For which State.
Fortunately, and thank Goddess, they don`t need to learn the particular features of each state. If they needed to, they would be able to enroll at most American universities already at the age of 15. hahahaha
Do they realize that most States in America are larger than most countries in Europe
I suppose those brighter ones do. :):):):) Less bright ones don`t care about such banalities. Australia is bigger than any American State - so what???
Do they know mainland America is 3000 miles long and 2000 miles
Looking at the map of Americas, let alone of the world, they probably realise that they are big continents. But they certainly don`t count the size in miles. Forget it. :):):)
How about the Midwest plains or the Great Lakes ?
They will learn about it in high school. Don`t be so impatient, johhny - give them more time. :):):)