which perfectly explains the fact that the blacks in the USA are the descendants of people who are so stupid and useless that they managed to get caught by a guy with a net in their own backyard or were sold off by their own chiefs since he had more use for some tobacco leaves than lazy dindus.
OP pawian  226 | 27817
14 Sep 2020   #236
No it's not.

Yes, it is. Who`s the teacher here - you or me? hahahaha

in the movie Chlopaki Nie Placza

Such movies, though an excellent black comedy, aren`t mentioned in curricula for any type of school in Poland. hahaha
OP pawian  226 | 27817
10 Oct 2020   #237
Many people feared that the government would announce the closure of schools on today`s conference. No, they didn`t do it - the rules haven`t changed - head teachers are entitled to close the school after consulting local Sanepid stations. I read that several schools closed without that consultation and nothing happened.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
13 Oct 2020   #238
@Dirk diggler
That's where you are wrong, just as @pawian clearly points out what is shown at school, Poles (slavs in general, take a guess why slavs are called slavs in English) were captured and sold off as slaves before slavic states started to exist.

Servitude without locked chains are not the same as having a healthy framework with boundaries.

There is a difference of owning a human being and looking at that human being as a product compared to owning each other's hearts like two lovers.

That you don't feel empathy or sympathy towards anyone who's ancestors experienced slavery, wether under the boot of communists, fascists, emperors or any tyrannical regime begs the question: Who are you?
13 Oct 2020   #239
Bs, slavs comes from the word "slovo" meaning "word" as in "people possessing the (slavic) languages". Most of us call Germans a variant of "mute people" (niemcy, немци etc), i.e. ppl who speak a different language to us slavic speakers.
Mr Grunwald  33 | 2134
13 Oct 2020   #240
«Słowianie" derives from the world słowo or sława

I was talking about the origin of how foreigners portray Poles and slavs. In the English language, one doesn't say: "Fielder/Fieldner" but Pole

It's about perspective, and I wasn't saying it was a right one either

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